Chapter Six- Fallon's pov

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I slowly woke, not really wanting to get up from whatever cloud I'd found myself on. I haven't slept as well as I did last night in a very long time and I didn't want it to end. But the events of yesterday quickly caught up to my muddled sleep filled brain causing me to jerk upright. The sudden movement made a wave of dizziness swim through my head. I groaned and grabbed my head, trying to stop the room from spinning.  I took time this morning to study the room the men had put me in. The walls were an off white color and bare other than a few paintings here and there, a night stand was beside the bed with a lamp on top. A single door was across the room with what I assumed was a dresser beside it. On the wall to the side of the bed were two glass doors with a white see through material hanging over over them, I could see the small space beyond, just enough to walk on and maybe enough for a chair. What did they call that again? Not a porch, that was something on the bottom floor. No, a door on a top floor that led to the outside? I racked my brain for the word, I know what that is.  A balcony! I almost shouted in glee. I've always wanted a room with a balcony. There has always been something about nature that calmed me. Even though I hadn't seen it for many years, I could smell the grass on my captors clothes. Smell the rain and the leaves from fall. I swear in some ways I could also smell the sunshine, though I knew that wasn't possible.  I smiled to myself as I tossed my legs over the side of bed, I wanted nothing more than to go outside and watch the sunrise. But as soon as my weight landed on my leg, it buckled. I hit the floor, hard. I forgot about my leg. I winced as I pulled my hurt leg out from under me, pulling the shirt up to check the wound. It looked fine. It wasn't bleeding, the sewing Eli did was still intact and not broken, so I assumed I was fine.  Using the nightstand I hauled myself to my feet, well more like my foot and dropped heavily onto the bed. Glancing around the room I looked for anything that could help me walk, help keep weight off my leg so I didn't have to hop around like some kind of rabbit. When there was nothing I sighed in defeat and grabbed the paper and pencil from the nightstand, needing to occupy my time.  I've always loved to draw, or paint. Other than reading it was one of the few things they allowed me to do. I use to always draw landscapes, or what I thought landscapes would look like. But this time my mind could only conjure the guy's face. Eli, The way his black hair was haphazardly pushed back away from his face, the way his gold eyes stormed with emotions I could see he tried to hide, his high cheek bones, prominent and proud, his straight nose. Lucas, his short blonde hair, and warm brown eyes. His squared chin and slightly crooked but wide nose, the crinkles around his eyes when he smiled. And Alaric, I don't think I could ever draw his perfection, but I tried. His eyes were cold and almost emotionless, his features sharp and angular, formed to perfection. As for the man named Xavier, I never looked at him. His presence scared me. He sounded large, his tone gruff and angry. I shuddered at the memory.  I don't know how long I'd been sitting there drawing the men when I heard a light knock on the door. My eyes widened and I kept silent. "Fallon, may I come in?" Lucas's voice called from the other side. "Y..yes." I said voice weak. He must have heard me though because the door opened and he slowly made his way inside. "I came to help you down the stairs for breakfast." He said sitting on the edge of the bed. His eyes landed on the paper on my lap and heat flooded my cheeks.  I tried to cover the sketches, but he pulled the paper from under my hands and studied it. "You did these?" He asked. I nodded, looking down at my hands as I fumbled with my fingers. "These are exceptionally good Fallon. Where did you learn to draw like this?" I looked up at his, surprised at his praise. "I..I don't k..know. I ju..just know." I whispered. "Do you mind if I show this to the others?" He asked me gently. I shook my head, giving him a small smile. But him, his face lite up like a light bulb. "Great." He beamed. "Now come on, let's go eat."  Same as Eli, Lucas carried me down the stairs like a child. I can't say I minded, not because I can't walk right now, but because I enjoyed being cared for like this. No one has cared for me the way Eli and Lucas has in twenty years, and it felt nice. To actually feel warmth, and comfort from another person. To feel the sincerity in their energy and see it in their eyes, it warmed my heart. A heart I had long since learned to ignore, pretend wasn't there. Caring for anyone or anything where they held me only brought pain. Could I learn to care for these men? Would I even be here long enough to care? No, I said firmly to myself. No I can not care for them, because if I do and something happens I wouldn't be able to cope. "Hey guys." Lucas smiled, placing me in an empty chair before taking the one beside me. Which I was grateful for, I wasn't really comfortable sitting next to Alaric. "Look what Fallon did this morning." He passed the book to Eli as I looked down at my lap. Did I want to see their reaction? See the emotion that flared in their eyes they tried so hard to hide?  "Fallon?" Eli called, his voice almost questioning as he said my name. I looked up at his, his mask firmly in place, though I could see the strain it put on him. The way his forehead wrinkled as he furrowed his brow ever so slightly. The lines on the corner of his eyes, the dullness in his eyes. It's like he completely shuts himself off, but why? "These are incredible." He compliments. I smile lightly, and tip my head in thanks. No one has ever complimented my art before, now I get two in one day, I was thrilled.  