Chapter Twenty Eight

1996 Words
The creatures prowled around us in slow circles, stalking and taking us in. Their growls and snarls filled the air making our already tensed bodies and nerves get tighter. As the creatures circled they seemed to get closer and closer, boxing us in giving us no way out. I wondered why the others hadn't shifted yet, but thought that if they had the creatures would see it as a threat and attack us straight out, giving us no chance at getting a plan.  "What do we do?" I whispered as we all stood back to back watching as the creatures slowly closed in on us. "We can't do anything unless we know what they are." Mini hulk answered before the guys could. My eyes snapped to his, still angry that he decided to slap me. "Maybe you should slap them." I suggested sarcastically. "Maybe that'll help." Mini hulk snickered. "I think that might just make them mad little vixen."  I rolled my eyes.  The loud gnashing of jaws drew my attention back to the forest ahead of me just as one of the creatures made its grand entrance. My spine straightened, my blood froze in my veins and I swear my heart stopped. Yeah, nope. Not doing this. I may have been held captive but I was allowed books,  I've read and these creatures were creatures of myth. I backed up deeper into the others never taking my eyes off the monster. "Fallon what is it?" Eli asked. His voice more strained that usual. "Do none of you know what that thing is?" I asked, pointing to the monster who was growling in front of us. Thick saliva dripped from it's yellowish fangs as it's lips curled above its teeth. They all shook their head, keeping their eyes on the creature. "It's a Cerberus. The three headed guardian dog of the gates of the underworld. Most people think there is only one way in, but that's not true. The underworld has multiple entrances all over the world. It's how Hades gets around so quickly. Each gate has at least four Cerberus's guarding it. If this one has more it means the gates here are one of the main ones Hades uses."  I turned to Mini hulk through narrowed eyes. "Your council sure knows how to pick their gathering grounds." I all but sneered. It was their fault we were in this mess. "How do you know all this Fallon?" Alaric asked. "Books. I may have been held captive but I was allowed to read. I guess the books they gave me came from other supernaturals they captured at some point."  "So what do we do?" Mini hulk asked. "There is nothing we can do. The Cerberus is extremely fast. Each head of the Cerberus had a different purpose. The middle has a poisonous bite, lethal to anything it bites. The right head's bite is a paralytic, it takes effect within seconds. And the left, well the left breaths fire. But none are opposed to eating their prey. They are meat eaters, nothing else sustains them."  "Eli is an Alpha, shouldn't he be able to have at least some hold over them?" Lucas asked. I couldn't help the humorless laugh that escaped me. "They are demon dogs Lucas, not wolves. They don't follow the same methods. They obey Hades and no one else. If someone happens to gain their respect, then that would be a miracle."  Our talk was cut short as hot and putrid breath breathed down the side of my face. My lycan was right at the surface, waiting for me to call on her. My vision sharpened even more as she clawed her way closer to the forefront of my mind. Slowly I turned to face the Cerberus that stood before me, it's fangs eye level with my face. The black fur that covered its snout was sleek and looked smooth as silk, the sulfur and brimstone smell wafted off them in putrid clouds making my nose crinkle even more than its breath.  I looked dead into the monsters bottomless black eyes, doing my best to show no fear in its eyes. Briefly glancing around me I saw that thankfully we were even, if that was even a thing. We were six on six. But these monstrous creatures were huge. I was only as tall as one of its legs, making most of the guys only come up to their shoulder right below their neck line. This was going to be impossible unless I shifted.  "Guys, you know I'm going to have to right?" I threw over my shoulder. In unison they all sighed, turning their sights on mini hulk. "Half way?" Eli suggested "Not noticeable of what?" I understood what he meant. Shift only my hands like I had before. It gave nothing away except that I had abilities. But somehow I didn't think that would be enough this time.  "Come on." I said to my lycan. "But be careful and be smart. Do not kill them unless you have to." I demanded. she didn't need any more to make herself known more obviously. Instead of hanging back we merged our minds. We both wanted the same thing, protect our guys.  The Cerberus in front of me balked at the appearance of my lycan. All three heads regarded me hesitantly, tilting their head to the side curiously. My lycan took advantage of the hesitation and growled, the power within that one sound had the creature taking a step back. It however didn't work for the others.  Within the next second the other Cerberus's attacked. Their jaws snapping at the guys as they dove to avoid their bite. With three heads snapping at them I knew it would be hard for them to avoid them for too long.  