Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Come on Fallon, let's get this over with." Xavier said placing his hand on the small of my back and urging me forward. Yeah, somehow I don't think he'd be saying that if he'd saw what I had. But could I say anything about what I saw without them thinking I was crazy? There was nothing there now, not even a sign of anything amiss. But I know what I saw, my lycan knew there was something there. The guys just didn't know.  "Guys, I really don't want to go in there." I whispered. "Something is in there, it's watching us." I said lowly. Eli gave me a concerned glance. "What do you mean Fallon?" He asked. I clasped my hands together in front of me nervously. "When we got out of the car I saw something. A blur of grey darting between tress, red milky hazed eyes staring at us through the darkness. I know it's called the dark woods for a reason, and I know what you told me. But something is watching us Eli. And it's not happy we're here."  I don't know how I knew that, but I did. It was almost like I could feel the creatures hostility, its hate. Whatever it was it didn't have good intentions for anyone who entered it's domain, and I had no intention of finding out what it had in mind as punishment. "Fallon, we have no choice." Eli said. His tone between defeated and on edge. I knew he was right, of course I knew. But was going to the council really worth the wrath of unknown supernatural creatures? Did anyone know of the creatures that lived within the woods?  I balled my hands into fists at my side and scanned the woods. There was no sign of any of the creatures from before. I strained my already heightened hearing and heard nothing but the chattering and scurrying around of the animals that lived there. None of that meant we wouldn't run into the creatures I saw though. "Fine." I sighed. "But, if any of those creatures pose a threat, if they try anything. I can't promise anything will be kept hidden." I whispered the last part.  They all nodded in understanding but their eyes glazed with concern at my words. I knew the risks of exposing myself. But if something were to happen on the way to the gathering grounds what difference would it make? Their lives would be in danger wither way.  Darkness descended on us like a blanket the minute we entered the woods. It was almost as if the sun couldn't exist here. The density of the forest blocked out any and all light that could penetrate the canopy of the trees. It was eerie and unsettling, making every sound more ominous than it would have been had any light been shining through.  "I don't like this." I whispered, afraid to disturb the creatures that lived here. "Hopefully the grounds aren't far." Xavier replied scanning our surroundings. There really wasn't much to look at. The trees were so dense and so clustered it was hard to make out anything in between them. The only opening was the small trail that had been cut out that we were walking on.  And if the council had done this, and cleared enough land for a gathering, then I understood why the creatures were angry. They had entered the creatures territory, destroyed part of it for their own gain. I wouldn't blame the creatures if they retaliated. I just hoped the realized who had done the damage and who hadn't.  We'd been walking maybe ten minutes when I saw they grey blur again. But this time, it brought some of its friends. They darted around us, surrounding us completely, and yet no one seemed to notice. I looked between our small group and the blurred figures, no one paid them any attention. But why?  "Do y'all not see them?" I whispered. Everyone turned to me, including mini hulk, "See who?" He asked walking up to me. I looked around us, the blurred figures growing closer. "The grey blurs." I said, trying my best not to make myself sound crazy. Mini hulk and the guys scanned around us as the furrowed their brows. "Fallon there is nothing there." Eli said.  I shook my head. "Eli, I'm telling you. They are there, they have us surrounded." My eyes frantically darted around us, but the figures had stopped moving. All of them now seemed to have their attention fully on me. I stiffened. "Eli, I don't think they are supposed to be seen, and I don't think they like that I can see them."  I tried to back away, to go back the way we came but Alaric was behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled me into him, the others coming and boxing me in, blocking me from the grey blurs. "What are they? What do they want?" Lucas hissed. I narrowed my eyes at him anger taking place of fear. "I don't know Lucas. It's not like I stopped to have a conversation with them." I hissed. He turned to look at me his brow raised. "Good point." He said, shrugging off my anger.  "Where are they?" Mini hulk asked from in front of Eli. Well, it's not like I could see anything over the four men who had me trapped. "All I can see are shoulders and backs." I huffed. The guys chuckled but parted so I could see ahead of us.  