I stiffen though as Eli passes the sketches to Alaric. He is the only one I didn't want seeing, the only one I didn't want a reaction from. I knew I didn't get his right, and how could I? No one could ever possibly recreate him. Michelangelo himself couldn't recreate Alaric, how could I ever hope to. As Alaric stares down at the sketches, his eyes twitch, his nostrils flare and his eyes harden. I could see as every muscle in his neck, shoulders and back tighten and coil as if he is a predator about to pounce his prey. He was angry, very angry.  But to my surprise and relief, he says nothing. He hands the paper back to me and nods. I'm stunned. Was that good? Did he acknowledge that it was good? Or was he angry I drew him less than perfect? I didn't, couldn't respond as I took the paper from him and placed it beside me. That's when my attention turned to the man I hadn't met yet, the one I refused to look at last night. If I thought the other men were big, this man was the hulk. I was as tall as he was wide, his muscles have muscles and probably more. He had long brown hair tied into a pony tail at the nape of his neck, his brown eyes were much different than Lucas. While Lucas's brown eyes reminded me of the earth, warm and comforting. Xavier's reminded me of melted chocolate. He was open and welcoming, nothing but concern and worry in them as he looked at me. And this is the man I was scared of?  "He..hello." I murmur to him, trying to be polite. "Hello Fallon. I'm Xavier. I'm sorry my behavior frightened you last night." This time while his tone had a gruffness to it, it was more smooth, and had a slight southern accent to it. I smiled, I actually liked it, I liked the sound of his voice, the slight twang from his accent when he spoke. "'s ok."  His eyes seemed to brighten when I smiled. "Now, what do you want to eat?" He asked. I looked at the table in front of me, it was filled with food. More food than I had seen since I was a child. Could I have anything? I wondered. "You may have anything you want." Eli said as if reading my thoughts. "Ca..can I ha..have some of" I stuttered out. I mentally slapped myself. I really need to stop stuttering, this was getting ridiculous. "Of course you can." Xavier interrupts as he spoons some of everything onto my plate.  Try as I might, I just could not eat everything Xavier put on my plate. But I didn't want to be rude and not eat what was given to me. Maybe I could wait a little while and come back to it, save it for later. Eat. My beasts urges. Need strength. I groaned at the whispers. How could she expect me to eat more? My stomach felt like it could burst at any moment. "Do not over do it." Eli warns. "You are severely malnourished. Over eating could hurt you when you are not use to it. Take it slow, your appetite will return." He assures. I sigh in relief, thank the stars.  I was still confused as to how I was going to get around, or what I was going to do. surely I wasn't expect to just sit here all day. I want to go outside, sit in the sun. "Would you like me to help you with your hair again?" Eli asks. "I can braid it for you." Xavier chimes in. I tilt my head to the side in confusion. "B..braid?" I asked. Xavier laughed as he got out of his chair and scooped me out of mine. "I'll help her Eli." Xavier said firmly. "Very well."  I was still confused as I sat on a stool and Xavier brushed the tangled from the night out of my hair. I had to admit it felt nice to have someone brush my hair, and my hair felt soft after Xavier put some kind of creme in it. Though I don't want to imagine how much of the bottle it took to cover my hair. "Lucas has to go to the store today. I'll have him pick you up some products for your hair, it'll help." He told me as he tugged and pulled on my hair. It didn't hurt, but it wasn't comfortable. "There, all done." He said, dropping something heavy and thick along my back.  I pulled my hair over my shoulder, revealing a long twisted looking knot. It was pretty, and it looked like it would help keep my hair out of my way. But would it hurt my hair? Would it come out? I studied it, turning it over and over in my hands, not fully understanding what was going on. I looked up to Xavier who was staring down at me in amusement. "Your hair is fine." He told me chuckling. "The braid is safe. It will keep your hair up, out of your face and from under your feet. You can even sleep in it and not have to worry about brushing it the next day."  "R..really?" I asked, excitedly. Xavier laughed. "Yes, really." I smiled again, before turning and looking around the room. It was a living room. A large 'L' shaped couch sat in the corner, a large TV was on the wall above a fireplace. The carpet was soft and brown, matching the gray of the furniture. It was cozy, but not where I wanted to be. "Ca..can I go o..out si..side?" I asked looking up into Xavier's chocolate eyes. He nodded, picking me up and carrying me out the door.  Outside he gently put me on a swing that under a tree. I was amazed at the colors. It must be fall. The reds, yellows and orange on the trees was bright against the blue sky. The sounds of the birds in the trees, sang to my soul, as squirrels scampered around gathering food for winter. Ducks honking in the sky as their 'V' shaped flight flew over my head. It was all so surreal, so beautiful. What I'd give to draw or paint the beauty that was around us right now. But right now, just being apart of it was enough. 
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