Chapter 36-Late Night Visitor

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(Amira) Over the next few days Kamaris continued to eat all of his meals in his room, requesting I wear the earrings each time I served him as it seemed to become part of my everyday routine now. I didn't leave my room other than to serve Kamaris, sometimes feeling like I was being watched just in the short distance of walking across the hall. But it never went beyond that, I felt safe knowing Alden was always with me and I was never truly alone. Kamaris didn't mention what happened with Dalia and I refused to bring it up first..I didn't even want to think about it. After a long few days I was had just fallen asleep when I was abruptly awoken by a strange sound. The handle on my door began twisting as the rattling sound filled the thick silence that surrounded me and it seemed like someone was trying to push the door open. I sat up, confusion filling me, wondering if the door had been stuck for Alden when my heart started to race. He was always outside guarding room..I swear he never even slept at this point, so who else could it be? I climbed out of bed and crept over to the door when I was about to reach for the handle and it suddenly began to open slowly. My eyes widened in shock as I came face to face with a large muscular man I had never seen before. His eyes were dark and menacing as he looked me up and down hastily. I froze..confusion filling me as I took a step back before peering behind the man and tried to see where Alden could've gone...this wasn't right.. Kamaris's door filled my vision as panic began to take over..if only I could get around him, then I could run to Kamaris's room. "Dont even think about it." The man hissed, his voice was rough and gravely as he stepped forward, closing the door behind him quickly. "'re not supposed to be in here." I breathed out, as my stomach twisted into knots.. The big man took another step closer, causing me to step back and bump into the bed. "Alden!" I yelled out in a panic, causing the man to lunge forward as his rough hand slapped over my mouth before he slammed me down on the bed. His hot gross breath rushed against my ear causing me to wretch as my eyes darted around wildly, trying to think if what to do. "My Lady wanted me to send the lord of darkness a message." He spat at me, his large body pinning me down as one hand gripped my wrists, and the other began to wander down my body, searching for the hem of my nightgown. "She asked me to show him how just much of a w***e you truly are." He smirked before slipping a hand under my nightgown and sliding up my stomach. I bucked beneath him, trying to free myself as pure desperation filled me, making me whimper. "K..Kamaris." His name fell from my lips, my cries for help coming out as a mere whisper as my head began to spin. "Don't f*****g move." The man gritted harshly into my ear, his hand pulling back as if he were about to hit me across the face. I shut my eyes tightly, bracing myself for the impact...but it never came...the man on top of me suddenly dissapeared, freeing my body that was trapped beaneath him as confusion filled me. I gasped for air as silence filled the room, prompting me sit up while my body trembled uncontrollably as I peered around the bed. Where did he go? Had it all been some type of nightmare? I looked towards the door where Kamaris now towered, his breathing ragged and heavy as he held the man by the neck. His claws piercing straight through the man as blood dripped to the floor, he had killed him instantly. My eyes grew wide, the sight before me stunning me into silence. The events that had just occurred happening so fast I couldn't even process what had happened. Kamaris's tall frame pulsed with black shadows that swirled towards me, curling my body as they brushed against my skin, making me feel safe just from their presence alone. "Go back to bed." Kamaris ordered firmly before walking forward and dragging the man's body with him as if it weighed nothing at all. Without even looking back he was gone as the door slammed behind him, causing me to jump. I sat there, trying to wrap what just happened around my head as I looked at the door stunned. The thing that shocked me the most was that seeing Kamaris holding that man didn't frighten me, it actually brought me comfort..and that scared me more than anything... The next morning Kamaris didnt say a single thing about it and I dared not to bring it up... Alden on the other hand had a very visible black eye and wouldn't even meet my gaze. I wondered if he had gotten in trouble from Kamaris and where he even was to begin with. I had a feeling Dalia had a part in that and Alden suffered much worse than me. I didn't hold it against him and I wished Kamaris wouldn't of either... But I soon noticed more guards patrolling the halls after that night. I never learned who the man was but I feared there might be more in the future. The next four days I served Kamaris all of his meals and continued dressing him as well. He had me following him around in the castle, doing random tasks for him that just made me conviced he was lazy... Like opening a door or tying his boots..once he even had me pick up a pen he had dropped..two feet infront of him. This evening we were in the library, I had just literally fed him his dinner and he decided to spend his evening reading. The library was huge with large black book cases lining every wall and dark leather couches sat in the middle with a metal coffee table. Kamaris flopped down on the black couch as a sigh left him before he pointed to the book shelf across the room. "Bring me that black book." He ordered, making my gaze follow where he was pointing as my mouth dropped open. There had to be hundreds of black books... I didn't even say anything..I just walked over towards where his finger pointed and grabbed the first book I found, holding it up. Kamaris shook his head no, making me stifle a groan of annoyance that threatened to escape any moment as I put the book back and reached for the next one and held it up. He shook his head again aith a smirk playing on his lips. I went through thirty books until he was finally satisfied with my choice...which I swear was the first book I picked up to begin with. I held the book in my hands, bringing it back towards Kamaris as I placed it in his lap. He looked up at me as his eyes burned with mischief, telling me this wasn't over. "Sit." He commanded while patting the couch. I sat down, looking at him sideways, my annoyance level already capped from today. "My fingers are tired, turn the page for me." He drawled lazily, looking at me with a bored expression. It took every ounce of strength in me not to pick that book up and throw it across the room. I reached over, opening the book as he looked down, making a sheepish grin form on his face as I fumbled through the title pages. Finally I found the beginning of the first chapter and opened the book to it. I sat there in silence as he looked down, the air growing thick as he spoke loudly, startling me. "Next page." He quipped. I turned the page, sliding the paper against my index finger and pulled it back sharply before wincing. I looked down at a small papercut against the side of my finger that began to pool with a drop of blood. Kamaris folkowed my gaze while clicking his tongue as he grabbed my wrist. "You are a child, I swear." He spoke quietly and then pulled my hand up, placing my finger next to his mouth as he parted his lips. Kamaris slid my finger between his soft skin and began sucking on it gently, his black eyes meeting mine as surprise filled me. I was too stunned to move..what was he doing? I quickly pulled my hand away, looking down at my finger in shock. Examining it carefully, my finger seemed to he healed instantly. I blinked down, confusion filling me why he had just done that when he turned and spoke again. "Next page." He said leisurely, like he hadn't just sucked my finger and I quickly turned the page. We sat in the library for another hour, my wrist sore from flipping all of those pages as he made me sit there in least we were heading back now. "We will be leaving tomorrow...and Amira, I want you to be on your best behavior." He spoke firmly, stopping in front of my door as he gripped my arm roughly. "I mean it, if you don't do exactly as I say while we are there then I might think twice about that nice room I have given you." He said rudely, threatening me as he pulled me into him. Kamaris kissed me roughly as he bit my lip like always, making me sigh with frustration as I pulled away, not even looking back before slamming the door behind me.. I almost couldn't handle these psychotic mood was like he was driving me crazy. I have tried to gain the upper hand but each night I would leave him with butterflies in my stomach and my heart racing erratically. I wasn’t cut out for trying to deceive someome because I soon realized, I was only deceiving myself. That night I passed out, exhaustion filling me as I drifted off to sleep, the promise of leaving tomorrow filling me. Its funny, I once dreaded seeing Kamaris every day but now the mere idea of running into Dalia was what scared me more. Luckily I didn't see her again since that horrible encounter in the dining room. And I definitely tried to put that night I was attacked far in the back of my mind...tomorrow I will finally be out ofnthis place..and I can't wait.
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