Chapter Twenty Three

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Coffee in the mornings on my balcony has become some what of a tradition for me lately. I loved to just sit here and drink my hot beverage, wearing a large baggy sweater and wrapped in a blanket to watch the sun rise. I was naturally always warm, I really didn't get cold very often but I loved the feel of the sweater for some reason. And since the weather has started getting colder, I actually had an excuse to wear one.  After the incident with the wolves and then the witches the guys were constantly on guard. Someone was always awake patrolling the grounds while the rest of us slept and I felt bad about it. These people  were after me and the guys seem to be taking the brunt of it for me. They were always stressed though I could see they tried not to show it. The worry lines in Eli's forehead had deepened, and the others weren't far behind. They were always tense, their eyes darting all over the place surveying every inch of any room we walk into. And to top all that off, other than at night and early mornings while I'm on the balcony, someone is always by my side.  Whenever one of them are with me I try my best to make them smile or laugh or just loosen up a little period, but it never works. I've honestly considered sneaking out in the middle of the night and leaving no matter how I felt about them. At least with me gone they would have nothing to worry about. My lycan however wouldn't let me. I could feel her anger within me whenever the thought ever crossed my mind. Not to mention the bone chilling growl that followed that anger. I've felt her mad, been a passenger in my own body while she took over. I do not want that happening again, not unless it's necessary.  "Fallon!" Xavier bellowed bursting through my door. The sudden shout and pure panic in his voice had me on my feet in seconds. "Xavier? What's going on?" I asked watching as he tossed my clothes into a suitcase. My own panic began to build watching him. His movements were quick as he darted all over the room grabbing clothes of all kinds and tossed them in. "Xavier." I shouted, trying to get his attention.  He finally stopped and looked at me. Panic and concern danced in his eyes. "Someone went to the council. We were summoned to this years gathering." I just stared at him. "I don't understand." I said shaking my head. "Fallon being summoned is never good. Packs usually have a choice to go or not. We don't now. And you have been summoned to come with us." My eyes widened. "What do they want with me?" I asked. "I don't know." Xavier answered. "Nothing good. That's why we have to go, we have to hide."  Hide? He couldn't be serious. There was no where to hide from the council. There were wolves all over country. Someone would see us and turn us in, and that would make things so much worse. "Xavier stop." I pleaded grabbing his hand. "We can't run. It will only make things worse. We will go and see what they want and go from there. We can't assume the worst." He sunk onto my bed holding his face in his hands. "I'm sorry Fallon. We have been trying so hard to protect you, and we failed." I gaped at him, a surge of anger bubbling in me. "Xavier look at me." I demanded. My voice coming out stronger than it ever has without my lycan.  He looked up at me his brown eyes shimmering. "None of you have failed me. None of you could ever fail me regardless of what happened or whatever may happen in the future. You all have been amazing to me from the very start and I appreciate and love you for it. But there was no way I could stay hidden forever. As long as they don't find out what I am we will be fine." I assured him. "Where are the others? How are they taking it?"  Xavier sighed. "They are not here, but they'll be back in a few hours." He said. He then turned to me and cupped my face in his hands. "Thank you fallon, for everything you just said." I was about to respond when his lips pressed to mine. I was stunned at first, unsure what to do before I melted into him. I'd never kissed anyone before but following Xavier's movements seemed to be working, I knew by the low growl that emanated deep within his chest.  One of his hands pressed against the small of my back pulling me impossibly close to him, while the other cupped the nape of my neck deepening our kiss. I couldn't help the moan that slipped passed my lips at the feel of him being so close, the way his lips felt against mine. I never thought I'd ever feel like this, never thought I'd find something like this.  The world spun briefly, my gasp breaking out kiss as Xavier pulled me onto his lap, straddling him. His erection pressed against my core making heat coil inside me. He growled his brown eyes darkening with lust. Before I could ask his lips crashed onto mine once again, his kiss fierce, hungry and passionate. This was nothing like the our tender kiss from before, and I didn't mind one bit.  Xavier's hands snaked under my shirt, his rough hands exploring my bare skin making goose bumps rise where ever he touched. When his hand reached my breast another growl escaped him when he felt bare flesh. Non too gently he grabbed my breasts before pinching and pulling at my hardened buds. I gasped, arching into him at the unexpected pleasure that caused.  I knew where this was heading, and though I was nervous, I wanted it. I ran my hands under his shirt, exploring every ridge of his abs before moving to his chest. Breaking the kiss Xavier pulled his shirt over his head. I ran feather light touched over his exposed flesh, his head falling back at my touch. This man truly was beautiful.  While he was distracted I pulled my sweater over my head, wanting to feel his skin on mine, leaving me in nothing but my panties. His head quickly snapped up, his eyes widening as he drank in every bit of me. In one quick movement Xavier had me on my back on the bed as he hovered over me. He kissed me lightly before moving and trailing light kisses down my neck and collar bone. Reaching my breasts he sucked my n****e between his teeth, swirling his tongue around it and nipping lightly making me moan with the feel of it.  As he devoured my breasts his hand traveled down my stomach and dipped between my thighs. I gasped as his finger hit a spot that shot sparks of pleasure through my entire body. He circled the spot relentlessly making me all but scream. My fingers bug into the sheets as I writhed beneath him. A coil began to build within me making my breaths come quicker, desperate for the coil to break. He noticed this and his movements quickened as he bit down on my breast. A wave of immeasurable pleasure filled me being as I arched into him, shaking under his touch.  As the feeling slowly died away I opened my eyes to Xavier between my thighs. He gave me a wicked grin before he licked the entire length of me. My fingers latched into his hair, as his tongue swirled around the already sensitive and swollen bud. The pleasure that burned through me so intense I bit into my bottom lip to stop myself from screaming out.  Before long another wave of pleasure, stronger than the one before had me arching off the bed pushing harder into Xavier mouth where he didn't stop his movements. I don't know he kept that lasting so long but it was amazing.  Xavier sat up pulling his pants and boxers down. My eyes widened at what sprang free. He was big, like really big. Leaning over to where he was hovering over me, his tip pressing into me. "Are you sure about this Fallon?" He asked, pushing hair out of my face. I nodded. "I've never done it before." I admitted my cheeks flushing. The smile that lite up Xavier's face was the best sight I've seen in days. "Well I am glad I am your first." He said rubbing his nose against mine. "It will hurt at first." He warned. "But after the initial pain you will only feel pleasure."  Pulling my bottom lip between my teeth I nodded. He positioned himself and pushed into me. He took it slow at first, but like ripping a band aid off he plunged into me hard and fast. I screamed, digging my nails into his back. It wasn't all pain, but it was unexpected. Xavier stilled for a moment giving me a minute to adjust. "Ready?" He asked. I could tell he was barely holding himself back so I nodded. His hips rolled against me slowly, I winced at first but not too long after pleasure coursed through me. Moaning I arched into Xavier pulling him down for a kiss. He swallowed my moans, as his thrusts got faster. And before long it was like he lost all control. His hands grasped my hips, lifting them off the bed to meet his as he thrust into me harder and faster than should have been possible.  The room was filled with our moans and smelled of our love making but I didn't care. That coil was building bigger and tighter than before. I could feel Xavier pulsating inside me and I knew we were both about to go over the edge. So with a few more hard thrusts I went over. A shout ripped from me as the coil exploded. Xavier held me tightly to me as he grunted, falling into oblivion with me. 
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