Chapter Forty Seven- Steel's POV

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"Steel, that's enough." Fallon's voice drifted to me, drawing my attention from the man to her approaching figure. The girl was tiny, lean but had definition that could use a little work. She could use to put on a few more pounds, but she was stunning all the same. Her black hair sung behind her as she made her way to me, her pale skin almost glowing.  "Father stop playing him, he's not a toy." Fallon told the man firmly.  I gaped, looking between Fallon and the man in shock. Father? I didn't know she still had contact with him. She said she'd been held captive for twenty years. Did he do it? Did he hold her and torture her? The man smiled at Fallon, who kept her face impassive. "Come now Fallon." He whined. "I was just having fun with him." Having fun? He just stood there while I hurled insults at him. He hardly even retorted and when he did he was so calm it was eerie.  Fallon shook her head and walked passed him directly to me. "Steel, it may be wise to ask who you are throwing insults at before hand." He tone held warning making me wonder what was going on because I had to be missing something. "Father, these are my guardians appointed to me by King Cassius. Steel, Anton, Felix, and Damien. The women I saved were apparently fae. One of them being the king's daughter."  "Wow. Gaining the favor of King Cassius isn't easy. And for him to have given you guardians is a big deal." The man said sounding impressed. He was right though. Impressing the king was hard. Gaining his favor was all but impossible. Even those who fought in the war hardly got his thanks. He was a proud and selfish man. He thinks the kingdom owes him for his service. It was sad.  Fallon rubbed the back of her neck before looking at her father. "Ya, well I tried to tell him no but he wouldn't listen. He said the guys could go back after everything was settled but after everything I've heard I don't think I want them to. I think I'd rather them stay here where they are treated properly. Now, can you tell them who you are so they don't end up making you mad and you doing something that'll make me mad?"  "I'm sorry Fallon." He laughed. "But it's funny to watch the reactions they give after they've already made a fool of themselves." He admitted. A fool? I've never made a fool of myself. I growled at the man who dare disrespect me. "Steel." Fallon warned grasping my arm. I looked down at her questioningly. Surly she was joking. I couldn't just not react to someone calling me and my brothers fools. She shook her head at me and pointed to the man, asking I giving my attention back to him. I sighed, clenching my jaw tightly to keep from saying anything out of anger. "Fine, fine. As you wish daughter." The man gave a dramatic sigh, before he straightened and his features stilled becoming deathly serious. " I am Fallon's father, Hades, god of the underworld."  Wait. What? He was Hades? The Hades? From mythology? There was no way, they were myth, legends kids were told. Things people studied in school, they weren't real. And yet here was this man in front of me claiming to be Hades, claiming to be Fallon's father. And now that I looked I could see it. I was daft not to have seen it before. The eyes, the hair, the skin tone. They were all but twins. He even looked young enough to pass as her brother, making the god thing more believable.  I was stunned. Aware of the movement around me, ware of the sounds but unable to make them out. For the first time since I can remember fear froze me solid. My blood becoming solid in my veins weighing me down, rooting me to my spot. I couldn't move. No part of me would obey even though my mind was screaming at me to turn and run. To protect Fallon even though she was his daughter. But the thought of her sent a strike of fear through me as well. She was the daughter of a god. And not just any god, the god of the underworld.  Something hard hit me across the jaw knocking me off my feet and onto my side. I groaned. "I know you could have done that a better way." Fallon growled at someone. The hardness in her tone making me cringe inwardly even though I've heard it before. "Are you alright?" She whispered softly as she knelt beside me and turned my chin in her hand. The concern and gentleness in her eyes should have put me at ease, but I could only think that she was his daughter. I flinched away from her touch and scrambled backwards away from her.  The hurt that flashed in her eyes had pain I'd never experienced shoot through my chest. She just closed her eyes and shook her eyes sadly as she stood. She sighed heavily. "I'm still me Steel." She said, her tone almost defeated. "Just because you know who my father is now doesn't change that." She looked away from me and over to where my brothers were. "Make sure he's alright and taken care of please." She asked of them.  