I gasped and stumbled back, Alaric catching me. But it was too late. The figure stood before me. It had no face, it's smoke like body floating and quivering in front of me. It reached its hands out and grasped me on either side of my head. I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out. A voice however spoke in my mind.  "Who are you?" It asked, it's voice sounded far away. I didn't want to answer but I felt compelled to. "Fallon." I answered, knowing I said it mentally. My lycan didn't like the invasion. She growled and snapped at the intruder like she intended for it to be her lunch. "You are lycan." it said. Not a question, a statement of fact. "A lycan in the dark woods is rare. Your kind are welcomed by the spirits here, the other wolves are not. I suggest you get them out." It warned me.  "I can't. I have no control over them. I just recently found out I was a lycan. I was held captive for twenty years. The people who came here and done this, if they fins out about me right now they'll have me killed." The creature mumbled something incoherent. "These men with you. They mean something to you?" It asked. I tried to look but I couldn't move. "Yes. They are my mates. Except the really big one, he is just our escort."  "Well lycan I can assure you the spirits of the forest mean you nor your mates any harm. We will leave your escort alone until you reach where you're going. But as for the other creatures of the forest I can not guarantee yours or their safety." I tried to reply but before I could I felt as if I was dropped.  I could hear voices shouting at me from a distance, some calling my name, some saying something I couldn't quite make out. "Make it" no "take out"  oh "Wake up." it screamed. It wasn't until a loud SMACK and a searing sting seared through my cheek. I could hear the guys growls as I shot up right snarling at whoever hit me.  when I sat up and saw mini hulk in front of me, a smirk on his face I lost it. I balled my fist up and before I could blink I punched him hard enough across his jaw he was thrown onto his side. "Don't you ever, ever lay your hands on me again." I growled, getting to my feet. My guys laughed as they looked from me to mini hulk sprawled out on the ground in front of me. "We tried to warn you not to do that." Lucas chuckled.  "What the hell?" Mini hulk gasped rubbing his jaw as he sat up. "That hurt." The whine in his voice almost made me lose my composure and burst out laughing, but I managed to keep my face cold and impassive. "You're lucky your jaw is all I aimed for." I sneered. "What makes you think it's okay for you to slap me?" I demanded. "Well." He started as he stood to his feet. "You passed out, we couldn't get you to wake up. It worked didn't it?" He asked cockily.  "I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you." I barked. "Those grey blurs, they are the spirits of the dark woods, and they are not happy y'all are here." Eli turned me to face him, grasping my shoulders a little too tightly. "They spoke to you?" He asked.  I nodded. "Yes. Well one did. It said it didn't mind me here, and it nor the other spirits wouldn't hurt me or my mates. But the other wolves were free game. I don't know what they are planning, they didn't share that, but I do know they are not happy the council has destroyed part of their land for this gathering." Mini hulk walked over to me and stared down into my eyes. "And me?" He asked, almost sounding hesitant. I shook my head. "It said they would not hurt my escort." I didn't tell him the rest. Something told me if I told him the rest we would never get to where we were going.  Mini hulk nodded "Thank you." I furrowed my brow in confusion. "For what?" I asked. He ran his hand through his hair and blew air into his cheeks. "If it weren't for you, if you weren't with me, they probably would have gotten me already. It is thanks to you I am probably still alive."  Well, he had a point there. I can't say what will happen later on, but for right now he was safe.  "They did say though that the others might not be so welcoming. The spirits of the woods might welcome me, but the others won't. It didn't tell me what other creatures live here, but it didn't sound good."  And not two seconds after those words left my mouth did those hazy eyes make themselves known. This time everyone saw them. "These the eyes you were talking about?" Eli whispered, looking around us. I gulped, nodding my head.  Growls like I've never heard filled the air around us, along with the suffocating stench of sulfur and brimstone. Whatever these creatures were, they were not from this world. Their heavy foot falls surrounded us and we all spun in circles trying to determine just how many creatures we were about to face. But nothing could prepare us for what happened. When we finally got close to counting eyes, they slowly doubled, then tripled, like some had just been keeping their eyes closed, hiding their presence from us. We were screwed. 
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