Chapter Twenty Four

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"How long do we have until we have to be there?" I asked once we were all together for dinner. The air was tense and uncomfortable as the guys looked at me. "We will have to leave in the morning." Eli said rubbing his temples. "Surly it can't be that bad." I tired to argue. Alaric chuckled darkly. "Oh, you have no idea how bad this can be."  "Fine. So what do we do?" I demanded. "How can we go and still hide what I am from the council? I know how to hide my scent. Maybe that will help. I mean I still smell human to all of you right? I haven't unmasked my scent yet." In unison they raised their nose and sniffed the air. Surprise, shock then excitement crossed their features. "How have we not noticed that before now?" Xavier gasped.  A girlish giggle escaped me as I watched them argue back and forth at how they could have missed my scent not smelling lycan or wolf. They really must not have been paying too close of attention to me if they hadn't noticed, which means they had already trusted me at that point.  "Well if you can keep your scent hidden like this then we, you, should be just fine during the gathering. But if whoever turned us into the council revealed any of the supernatural abilities you exhibited then it may be for nothing, they'll know something. Either way we must pack and be ready to leave in the morning. It is essential we be rested and ready for anything when we make it to the gathering grounds tomorrow. This years gathering is to be held in the dark woods. Not a place that is to be taken lightly." Eli said with a grimace.  The dark woods? That did not sound good. If anything it sounded ominous and dangerous. Did I really want to go out there and figure out what lived out there? Figure out what could hurt me? Hurt the guys? Did I want to go all the way out there and see what risks the council posed to them? Steadying my breathing I gathered the courage to ask. "What is the dark woods?"  Eli gave me a sad look. "It is a haunted woods. Creatures reside within it. Spirits, creatures only found in myths. It is a dangerous place even for us. But the council think themselves invincible. They like to challenge out kind. They think the weak shouldn't survive that only the strong deserve a place in our world. It is an old and out dated way to run our world, but it is the way it is." He answered.  I nodded, understanding a little better the dangers the surroundings would have on us. "Alright. Well, what about the council. What dangers could they pose to us?" I asked.  "Well that depends on what they fins out and what they decide. If they think you're merely human with a few powers, they will more than likely welcome you as our mate. If they find out you're a lycan, they'll act like they accept you and revere you and some may. But once you are to face the royals you will be in sever danger."  Xavier answered this time. I shook my head. "You misunderstand." I said. "What danger do they pose to you? All of you, not me." The guys looked between each other before their gazes landed on me. "If they find out we've bee hiding a lycan it would mean our death." Eli answered.  I felt as my lycan rose. The heat of her anger swirled in my veins at his words, my vision hazed in clouds of red. A dark and vicious growl rumbled from deep within my chest. "Let them try." I said, my lycan's power infusing my voice giving it a hard and powerful edge.  The guys eyes widened as they took me in. They didn't flinch, the didn't cower away, they just stared. My lycan stayed close to the surface, her anger not wavering. She felt like the guys were in danger. I tried to assure her they weren't, not at the moment anyway, but it was taking some time to sink in. I was just happy the guys weren't afraid.  After what seemed like ages she wavered, her anger dying down as she curled back up into my mind and slept with a growl curling her lips. "You back now Fallon?" Alaric asked. I nodded. "Sorry." I said giving them a small smile. "How about we not talk about any of you potentially being hurt or kil..worse." I said rephrasing my words when my lycan started growling again.  They laughed. "Sounds good." Lucas said.  I yawned "I think I'm going to head to bed. We can handle whatever tomorrow brings us one step at a time. Good night guys." I said softly placing a kiss on each of their cheek. I hesitated when I got to Alaric, but smiled when a thought came to me. I grabbed his chin and turned him to face me. His blazing blue eyes stared back at me with curiosity, I just smiled and placed a feather light kiss to his lips. "Good night Alaric." I whispered before turning to leave without looking back.  I don't know what possessed me to do that, to tease him like that. But whatever it was I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. Alaric wasn't exactly an easy person to crack. He had so many walls up I didn't know how many I had brought down or how many were left. All I did know was that walls had come down, I was seeing more and more proof of that in his eyes. And honestly? I was thrilled, I loved seeing the emotion there, loved seeing that he was feeling something. I just hoped that after whatever happened at the gathering, whatever the council had planned didn't ruin whatever progress we had made.  Going to the gathering scared me, being the reason the guys had to go scared me. I was scared what would happen to them, scared what effects the gathering would have on them, what the council would want for them. I didn't care what happened to me, I just wanted them to be safe. I'm sure I could take care of myself considering what I have already handled. I just had to hope between the five of us, we would be enough to keep all of us safe and alive.
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