Chapter 38-Cinead

1181 Words
(Kamaris) I tightened my grip around Amira's waist, digging my fingers into her possessively as I glanced toward Cinead with annoyance. I knew what he was trying to do..and it was pissing me off. I have known Cinead since I was a small child. Our regions have always been allies so when I traveled with my father we would see one another..he was a major dick..and a horny f*****g bastard..he and his mirror soul Stella. So the way he was looking at Amira, it annoyed me..more than I would like to admit. "Sorry Cinaed, this one is mine." My voice was firm as I reached over, pulling down Amira's black dress off of my shoulder, revealing my bind for everyone to see. "She gave her life to you?" He asked with surprise, making me smirk before pulling the fabric back up. My fingertips grazed her smooth skin, making my shadows hum as I tried to reign them in. I could see Amira stiffen as she averted her gaze to the floor..good..she needs to stop f*****g staring at him like that.. Cinead stood now, his eyes bright as a grin played on his lips..I knew this wasn't the end of his harassment.. He walked towards us, examining Amira before reaching his hand out towards what was mine as I quickly wrapped my hands around his wrist, stopping him before he could even touch her. "You don’t touch fire boy." I stated cooly, my shadows wrapping around his arm as Cinead threw his head back, laughing hysterically before shaking me off. "I haven't seen you like this before Dark Lord..correct me if I'm mistaken..but have you grown protective over this girl?" He asked smugly before glancing at me. That's when Cinead looked more closely at her, studying Amira's features carefully. "I guess I see a slight resemblance to someone we might know, this one is definitely more of an upgrade..but how does she compare in the bedroom?" He whispered with raised eyebrows while grinning widely..knowing exactly what he was doing to piss off. Thats when I flicked my hand slightly, making Alden spring forward at my command and tackle Cinead to the ground. His fist slammed into Cinead's face, as Amira let out a startled shriek. My eyes were glued to them as I watched in pure glee how easily Alden could beat Cinead's ass. Alden raised his fist once more, slamming it down hard. While I tried so damn hard not to laugh. I loved seeing Cinead being put in his place..yeah he was my friend, but he could used being knocked down a few pegs. "Alden, enough." I commanded, feeling a wicked grin pull on my face as Cinead sat up, rubbing his now bloodied nose. Alden didn't have a single scratch..but if Cinead would've actually fought back, that would be a different story..he is pretty easy going..but if you make him mad, you better watch the f**k out. Cinead stood before stretching his arms above his head as he looked towards Alden. "It's not fair when you have the one whose father is a general fight for you." He grumbled before glancing behind us. "I'm surprised you have survived this long with these must have the patience of a goddess." Cinead stated while smiling at Amira, making a sound come from her that I have never heard since the dream world..a sound that has haunted me every night since. Laughter.. "I'm afraid I had no choice in the matter..but one is a lot more tolerable than the other." Amira laughed as I looked down at her, feeling bewildered as a soft smile pulled at her lips and then I began feeling mad.. "Well, maybe the other would be more tolerable if you actually listened for once and didn't cause trouble." I snapped, making the room grow silent as Cinead looked at me with so much excitement and curiosity I knew he was loving this. I never had outbursts...I was always cool calm and collected.. "Why don't I show you to your room. I have prepared the guest room to your usual liking Kamaris." Cinead smirked, making me sigh because I knew what that meant.. Every damn time I come here he tries to throw his women at me and get me drunk..the dark lord has never been drunk and never will be. "No need, Amira will be rooming with me." "She will?" "I will?" Both Cinead and Amira asked at the same time..annoying me even further. " stop speaking unless I say you can and let's go, I would like to take a bath." I grumbled, and that's when Cinead shared a look with me. "Are you sure you wouldn't prefer I stay in the dungeon? Or perhaps in the stable with the horses." Amira f*****g begged..she would rather stay in those places than with me?! Cinead snorted a laugh before smiling widely. "I think I like this girl." He declared as I reached down and gripped Amira's arm. "Don't test me pet..I am doing you a favor, unless you would like to see what happens to the women who are thrown into the dungeon in Marudeva.." I gritted through my teeth, making Cinead frown as he was about to speak up but I quickly sent him a chilling look, shutting his mouth. Okay, I was bluffing..Marudeva is fair to all their people..prisoners included..but still..she didn't need to know that. "N..No..rooming with you will be lord." She sputtered, making me smile even wider. That's more like it. "Good, now let's go before I change my mind." I snapped as Amira nodded her head once and stepped closer to me. "Well, dinner is in three hours..and Amira, if you decide to ditch the dark lord, just ask to see me and I can make it..okay okay!" Cinead began before falling to his knees as I sent my shadows after him, making him cry out before laughing as I glared at him angrily. "Let's go." I barked, dragging Amira with me as she looked around the hall like a scared little mouse. She probably thought all the people here were prisoners like Dolus, but no, Marudeva was a sanctuary, a home for those without one. But that isn't why we were here..we were here because I needed to decide what I had to do..and I needed Cinead's advice. I needed him to meet Amira and see if he saw what I did..then I would know what to do.. But until then, I won't make any rash decisions..even with these treacherous emotions running through me. I won't break..I can' much as I want to.. I can still hear the way she choked out my that man tried to touch what was mine..and he paid the price with his life. No one can touch her until I say..and I haven't said anything yet. Her body wears my bind, and even if a man did try to touch her, that pleasure would turn to fire and pain. Only my hands can roam her body..and that thought alone drives me f*****g insane.
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