Chapter ten

1200 Words
Xavier was excited when I asked him if I could draw him. He excitedly ran into the house and brought me back a sketch book and the most wonderful set of artist pencils I have ever seen. They were professional grade pencils, and I was in awe of them. I softly ran my hand over the case marveling over them and wondering why he would give me such a gift. I didn't ask though, I just opened the case and began to draw.  Xavier sat in front of me, legs crossed leaning backwards propped on his hands, his head was leaned back as he enjoyed the suns rays on his face. This man was a sight to see, he was so handsome as he sat there relaxed and enjoying the sun. I also noticed as I drew Xavier and the beauty that surrounded him, Alaric. He wasn't far from us. He was standing behind a tree watching us. I didn't point this out to Xavier, but I did include him in the drawing. And why wouldn't I? He was there with us after all.  Looking at the finished sketch and back to Xavier I became giddy with excitement. I loved how it turned out, would Xavier? " re..ready?" I asked smiling brightly.  Xavier nodded, but said nothing. His eyes roamed over the drawing, taking it all in. Then his eyes must have landed on Alaric because amusement lite up his eyes and he let out a bellowing laugh. "So he's spying on us?" He laughed. I shrugged. I couldn't answer that, I didn't know what he was doing. How could I?  "Come on." Xavier said holding his hand out to me. "Let's get you some lunch." I furrowed my brow and look from his hand to my leg and back to his hand. I could always put my weight on my other leg, i thought taking his hand. Putting my good leg under me, I stood beside him, tripping as I tried to gain my balance. I really needed to find another way around. They couldn't possibly carry me around everywhere. What would happen if I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night? Do I yell out for one of them? Ya, no I'm not doing that. Something tells me that wouldn't work out too well.  "I guess we need to find you some crutches or something to help you move." Xavier said. I yelped as he pulled me up into his arms and carried me into the house. He really needs to give some kind of warning before he does that. Putting me on top of the thing he told me was a bar he asked. "What do you want to eat?"  I never got choices before. I didn't even know what all kinds of things there were to eat. So again, I just shrugged. "How about a sandwich. How does that sound?" He asked turning to get stuff out of the tall silver thing with doors. I c****d my head to the side and studied what he was doing. It held food, and things to drink. And other things I didn't recognize. "It's a refrigerator." Eli said. My head snapped over to him. He was leaning against the door frame of the kitchen watching me. His eyes guarded, but there was anger there, struggle. I wonder what he was struggling about.  "Have you never seen one before?" He asked walking over to me. "A l..long time a..ago." I answered, never taking my eyes from his. I was captivated by the storms that raged below the surface of the swirling gold. "Fallon." Xavier called my name. I shook my head and turned to face him. His brow was creased, concern flared in his eyes. "Y..yes?" He looked over to Eli, whose eyes I could still feel was on me. "You shouldn't do that."  There was a warning in his tone, one I didn't understand. "Do Wh..what?" What did I do wrong? I turned to Eli questioningly. Both of them were staring at me like there was something wrong with me. "Wh..what did I" I asked looking between the two men. "Nothing. You did nothing parvulus. You are just unique, that is all." Eli said sitting on the stool beside me. I was still confused as to what was going on. "U..Unique?" I asked. "" I couldn't help it, I wanted answers.  Eli smiled and looked over to me, his golden eyes swarming with unknown emotion. "Most people find it hard to keep eye contact with me." I looked over to Xavier who was boring holes into the side of Eli's head. "I I do..don't under..understand. W..why?" His eyes were so beautiful, so mysterious. "That will have to be a story for another time." Eli said patting my leg gently.  My head was swimming with questions. Why couldn't people keep eye contact with him? I found his eyes captivating, mysterious, beautiful, they had this hold on me I couldn't help but get lost in. Yes it was odd but it was unavoidable. Either way I nodded at him, agreeing rather I liked it or not. I wasn't one to push. I couldn't when I was keeping secrets of my own.  "How old are you Fallon?" Xavier asked setting a plate beside me. I looked at him as I thought about it. I was six when I was first captured and I'd been there twenty years. "Twe..twenty six." I answered lowly. "May I check your leg?" Eli asked ignoring Xavier's attempt at speaking. I nodded and Eli softly grabbed my leg and unwrapped the bandage.  It still looked bad. It was red and swollen. The sewing Eli did was holding but it was red and puffy around the edges. "Does it hurt?" He asked. "Som..sometimes." He looked up at Xavier "Can you please go get some of the balm from the kit?" He asked. Xavier's eyes looked like they lite up, like a light bulb was behind his eyes. My beast growled at the sight and I winced trying to keep her down. No I pleaded.  Xavier listened and went to get whatever balm Eli was asking about, leaving me alone with Eli. "The balm should help with the pain, and help speed up healing." He said as if reading my mind. "Fallon, who are you running from?" His question caught me off guard and I stiffened under his light touch. "No one will hurt you here Fallon. You are safe here and who ever it is can not get to you here." If only he knew. They could get anywhere, kill anyone to get to me. I couldn't tell him. What would he do if I did? What would any of them do? Surely they wouldn't go after them, they'd never make it. "I I can't." I whispered shaking my head. Eli sighed, his anger and sadness shown clearly on his face briefly before he schooled his features. "Very well. I hope you will trust me enough to tell me soon." His voice was light, but I could hear the silent plea beneath. I nodded, but wasn't sure if I could ever tell him. 
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