Authors note

203 Words
I wanted to add a note to let everyone know that from here on out most pov's will be from Fallon's pov. I am not very good at going back and forth between different characters and feel like it is starting to get repetitive. If I can do most from Fallon and add a few different here and there explaining something I feel needs explained from another perspective then I will do it that way, it seems I can write better doing it that way anyway. I'm sorry if any of you started to get bored, or started to have more questions. I read back through and realized myself that it seems to be going slow. This story wasn't meant to be very long but it may turn out to be longer than I originally planned, I will know more as the story progresses and as the characters grow and become more than they are now. I want to say thank you to everyone who has read and continues to read the story and has been patient with the updates. I am hoping to start adding more as time goes on. Thank you for reading and your feed back is much appreciated. :)
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