Chapter three- Fallon's pov

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Something surrounded me that was so warm it was almost burning. Voices drifted in and out of my mind but I wasn't able to make out a single word. Moving wasn't an option, my body was not willing to obey me right now, but I felt everything.  Whatever these three men were talking about had the warmth wrap tighter and tighter around me. The presence of this warmth smelt oddly of musk and pine cones, that seemed to soothe me in some weird way. I've never had a smell be able to calm me. But then again, when you grow up in a place that smells of blood, ammonia, and bleach, and scent could be pleasing. The mere thought of the smell of that places sent a chill down my spine. Screams every hour of the day, the smell of blood so potent you could taste the metallic on your tongue. The ammonia and bleach that followed burned your eyes to tears, burned your throat until you were coughing and hacking.  My shiver made the warmth grow tighter, painfully so. What is around me? And why does it keep tightening? I needed to speak up, push away, move, do something before the warmth broke my arms. So calming my nerves and my mind, I focused. My beast was burrowed down, resting so deeply I couldn't wake her. Fine. I thought. I've been through worse, been able to wake through worse. I focused of something different, my body. I focused on feeling every limb, every broken and painful nerve. I focused, on being able to gain control over my body, I won't be a prisoner again.  Thankfully, my body responded. Everything became painfully clear. My leg, my chest, the cuts and scrapes I accumulated over my run. My head felt as if it was hit with a sledge hammer. My eyes were closed and heavy, but when they opened just a hair, barely even a sliver, I found the source of the heat. The man, the one who first approached me, had me cradled against him as if I were a baby. His arms were wound painfully tight around me, crushing me to his remarkably large, and hard chest. What the hell was this guy made out of?  "Y...your hu....hurt....hurting" I whispered, trying to squirm out of his grip. His grip instantly loosened and I was able to breath better. The man wiped stray hair out of my face and looked down on me. "We're here. Moving you may hurt so bare with me." His voice was strained, his jaw clenched. I wonder why he was so stressed. But I gave him a single nod, and braced for the pain that was to come.  Surprisingly though, as he got out of the car and walked me into what looked like a house made of nothing but tree trunks and glass, there was no pain. Who would live inside a tree? I wondered. studying the house intently. It looked like tree trunks had been stacked on top of one another to form a building. Glass, was placed sporadically, with no rhyme or reason to their placement.  I also noticed there was nothing around the tree house. I laughed to myself, these men lived in a tree house. My father built me one as a child, but it never looked like this. The tree house was placed in the center of a circular clearing. And beyond that was nothing but thick, black forest. I couldn't even see a path we came from.  As the man carried me inside I studied him. His hair was very short and blonde. His skin looked as if he lived outside. Brown eyes lay behind thick eye lashes. His chin was squared, his nose slightly curved but otherwise was wide and proud. He was impossibly wide and his chest apparently had to made of stone, there was no other explanation for it. I turned slightly and looked down. My eyes went wide with how far off the ground I was. If he dropped me, something would break, there was no doubt. So add, impossibly tall to that list.  The man's chest rumbled as he laughed lightly. "What's wrong?" I gaped at him. His laugh, that sound. I've never heard such a sound. "'re t..tall." I mumbled. He laughed again, looking down at me with shining brown eyes. But something was off. I've always been good at reading people, it was helpful in the past. But this man, his eyes shine, sparkle even when he is laughing. But I could see pain and regret hiding in them. He wears a mask. I told myself. "Ya, well don't worry I won't drop you. Actually I'm going to put you down right here. Think you can sit up straight?" He asked putting me down, but never moved his arms. I nodded lamely, and he slowly let go.  I moved my attention from him to around the large room I was in. The floors were a very shiny black, that looked like a bottomless pit. A large table sat in the far corner, it's dark colored wood complimenting the floor. I was sitting on top of a raised block looking thing. The top looked to be marble, and the base the same dark colored wood as the table. Three tall chairs sat under the block, where I assume these three men usually sat. Behind me was odd to say the least. More of the raised block looking things lined the wall. Doors and drawers were built into it,  storage I guessed. But what got my attention was the silver machine things that were in there. One was glass on top. In the front was glass out lined by more silver making it look like the glass had been framed.  Moving on another was tall and silver, it looked like it was split in two. It had handles on each side making me believe they were doors of some kind. Then the last, The last I couldn't figure out. It was honestly just a large rectangle of silver. It didn't look like it could serve any purpose other than the color matching. Maybe they just wanted to add something brighter, I thought.  "Hello parvulus, my name is Eli." A man said. This man was beautiful. His hair was as black as mine, his skin a deep bronze. Gold eyes looked back at me with kindness. He had high cheek bones and a straight nose. He as just as tall if not taller than the other man and wider. His size was intimidating, but his eyes drew me in. Storms of emotion raged in those golden orbs, and I could see his stress in his movements. His jaw was clenched tight, eyes, wrinkled at the corner from his slightly furrowed brow. His shoulders looked like the muscle was wound up and tense. It was as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.  "I.."I'm Fa..Fal Fallon." Eli smiled kindly. "Well Fallon, I am going to give you something for pain okay? It's just a few pills. Then I want to look at your injuries, see what I need to do to help you." I just nodded, not wanting to say anything. All I wanted to do was watch him. He moved so gracefully, which surprised me. He was so large to move so fluidly. I've never seen such men before.  Before long Eli was back in front of me arms out stretched. One hand held four small round things, the other a glass of water. My parched throat screamed for the water. I snatched both from him, quickly popping the round things in my mouth and chugging the water in a matter of seconds. "Fallon." Eli said, looking at me with a furrowed brow. "When was the last time you have had water? Or anything to drink?" His gold eyes met mine and I stifled a gasp. The gold in them looked as if it melted, swirling around his pupil like molten gold. But I couldn't answer his question, because I didn't know, so I shrugged.  Anger briefly flashed in his eyes before he composed himself. He gently took the glass from me and refilled it, handing it back. I gave him a small smile, before sipping on this glass. I wanted it to last. "I am going to look at your leg first, alright?" I gave him a hesitant nod before turning my body slightly so he could look.  The wound was already healing, slowly, you could still see an unsettling amount of exposed muscle, but you couldn't see the bone anymore. For that I was thankful. "I am going to give you stitches, close this wound. It will hurt." He warned me. Again, I nod. I'm use to pain, it's nothing new to me. I'm sure I can handle this.  I looked at the other men as Eli prepared for the stitches. The man who carried me in was standing against the wall, fists clenched at his side. He was breathing rapidly, his brown eyes looked to glow with his anger. The other man, he was otherworldly. His hair was a white blonde color, shaggy but pushed back out of his blue eyes. His face was perfect, as if the gods created him, or was a sculpture. His skin was flawless, his face sharp and angular. His lips were pursed into a thin line, his eyes tight with anger dancing in them. He wasn't quite as tall or as wide as the others, but he was still large.  "What?" The man snapped when he caught me studying him. Blood rushed to my cheeks and my eyes snapped to my lap. Stupid. stupid. stupid. I reprimanded myself. You know better than looking men in the eye. I curled in on myself, and wrapped my arms around my middle. Protect your soft spots. I reminded myself as I braced myself for his, hit. A hit that never came.  I peeked through my matted black hair, and saw all three men seething. What did I do? Why are they all angry? Eli stepped towards me and I flinched away. "Don't worry, parvulus." He soothed. "No one here will harm you." I looked hesitantly back to the cold man, the man who looked as if he loathed me, before turning away and looking at my lap. "Are you ready?" Eli asked. I took a deep breath and nodded, bracing myself for more of the pain I wanted to get away from. 
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