Chapter Nine- Alaric's pov

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That damn girl is going to be nothing but trouble. From the second Lucas saw her and approached her I knew, I knew she would cause trouble. Now here she was, in the middle of my brothers timid, weak but they fawn over her. Even Eli is taken by her. I don't know if it's just curiosity with him, or a charity project. He has a thing about helping things that are lost and broken. And here is one that fell straight into his lap.  When I saw the sketches she made I admit I was impressed. I have never seen anyone able to draw me as well as she did. She only saw me a few minutes, that shouldn't be long enough to commit anyone or anything to memory, but she did. She drew each of us almost perfectly. All except Xavier, she never saw him, he frightened her so Eli sent him away. Now though, now Xavier was outside talking with her.  I watch as she says something that angers him, and he stalks her as if she is prey. I have the urge to go to her protect her. I fight it down. No damn it, emotions are weakness. I've spent too long building walls, too long suppressing emotion, too long not feeling. I learned a long time ago, learned the hard way emotions and feeling cause nothing but pain. They make you weak. She could take care of herself. I don't care.  But I still watch. Her fear calms him, it's odd really. We are predators, fear attracts us, compels us to hunt. Fear is a potent smell for predators. You have to have a lot of self control to hold back and not hunt when you smell the amount of fear that comes off that weak girl.  Becoming curious I slip closer, maybe Xavier can get something out of her. Even from where I am I can sense her fear has gone down. She feels comfortable around him. He is sitting in front of her rubbing circles on the back of her hand, she smiles up at him. Jealousy surges in me. NO! I scream at myself, shaking the feeling off.  "What do you like to do for fun? Xavier asks her. Fallon turns her gaze to his. "Pa..paint, draw." She answers meekly. "Is that all?" She shakes her head. "" She smiled softly, barely there. "Anything else?" He's digging. Asking small, non harmful questions hoping she'll slip up. "I was...wasn't all..allow..allowed to do an..any..anything else." She murmured so low I could barely hear. Did she say allowed? She wasn't allowed? What does that even mean? was she a victim of domestic violence? s*x trafficking escapee? Prisoner? What the hell was this girl, what happened to her?  Xavier's growl, and the girl's yelp pulled my attention back to them. Xavier held the girl to him, gently but tight enough she couldn't wiggle away. "No one will hurt you again."Xavier promised her. I clenched my teeth. He is making promises he can't keep. It's not like the girl can stay here. The only way a human can stay with a wolf is if she is claimed, and surly none of them plan to claim such a frail, meek and weak girl as their mate. Wolves as strong as ours need a strong mate. Not like I'd ever take a mate. I don't want one, never have, never will. A mate is a weakness enemies can exploit, use against you. I scoffed, love, mates, pfst. It's for the weak.  "Ca..can I dr..draw you?" Fallon asks Xavier, her eyes shinning with excitement. The way her eyes light up, she is an open book. She couldn't possibly hide anything when everything she feels is so clear in those emerald eyes. Is it possible I'm wrong about her? She may not be here to split our pack or gain our trust, but her presence will and already is causing problems.  I scoffed, when Xavier ran into the house and grabbed a sketch book and pencils from my office. I normally keep art supplies in there. Most of the art around the house is mine, its a hobby I picked up to take up my spare time. It seems she and I have that in common. Her green eyes light up when she sees the supplies, running her hand softly across them as if they were the most beautiful things she'd ever seen. Maybe I could give them to her, I could always get more.  I kept watch as she sketched Xavier. Her nose scrunched up when she concentrated, and her tongue stuck out the side of her mouth. Her eyes squinted slightly as she turned her head from side to side, her hands fluidly dancing across the paper. She seemed genuinely happy in this moment. Like nothing else in the world could bother her. She was relaxed, not an ounce of fear came off of her. Only comfort, ease and calm graced her pure aura. This, drawing was her peace, her escape from the evil in the world.  When she finished she bounced up and down like a child. She was giddy with excitement to show Xavier her work. And if I'm being honest I'm excited to see it. I'm nor far behind Xavier, so I'll be able to see it with ease. " re..ready?" She asked, an actual smile on her face. Xavier nodded, no words left his lips.  When she turned the paper around I was shocked. She drew everything. Xavier sitting there, leaning back on his hands, head tilted up towards the sun. The trees and flowers behind him, the grass, she drew everything perfectly. But what shocked me even more was she drew me. She knew I was here the entire time. I looked to her and her green eyes met mine. When she looked at me her eyes filled with fear. I scared her, filled her with terror. Good. It would keep her away. I turned and left, not looking back. But I heard Xavier's bellowing laugh fading behind me as I walked away. 
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