Chapter eight- Fallon's pov

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I didn't miss Xavier's sharp intake of breath, didn't miss the look of shock and that briefly crossed his features before anger took its place "What do you mean by that?" He asked through his teeth. I scooted away from him, wary about what he may do. "Fallon?" He demanded. I whimpered, standing regardless of my leg or the pain, I could ignore it. What I couldn't ignore was the very large, very angry man before me. What was he so angry about? What did I do? What did I say? I don't understand what's going on. I wanted to call for Lucas, call for Eli, but I didn't know if either of them would come. Xavier said something about Lucas going to the store, would he still be here? I frantically looked around for either of them, I'd even take Alaric right now if he could stop Xavier from progressing on me like he was. When I saw no one, I inched around the tree, using it as leverage so I didn't put too much weight on my leg. It wasn't working very well, and my leg was throbbing, but what else could I do?  Seeing my distress Xavier seemed to come to his senses, but I wasn't about to take any chances. The second he advanced, I slid down the tree, curling in on myself. I learned fast, pull your knees up and cover your stomach, tuck your head between your knees and cover it with your arms. Always protect your vital organs whenever possible. However, in the process of sliding down the tree to curl in on myself. The tree ripped through the shirt and into my skin. It didn't hurt, but it did sting, and I could feel the blood run down my back. So we can add that to my list of injuries now.  "s**t!" I heard Xavier mutter. I could hear as he shuffled around, walking in circles around me before he finally stopped. I felt as he knelt down in front of me, his calloused hands gently grasped my arms and pried them away from my head. "Fallon." He whispered. "Fallon, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I lifted my head up a little and peeked at him through my lashes. His eyes were sincere and held regret, it even looked like he may be frightened too.  I didn't uncurl myself, but I did lift my head enough to rest my chin on my knees. Learning people had become something of a need where I was. Learning body language, reading emotions in peoples energy, in their eyes. So that's what I did. I didn't speak, I just studied Xavier. He wasn't as guarded as the others, but he still had walls, thick ones. He looks like he has seen things some people could never imagine, or even fathom. Like Eli he had creases in his forehead, but Xavier had lines on the corner of his mouth as if he constantly frowned.  He carries himself with pride, with purpose. He knows who he is and what he is meant for. Though he seems uncertain and rigid about something. He looks tense, like all his muscles are coiled and knotted together ready for anything that may come at him. He looked like someone I imagined to be a solider.  "What is it?" He finally asked. I shook my head. "Just" I explain. He smiles a bit but furrows his brow. "Oh really? Tell me, what have you found?" He sounds amused. He don't believe I could see anything, see passed his mask. Could I explain this without stuttering? I know when Xavier is like this, calm, collected and almost playful I feel safe. His scent of musk and earth was oddly comforting as well. I continue to stare as I gather all the courage in me to not stutter.  "You wear a mask." I say quickly. Proud of myself for not stuttering. Xavier however looks more confused. I shake my head. "I me..mean you hi..hide who really a..are. You hide emo..emotions, walk as i..if can att..attacked at any mo..moment.'re gu..guarded bec..because've seen things one sh..should have to s..see" I didn't stutter as much, and for that I am proud of myself, but I still stuttered.  Xavier however does not look proud, in fact he don't look anything. He is slack jawed and frozen. Did I break him? I wondered waving a hand in front of his face. "Xavier?" I murmur. He didn't answer. What did I do? Uncurling myself I scoot over to him and place my hand on his arm. "Xavier?" I say again, gently nudging him. He responds this time, placing his hand over mine causing me to yelp in surprise. "How could you know?" He asked shocked. "How could you know just by looking at me?"  I shrug, not really able to explain it to him how I learned, or my need to learn. Xavier shakes his head slowly as he unknowingly runs circles on the back of my hand. I had to admit it felt nice, the contact I mean. Ya, these men have been carrying me around, but he was doing this without even thinking about it. Like comforting me came naturally to him, like it was second nature.  "I'm sorry." I whispered to him. His eyes snapped to mine and the circles stopped. "For what?" He asked lightly. "Up..upsetting you." He smiled slightly and squeezed my hand. "No, not upset. Surprised." He corrected me. "Can you read the others like that too?" I nodded slowly, worried about how he would react. He chuckled, "Alaric won't like that." He mused.  My body tensed under his hand at Alaric's name. That man still scared me. He keeps his distance, doesn't say anything to me, but the looks he gives me. They are so cold, so accusing. It's as if he thinks I am some kind of bomb waiting to go off. Honestly he wouldn't be too far off considering my beast, but I have become an expert at keeping her locked away and hidden. But that's beside the point. To Alaric, I am the enemy. To Alaric I am an obstacle, someone he needs to get rid of.  But to the others I am something they feel like they need to fix. I admit yes I need help, yes I am sickly and ignorant of the world. But I am also no toy or play thing that needs fixing, I just need help. I hope they'll see me as a woman that needs help instead of someone who needs fixed.  "Hey don't worry, I won't tell Alaric." Xavier assures me. "It will be more fun when you do it anyway." He says. Did he really just say that? When does he think Alaric and I will have an actual conversation? There is no way I will sit down and tell Alaric about myself. There is no way I'll sit down and tell any of them about myself. If they knew it could put them in danger. Me being here could put them in danger, and just the thought of that makes my chest tighten. These men were so kind, I couldn't stand the thought of them being hurt because of me. I wouldn't let them get hurt because of me.   don't know what I'd be able to do if the slayers ever came, but I did know it starts with me getting stronger. And I will, I will get stronger. I looked up into Xavier's chocolate eyes, remembered Lucas's earthy brown eyes and Eli's golden eyes, even Alaric's icy blue eyes. No, I couldn't let anything happen to them.
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