Chapter four- Fallon's pov

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Eli was just getting ready to pierce the needle in my leg when a loud and echoing bang ricocheted through the room. I yelped, pulling my legs up to myself and tucking my head in between them. "What happened?" A deep voice boomed, his heavy foot falls thudding into the room.  I clutched my leg tighter to myself, trembling at the sound of the man's voice. He sounded big, very big. "Xavier." Eli scolded, his voice calm but held authority. "You scared the girl half to death. I could have hurt her more than she already is with the way you entered the house." His heavy huff sounded beside me, making me whimper and cower away from him.  A gentle hand was placed on my knee "It is alright, he will not hurt you." Eli assured me. I looked up to his gold eyes though my hair. He seemed sincere, honest in his belief. I nodded, unfurling myself and allowing Eli access to my leg again. The man, Xavier growled when he saw my leg. I jumped at the sound, how could someone make such a sound?  Eli sighed. "Xavier, maybe you should wait in the other room." Anyone would think it was a suggestion, but his tone implied otherwise. It was a silent order, given as a warning. I didn't look up at the man, I didn't want to see him. Eli patted my leg. "This may hurt." He warned me. I nodded.  I felt the sharp sting when the needle pierced my skin, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I closed my eyes, grit my teeth together and evened out my breathing. This was nothing compared to what I'd been through, to what they'd done to me. I could feel their eyes on me as he sewed my leg closed. Their pointed gaze no doubt wondering how I was handling this so well.  "You handled that extremely well." Eli murmured. I didn't say anything. I mean, what could I say? That I'd been tortured the past twenty years that was nothing? I don't think that would go over well. They seemed to get upset that I was hurt. "Can I see your chest wound?" Eli asked putting the dirty needle away. My eyes widened at his words though. Why did he want to see my chest? That's not something I should show a man right? I may not know much but I knew a woman should not show a man her chest unless she wanted to.  I hugged my ragged shirt to me tightly, staring at Eli in shock and terror. He smiled gently. "I only need to see your wound parvulus, nothing more. It needs cleaned so it does not get infected." I hesitantly looked over to the two men standing on the far wall before looking back to Eli. None of them seemed like the type to do anything awful. If they wanted to hurt me they could have already.  Sighing in defeat i pulled my torn shirt apart just enough to reveal my long jagged wound. There was no doubt they would know what it was from, what was done to me. But what could I do? Eli sucked a breath in through his teeth, his eyes raged with storms. "What happened to you?" He asked quietly. I pressed my lips together and shook my head, using my hair as a screen to block them all away. "I hope you will tell us in time." Eli sighed, gently cleaning the wound with something cold and sharp smelling. Alcohol, I realized. It stung a bit, but it was bearable.  "Would you like to take a shower?" He asked me gently. I looked up to him and c****d my head to the side. What was a shower? "A..a Sho..shower?" I questioned. His eyes widened marginally. "Do you know what a shower is?" I shook my head keeping my eyes on him. Eli looked over to the two men who were leaning against the far wall, both of them wearing a look of disgust and horror, before turning back to me.  "A shower is something that helps you get clean. It is hot water and soap so you can wash yourself. Have you ever had a bath?" I nodded my head. Yes, I've had a bath. I remember those. But ever since the slayers got me I've only been able to clean with water and a cloth, nothing more. "Well then, would you like a bath?" I nodded again. I would love a bah, to wash my hair and get it clean. That would be amazing. But ti would take a long time. "Very well. Let me wrap your leg up. Now you can't get it wet so you'll have to sit with your leg propped on the side."  After Eli was done he carried me to the bathroom, telling me I shouldn't put any weight on my leg yet that it needed to heal. I didn't argue, being in his arms, having his warmth surround me, his scent of earth and rain felt right. He felt like home. He put me on the side if the tub and started the water, making sure the temperature was right. Then he grabbed bottles of stuff that he explained was body wash, shampoo for my hair and conditioner to make my hair soft. I thanked him as he put a towel on the sink and walked out.  The bathtub was very large, and I was small. So sitting with my leg propped up on the side was really hard and very uncomfortable. But the water felt amazing. It had this lift away nozzle that I used to clean myself. The water ran black for what seemed like forever. My hair took over an hour to clean and both bottles of hair stuff Eli gave me. But by the time I was done my hair and body was clean, the water now ran clear and I felt like a new person.  Eli told me not to put weight on my leg, so I hopped over to the sink to the towels he left me. Wrapping one over sized towel around my body that circled me twice and went down to my ankles, I used the other to dry my hair. I really didn't want to put the nasty clothes I had back on, and since the towel was so big and covered so much I decided it was enough. Opening the door I saw all four men were out there waiting for me. A startled yelp left me and I stumbled back. Instinct took over and I tried to take my weight on my hurt leg, which ended up buckling under me.  I closed my eyes waiting for my body to hit the ground but it never did. Opening my eyes, Eli was there, his arm around my waist supporting my weight. "I am sorry. We did not mean to scare you." He said calmly. "'s ok" I mumbled. "Come, we have you something to wear and a bed to sleep in." He said hauling me up into his arms again. He gently placed me in the bed handing me a shirt that looked to be as big as the bed itself. "This should fit you like a dress." He told me turning around so I could put it on.  No one else followed us into the room but I was still worried so I put the shirt on over the towel and pulled the towel from under it. "I..I'm do..done." I whispered. He turned around and smiled. "I brought a hair brush. I thought you would like to brush your hair." My eyes widened with glee and I reached my hands out eagerly and bounced on the bed like a child. Eli laughed as he handed me the brush. I haven't been able to brush my hair in years. "Would you want to cut it? It would be much easier to handle." He suggested.  "No." I almost shouted, clinging my hair to me. Eli looked as stunned at my out burst as I was, and I cringed putting my arms over my head expecting a blow. He gently moved my hands and held them in his. "I will not hit you." He assured me. "Will you tell me why you do not want to cut your hair?" He asked sitting on the bed beside me. "It w..was th..the only thi..thing I could ke..keep of my..myself." I stammered. "The..they to..took every..everything el..else."  Eli nodded as if he understood. "would you like some help then?" I smiled and nodded handing him the hair brush. "You do have beautiful hair." Eli said gently running the brush through my long hair. I smiled at his compliment. It was the only thing about myself I loved. My hair was as black as raven feathers and want down to my ankles. It was thick and wavy, and sometimes a little heavy but it was something I could handle.  "There, it is done." Eli said after a long while. I ran my hand through the silky strands marveling at how soft it felt. "Tha..thank you." I whispered. He climbed out of the bed and smiled. "Your welcome. Now get some rest. One of us will bring you something to eat up shortly." I smiled as he walked out the door shutting it behind him. I really liked Eli. He was sweet and caring. He was hiding a whirl wind of emotions and fears but he was so kind. I snuggled down into the bed that felt more like a cloud and sighed loudly. It didn't take me very long to fall into a deep dreamless sleep. 
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