Chapter five- Lucas pov

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As I placed the skeletal like girl on the bar I realized just how tiny she was. Ya, she was bone thin, but it wasn't just that she was short, really short. I stand six foot three inches tall, this girl couldn't be anymore that five feet. She was nervous, using her unusually long hair as a curtain to block all of us our as she studied her surroundings. Her confusion was easy to see in her furrowed brows and scrunched up nose. It would be cute if she looked more like a girl and less like a walking skeleton with skin.  As Eli approached and spoke to her, calming her down I studied her reaction to him. She was uncomfortable around him like she was with us, but she seemed intrigued by him. Whenever he looked away she watched him as if she could see through him, read him without him speaking to her. And what surprised me more was, she could hold eye contact with him for an extended period of time. No one, not even the wolves have been able to hold eye contact with Eli.  Eli was the alpha of our small pack, but one of the most powerful alphas in the US. We were only a pack of four, but we were four of the strongest wolves around. And having such a small pack wasn't unusual. You read these storied were wolf packs grow into the hundreds and thousands, that's not true. Most alphas prefer to keep their packs small and intimate. They liked to keep those closest to them in their pack. Brothers, sisters, parents and their mates.  Our pack aren't blood, but we are brothers. We have been together for years. Eli was an outcast, never really accepted by the wolf society and he has taken all of us in over time. None of us really fit in to the norm or wolf society, not conforming to their point of view or way of thinking. Officially making us a threat, because we were quickly gaining supporters.  The council, by order of the twisted and messed up royals wants to fix the she wolf problem, but want to go about it the wrong way. They want to make it to where wolves could just take which ever female they decide is worthy, with or without their consent, and no matter their race. Again another misconception about wolves. We do not get this instant connection to a woman. We don't have destined mates or the irresistible urge to mate and have pups upon eye contact. No, we choose our mates, and our wolf either accepts our decision or declines. We can not have a mate our wolf does not agree with, it would end badly for the woman if we tried.  A sudden bang and startled yelp pulled me from my thoughts and back to the present. "What happened?" Xavier's gruff voice called as he rushed into the kitchen. I suppressed the urge to growl at him for startling the girl. "Xavier." Eli scolded, his voice calm but held authority. "You scared the girl half to death. I could have hurt her more than she already is with the way you entered the house."  Eli whispered soothing words to Fallon trying to calm her so he could tend to her wounds. She finally calmed and pulled her legs away from her chest revealing her deeply cut leg. Xavier growled and the sight of her leg, scaring the girl once again. Eli quietly but intently demanded Xavier go and wait int he other room. He would get nothing done otherwise.  He finished rather quickly, with her not so much as whimpering as he stitched her leg. She either had a pain thresh hold through the roof, or she has been through enough pain that this didn't bother her. And to top everything off this poor girl didn't even know what a shower was. Who don't know what a shower was? Someone who wasn't allowed one. My mind answered, making me cringe. I shook my head and shrugged off the wall to go catch Xavier up on what happened. "Hey man." I said clapping his shoulder before sitting across from him. His brown eyes were glowing with anger, his hands clenched into fists as he trembled with barely held control. "What happened?" He repeated his question from earlier.  I told him what happened, from what happened with the meeting with Trevor's pack, the plans the council and royals have, to how we found Fallon curled up in the middle of the street. I let him know we didn't know the extent of her injuries until we got her under the headlights, and they were much worse than we thought. We feared, or more I feared she was dying. Apparently I was wrong.  Eli, sighed heavily as he fell into the seat beside me. "Fallon is asleep." He said pinching the bridge of his nose. "This isn't a good idea." Alaric said flatly. "We know nothing about this girl." I gaped at him. "So you think we should have left her in the middle of the road to die?" I asked. Alaric straightened "No, of course not. I'm just saying someone could have sent her to intercept us, to infiltrate our pack and cause chaos." Eli scoffed. "You can not possibly think she done all the damage to her body herself, or had someone do it just to get to us."  Alaric narrowed his eyes at Eli. "No. I believe her wounds were inflicted against her will. But it does not change that her appearance is too coincidental."  Xavier growled at Alaric. "She is a woman. What harm could one woman do to the four of us?" He asked through clenched teeth. "More than you know." Alaric replied as he turned and left the room. "He's too wound up and suspicious of everyone." I mumbled slouching against the couch. Eli chuckled "He is our protector, what can you expect? It is his job to be careful and suspicious. Just as it is your job to be open minded and diplomatic with you being our peace keeper. And Xavier's job to be our hunter and hunt anyone who dare cross our boarder. We all have our jobs, Alaric just takes his more serious than most."  I knew he was right, Alaric has been through a lot in his life. He never speaks about it, never even told Eli. But I knew just by looking into his eyes. He has built walls so high and so thick no one could ever even dream of breaking through. But I saw it. Saw the anger and pain in his eyes when he saw Fallon's injuries. He would never admit it, but he cared what this woman went through, and he wanted to help her. 
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