I watched her in shock, concern and such a deep regret I couldn't speak passed the lump that had formed in my throat. She moved from one mate to the next, kissing them and telling them goodbye promising she would be back soon. Eli was more than angry with me and if the murder in his eyes said anything it was that I had hell to pay after she left. "He hurt you." Eli seethed. I flinched, the truth in his words hitting me like a punch to the gut. "He's not the first and he won't be the last.I'll be alright." Fallon said gently. There was a sadness in her voice though as she continued. "He doesn't have to like me, he just has to tolerate me until his king decides otherwise. Then he can go home if he chooses."  Eli pulled her to him and squeezed her. "Your heart is too big and too forgiving." He whispered. He was right. Fallon was too soft, too forgiving. She cared too deeply. But to my surprise she chuckled. "What's life without forgiveness?" She asked. "If we don't forgive each other then everyone on the planet would be fighting each other, including the five of us. No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes. If Steel decides he is frightened or wary of me then fine. I can't change who I am, nor would I."  She kissed his cheek just as my brothers hauled me to my feet. When I stood and looked over to her she was facing me. He features drawn into an impassive mask that gave no indication to how she was feeling or how she felt about me. So different from the openness I was use to with her. "I am sorry you found out this way Steel. I promised I wouldn't say who my parents were. I see now that my power isn't the only reason why I shouldn't tell anyone." Grief shot through her eyes so briefly I thought I imagined it. "I am sorry." She whispered before moving to her father.  After they disappeared growls echoed around me, and not just from Fallon's mates. My own brothers stared down at me angrily. "I get it." I breathed dropping my head into my hands. "I f****d up." Someone else's growl cut off everyone else's with the ferocity and maliciousness of it. "Where is she?" Alaric roared. "What happened?" His anger rolled off of him in waves. It looked as if he was actually steaming as he approached. Perran was on his heels, the creature seeming to grow with every step. s**t.  "Steel found out who her father was and basically told her that she scared him. She tried to help him but he stared at her like she was evil in carnate, flinched away then made a point to get as far away as he could after Hades punched him. And by the way." Lucas added turning on me. "The entire time you were out during your freak out, Fallon was the one who stood up for you. Your brothers even circled you like a weird science project laughing at you. Fallon threatened to sick her father on them if they didn't stop." I looked over to my brothers who nodded their agreement sheepishly.  Alaric roared. "You knew. She told you what she feared and you did exactly that. Two days is all it took for her to trust you enough to tell you, and you throw it all away." Alaric stalked over to me until we were nose to nose. "You're an i***t. You'll be lucky if she trusts you again. And you're lucky I know her well enough to know she wouldn't want you hurt. Now where is she?" He asked turning to the others.  "Fallon went with Hades to the underworld to train her powers." Xavier said tightly. "We don't know how time works there so there is no telling how long she'll be gone." Her men all snarled before turning their eyes on me. Each of them sending me their own death glares. I bowed my head to them. "I'm sorry." I said strengthening my voice. They all grumbled as they stormed passed me into the house.  "You screwed up man." Anton said slapping me on the back. "You don't think I know that." I hissed glaring up at him. "I didn't mean to react to her that way. I know she is not a monster, I know she wouldn't hurt any of us willingly. I don't know what came over me. Just Hades man. He was Hades, the Hades. And she is his daughter. The daughter of a god." I grabbed my head shaking it roughly. "I just...I just reacted."  "You need to apologize." Damien said. "Out of all four of us you were the one she seemed to be growing more attached to, she won't take this well especially if she has opened up to you like Alaric says she has. The guys told me how hard it was to get her to trust them, to open up to them. What took them several weeks to months took you two days. You have a connection with her Steel, and I'm afraid if you lost that, if she does. Things may not be as well balanced as they are now."  I was shocked. I never knew. I never knew how long it took the men to gain Fallon's trust. Why did she open up to me so quickly then? What made me different from her mates? Maybe having them gave her more hope, gave her the ability to be able to trust again. If that was true I may have just undone all their progress. Because while they may have gotten mad at her, may have had her get angry at them. None of them have ever broke her trust. I can only hope she'll talk to me when she returns.
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