Chapter Twenty Five

1150 Words
The dark woods were farther away than I thought. No wonder why we had to leave so early. After a tense hour drive to the air port, we had a sixteen hour flight to Scotland. I'd never been on a plane. And neither me nor my lycan were too thrilled about it. Actually we were both pretty adamant we were not getting on the flying metal death trap.  I mean be honest. It was a 400 ton metal bird. I don't care how many engines it had, I didn't care about the statistics , whatever that was, of airplane deaths or crashes. And I didn't care about any of the people cursing and complaining behind us. I was not getting in that thing. If I was going to die, I would die with my feet on the ground where I actually had a chance at survival. Not plummeting from thirty thousand feet in the air trapped inside a metal bird.  "Fallon, we must get on the plane." Eli pleaded. I just glared at him. "No." I said firmly, making the people behind us shout in frustration. "Fallon, I really, really didn't want to pull this card. But think about what would happen if we didn't show up when we were summoned." Lucas whispered. I thought about his words carefully. If we didn't show up when we were basically demanded to, they would come for us. But what would they do? Try to hurt us? Kill us?  A sound half way between a growl and a groan escaped me as I threw my head back in defeat. "Fine. But don't blame me if we get stuck in Scotland." I huffed, storming past them. I heard their chuckles behind me as I stormed ahead down the narrow walkway and through the bay doors.  Inside the plane was worse than I imagined. It was crowded and smelt of sweat, body odor and too many body sprays to count. Conversations, babies crying, children throwing tantrums, people shouting, it was all too much. I gave the lady standing at the door a tight smile, that looked like it scared the poor girl. She read my ticket and informed me I was in first class. I had no idea what that meant. Thankfully another lady was kind enough to lead the way through the crowded plane.  When we came out at the front I sighed in relief. It was an open area. No one else was here, it smelled fresh with no lingering smells of what we just passed through. The seats weren't crowded together like puzzle pieces and there was actually space to walk and breath. And as I walked around, I noticed there was actually a small room with a bed. An actual freaking bed. At least if this death trap crashed I'd die in my sleep. I thought morbidly.  I was just taking my seat as far away from the window as I could get when the guys walked through the curtain. "Well, at least the council wants us to travel in style." Xavier mused, taking the seat beside me. I don't know what he meant by that, but I was wondering if maybe they meant to kill us before we even got to the gathering.  "Fallon, everything will be alright." Eli assured me sitting on my other side and taking my hand. I wanted to scoff at him, but I knew he was only trying to make me feel better, so I squeezed his hand back in return. "You never know. You may end up enjoying flying once we get in the air." Lucas chimed in. This time I did scoff. Ya, I didn't see that happening. I preferred to live my life with my feet firmly planted on the ground.  "Fallon, unless we are summoned again, I promise you'll never have to fly again." Alaric vowed. I turned to look into his icy blue eyes and saw nothing but sincerity in their blazing depths. I see his walls were still clearly in place, but he cared enough to help stop anyone from making me fly again. "Thank you Alaric."  I kept silent for the remainder of the flight. Well most of it at least. I mostly just watched as the guys talked and played a game called poker. I'd never heard of it, and just watching them play gave me a headache. And when they moved on to a game called rummy I just gave up. There was no way I was going to understand what they were doing. So with a deep breath I looked out the small window.  My breathing froze. We were so high up. The view during the day would probably be intimidating. But at night, right now with the dim light of the moon lighting up the sky the view was amazing. We flew above the dark blue clouds, giving me a clear view of the full moon and night sky. The milky way shone bright along side the stars. It was wonderful, not something I would want to do again, but something I would enjoy while I could.  "It's quite the view isn't it." Eli said. I turned to face him smiling. "Yes, it's beautiful. But don't think it's something you'll be ab;e to bribe me with. Once is enough." I laughed. "I understand." Eli responded sitting beside me and pulling me onto his lap. I snuggled into him, resting my head on his chest with a yawn. "Are you tired?" He asked. I nodded, cuddling closer into and closing my eyes with a sigh. Eli laughed "Come on, you can get some sleep before we get there."  Oh, right there was a bed, I remember now. I thought as Eli picked me up and carried me to the small room that held the bed. He lay me on the bed before laying down himself and pulling me close to his side. I cuddled into him, laying my head on his chest. Eli rubbed his fingers lightly up and down my arm, leaving goose bumps trailing behind him. I shivered, my body heating under his touch.  Wanting nothing more than to feel him, I ran my hand under his shirt and along the plains of his chest and abs. Damn this man was perfect. He was nothing but lean muscle, not a bit of body fat to be seen or felt. Eli's sharp intake of breath told me he like the feel of my skin on his as much as I did. But we both knew here and now wasn't the time or place.  Sighing, I snuggled deeper into Eli's side and wrapped my arm around his chest holding him firmly to me. He laughed. "I am not going any where Fallon." He said kissing the top of my head. "I am yours." I smiled broadly, as I closed my eyes. Mine. He was mine. 
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