Chapter 37-Welcome to Marudeva

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(Amira) I was awoken by a bright light... For a moment I thought it was Alden coming to get me up. Then I soon realized I was sitting up and the wind was now blowing on my face. The outside..I would dream of this moment so often but to have it feel so realistic was something new. Suddenly I felt something tighten around my waist and I fluttered my eyes open and immediately flinched from the bright sun that practically blinded me. I turned my head, wincing as I tried to adjust to the brightness that now surrounded me. "I have never met someone who could sleep so heavily in my life..I mean, the spell didn’t help, but it wore off an hour ago." I heard Kamaris mutter right next to my ear. A spell? I sat up straighter, looking around at my surroundings, and realized we were now on a horse in the middle of the desert...seriously?! Sandy hills surrounded us with the ground below hard and cracked. A dry wave of heat blew past us as I glanced down at my now black clothes, feeling them absorbing the sun and warming my skin. I was wearing a long-sleeved black dress with two slits up each side, this had to be the most modest thing I had worn since this whole thing started... There were dead trees and cacti with huge pink flowers on top scattered throughout the desert before us. The clouds were just wisps that floated by slowly and the sand sparkled beneath us, like specks of gold shimmering in the sun. Glancing down I realized we were on a large black horse, making us tower above the ground as the magnificent creature moved quickly. I reached out, touching its silky coat as the horse snorted loudly. "Welcome to Marudeva." Kamaris whispered while gripping me tighter, holding me close to his chest as I fluttered my eyes. His words and actions surprised me as I breathed in the fresh air for the first time in who knows how long. Marudeva, the name seemed to fit this place perfectly. "When we get there you are not to leave my side, do you understand me?" He ordered from behind me. I nodded my head, looking over Kamaris's shoulder as I realized Alden and Dante had been following behind us on their own horses the whole time. I didn't pay any mind to Kamaris's firm tone, I was outside, I was actually feeling the sun on my skin. A smile spread across my face as I looked ahead. "It's so beautiful." I breathed, unable to contain my excitement as Kamaris pressed me closer to his chest. Glancing ahead, a mirror like reflection caught my attention as it glimmered in the sun as we approached it fast. The horses galloped towards it, not even slowing as it came closer. Soon they charged right through it, a wave of magic passing over us as we entered. It must've been some type of shield that we entered through and what was on the other side shocked me entirely. It looked like a mirage appearing before us. A green oasis with mirrored buildings surrounded by palm trees came into view as large plants and bushes sprouted out of the bright green grass. Gorgeous dessert flowers bursting with colors were all around us and in the center of everything was a massive palm tree that sat in the middle towering high above. Off in the distance, more buildings were sitting to the right. These ones were built on the desert ground and had different fenced-in areas all around it. As we got closer to the sand-colored buildings I noticed multiple people stationed around the grounds and socializing with one another. Most of the people were standing around some type of training ring watching intently while others laughed and stared at us. They all wore red and orange leather armor and seemed to be wielding daggers and swords as the men and a few women fought and trained inside the circles. One man in particular caught my attention as he waved his hand in the air and a ball of fire appeared out of nowhere. Throwing it towards his opponent, he laughed loudly as it pushed the man back, making him fall to the floor. My eyes widened as I witnessed this new form of magic, still not used to the ways of Alysian just yet.. We rode past them as I looked ahead, trying not to make eye contact and the horses quickly stopped. Kamaris unhooked his arm from around me and I heard him jump off of the horse as he reached up and quickly pulled me down. His hands gently gripped my waist as I turned my head in embarrassment. His firm touch made my stomach flip as I tried to look anywhere but at Kamaris.. He placed me on the ground, his black eyes looking away from me as he glanced toward Alden and Dante. They hastily hopped off of their horses and came over to us, one on each side as Kamaris began to walk forward. He didn't even bother glancing back to make sure I was following at a safe distance..he already seemed to know as I could feel his shadows pulling at my ankles. I noticed the men we approached bowing deeply as Kamaris strode by confidently. His raw power and presence alone made each person he passed avert their gaze, not wanting to provoke or offend the Lord of Darkness. I can't blame them for that.. We walked forward and entered a large building made of grey stone sitting before us. The outside walls had small square windows on each side of two large iron doors that stood open widely. On top of the building were two lookout towers which were placed on each side with guards stationed on top. It reminded me of an old castle from medieval times..the ones I had read about in school. As we began to walk inside, Kamaris's demeanor changed even more. His shadows seeped out as an overpowering energy left him in waves. His walk was reminiscent of a predator on the prowl looking for his next prey. A long dark orange carpet was laid before us as I looked in front of me, noticing multiple stone tables and chairs throughout the hall reminding me a lot of Dolus. The only difference was that both men and women sat down drinking and laughing while servers walked around, passing out alcohol and food. Everyone seemed to be having a great time as the atmosphere seemed much more relaxed than Dolus. Suddenly a loud deep laugh echoed throughout the hall, startling me as my eyes were quickly drawn to a massive metal throne. That's when I spotted him..a man in dark red and orange armor sat staring down at us, he had golden blonde hair with a mischievous smirk on his face. He had tan skin and a square-shaped jaw with dimples on each side of his cheek. He was very handsome and I could tell he was oozing charisma just from the way he looked. Our eyes connected and what I saw made me gasp. Crimson and oranges swirled was like fire itself was coursing through his veins. On his lap sat a beautiful woman with light brown hair. Her outfit was a flowing red silk dress that made her look elegant and regal. She smiled down at me warmly as I noticed the man's hand resting behind her back and the other on her upper thigh intimately. I wondered for a moment if they were mirror souls just by the way she looked at him. We walked forward as the men and women around us started to whisper excitedly. All eyes seemed to be on us but I dared not to look. Once we reached the throne the man looked only at me, his eyes roaming my body and settling on my eyes. "Kamaris, I see you brought me a gift." He said with a sly grin, his words making me frown. Alden and Dante stood back as Kamaris reached over, gripping my arm tightly and pulling me forward. His shadows swirling around him as his rough movements made me scowl...really? "Who said she was a gift for you." His response seemed to be filled with some type of double meaning that flew right over my head as he reached down and pulled me into him abruptly. A jolt of surprise rushed through me from his touch..why was he acting possessive all of a sudden? Or maybe I'm just not used to being with him in front of other people. I quickly pushed aside my feelings as the urge to elbow him in the ribs filled me..I was so damn close to doing it.. But instead, I stared deeply into the other man's eyes and refused to break contact, causing him to part his lips into a teeth-baring grin. Suddenly the man on the throne whispered something to the woman on his lap and sent her away...but not before Kissing her passionately. Like really passionately..I had to look away at one point it was so intense. After the woman sauntered away, the man turned back towards us as excitement filled his eyes. He looked as if he were burning from the inside out while his large hands gripped his throne making him sit up a little more. "What do you want for her?" He asked, making my damn mouth drop open...seriously?!
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