I turned back to the Cerberus that was meant to attack me. It sat back on its haunches staring at me expectantly. I furrowed my brow but became curious, if only for a second. I stepped closer and lifted my hand out to the creature. It sniffed it, as if it was confirming who I was, who it thought I was. Then to my utter shock, it nudged its large nose into the palm of my hand. What the hell? I thought as I ran my hand over its snout.  A pained shout pulled me from my shock and I spun towards the sound. Eli was holding a hand over his chest as he stood rigid. Claw marks marred his chest under his hand. The marks bled steadily, soaking his remaining shirt and pooled the ground around him. There was no keeping my lycan in line after that. She roared, the power and anger within it vibrated the trees around us, effectively bringing all fighting to a stop around us.  She didn't care. Her eyes were trained on the Cerberus that hurt Eli. The creature noticed in that moment what I was and why its friend had stopped its attack on me. It also noticed where my anger was aimed. A whine escaped the creature as it lowered itself to the ground in a submissive position, the other followed suit around it.  I looked around our group. Eli wasn't the only one hurt. Lucas had been bit by the paralytic, he lay crumpled on the ground defenseless beneath a tree. Xavier was somehow still standing after being clawed more than once. I saw Alaric in time to catch him swaying on his feet. My eyes widened in understanding as I rushed to him and caught him before he hit the ground.  Searching his body frantically I found it. The bubbling green and blue bite from the poison. He had minutes left, if even that. I lay him down gently then shot to my feet and to the closest Cerberus. It was still lowered to the ground, so I grabbed it by the back of its neck, and using my lycan's strength I tossed it towards Alaric. I stomped to its side and stared down at it. "Heal him." I demanded.  The three heads whimpered, but the middle head bent over Alaric and ran its tongue over the bite. Most didn't know the cure. But the saliva of the head that poisoned them can also heal them. Ironic I know, but it was the truth. It took seconds before Alaric groaned, he didn't wake up, and he wouldn't for a while but at least he was alive.  My lycan didn't know what to do. She thrived on power and control, and these creatures were nothing but powerful. They bowed to her, they obeyed her, feared her. She wanted them as part of her pack, but she wanted to punish them for what they did to her mates. "Making them part of a pack will punish them." I reminded her. "They are not pack creatures. They work better alone, they don't like company and don't like being led."  A pleased growl escaped my lycan. My claws extended longer than before, some kind of venom dripped from the tips. And as fast as lightning she ran, one by one she scratched each Cerberus across its shoulder, embedding it with the venom that dripped from our claws.  They wailed and writhed on the ground. Brushing their shoulder in the dirt trying to rub the venom from the wound. My lycan and I stood watching with a malicious smile. Everyone around us just watched. Lucas still paralyzed, Alaric still out cold. But Mini hulk, Xavier and Eli watched, their eyes darting from me and back to the creatures. "What did you do?" Xavier asked coming up beside me.  My lycan was still partially in control so our voices merged. "They will be part of my pack." We said. "They submitted and obeyed me. They are powerful and will be a great addition." Xavier's eyes widened. "Fallon are you insane?" He whisper yelled. My eyes snapped to his narrowing as I looked at him. "I assure you I'm not. We crave power, they have it, and now we control it."  "No, the lycan craves power.  She's the one that did this." Xavier shook his head in defeat. "There is nothing we can do now. It's already done. Just be careful who you add next time." His warning was for my lycan, not me. And she growled lowly at him for trying to control her.  With a lot of effort I was able to fight her down to where I was in full control again. I looked over the scene with fresh eyes, eyes that wasn't tainted by my lycan's point of view. How is it I agree with her in the moment, but as soon as she settles down and I am fully back I feel regret? This wasn't right. Even if these creatures did attack us, they didn't deserve to be forced into pack life.  I dropped my head into my hands and groaned. What were we supposed to do now? "We'll make camp here." Mini hulk said giving me a quizzical look. I looked away from him and back to my guys. Where were my bags? I wondered looking around. Ah, there they are. I walked over to them and plundered through them until I found the small blankets I brought with me. I placed one over Alaric and the other over Lucas before sliding down the tree beside Alaric and pulling his head into my lap.   I absentmindedly ran my fingers through his hair as I leaned my head back against the tree. Not long after I sat down, to my complete and utter shock the Cerberus's surrounded us protectively. They curled up laying their heads on the ground. The heat that radiated from their massive forms surrounded me, completely engulfing me in a domed plume. I sighed heavily, six Cerberus's would not be easy to hide from the council. And they sure as hell wouldn't be easily explained.
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