Chapter 6-History of Us

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(Amira) I jolted awake, realizing I was now lying in a bed, and felt relief rush through me. I let out a long groan before sitting up, feeling confused by what had happened. That had to be the craziest dream I've ever had in my life. Maybe someone found me in the woods and I was back home now? It could've been a couple of hikers or something..thank god. I rubbed my eyes sleepily, expecting to see my room, and was thoroughly shocked when I saw what surrounded me. It wasn't a dream... Looking through the room, a gasp escaped my now parted lips as I dragged my wide gaze across the luxurious space before me. Soft colors of purple and blue made up the bed and walls. Then looking to the right, I saw a tall glass dresser that had two large vases bursting with lush white flower arrangements on either side. A fireplace was lit in the center of the large space I was in, which looked as if it had been carved from crystal itself. Glancing down at my body, I noticed I had been changed into a lacey white nightgown. I could practically see everything beneath the thin fabric, making my eyes grow even wider as my cheeks turned pink from embarrassment, prompting me to pull the sheet up over my chest. Looking around again I realized I must have been inside of that crystal castle we saw earlier. The image of Theia flashed through my mind once more as I lay back on the bed, crossing my arms over my eyes, and let out another groan. "What the hell is happening?" I whispered to myself, as my mind began to race. I didn't know why this was all happening or how I even got here. My father popped into my mind, causing me to sit up quickly, wondering if he was out there looking for me. I bit my lip nervously, maybe he wouldn't even realize I was gone yet. Mr. Anderson would probably know before him since it had to be Monday by now and I never missed a shift at the store. A soft knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, making me pull up the blanket to my shoulders and watch as the door slowly began to open. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, the uncertainty of who it could be causing me to feel anxious as I held my breath. Suddenly a young woman with golden blonde hair and light blue eyes entered the room. She wore a flowing white fabric that draped over her body elegantly and a gold belt that cinched her waist tightly. The young woman was carrying a tray with a crystal on top with what appeared to be some type of food inside, it smelled heavenly. The girl looked up, surprise written on her face as she soon realized I was now awake and staring right at her. “Oh, I hadn’t realized you were awake My Lady.” Her small voice rushed out, making her seem nervous as her gaze avoided mine, peering down at the floor. I cleared my throat, not sure if I could even speak. “It’s okay, I just woke up.” I croaked as kindly as I could with my hoarse throat. She smiled surprisingly at me, before returning her gaze to mine. “I have brought you something to eat, my lady.” Her voice now mirroring mine and filling with kindness. I looked at the dish she held and I felt my mouth watering, it had felt like I hadn't eaten for days. She placed the tray in front of me and a hot dish with purple broth and small diced veggies sat before me. "Thank you." I said graciously. Curious about what the dish was made with, I felt too hungry to question it as I grabbed the crystal spoon and took a bite. My taste buds exploded with bliss, causing my eyes to widen as the warm broth touched my tongue. This had to be the best thing I had ever eaten.. It was almost like this was the first time I had ever tasted food in my life. The broth was savory with a sweet aftertaste that blended smoothly. A low satisfied moan left my lips and the young woman chuckled softly. I had almost forgotten she was even here for a moment as I looked up at her and smiled sheepishly. “This is delicious.” I stated softly. My compliments seemed to satisfy her enough as she gave me a deep bow and turned to leave. “Sorry, I didn’t get your name.” I spoke quickly, feeling awkward about how formal she had been. The girl froze in her tracks, acting like what I had said stunned her or something. Without turning around she responded. “My name is Elora, My Lady.” Her voice was quiet. Then before I could say anything else, she was gone. I finished eating, savoring each bite until the bowl sat empty. Then exhaustion hit me once more and I eventually fell back asleep. Hours must have gone by as I was awoken by the feeling of someone stroking my hair tenderly. I fluttered my eyes open, seeing that man from earlier now standing above me, watching me as I slept. Startled, I sat up quickly, letting the blanket fall off of me as he glanced down. That's when I noticed his eyes widen with surprise as he looked at my body, and quickly turned away once he realized what I was given to wear. I had almost forgotten about the clothes I was wearing..well, lack thereof clothes I was wearing and quickly pulled the blanket up. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” He cleared his throat awkwardly before looking towards the wall. I couldn't think of anything to say, I felt like I didn’t know Terik but the situation I was in seemed awkward considering something inside of me was constantly pulling me towards him, making him feel familiar. I could hardly look him in the eyes, let alone speak to him. It also didn’t help that Terik was the most handsome man I had ever seen. The overwhelming feeling of anxiety filled me once again. “It’s okay.” I managed to squeak out. He smiled softly and brought a chair over from the side of the bed, sitting next to me. “I wanted to speak with you, now that you have woken up. About the reason you are here.” His voice was soothing, as he had an elegant and refined presence to him. I sat up more now and straightened myself in the bed, freezing in place as he reached his large hand over, tucking the blanket in for me. Afterwards, his eyes dragged up as he reached his hand higher before slipping a strand of hair behind my ear instinctively and quickly pulling his hand away soon after, realizing what he had done. A deep part of me wanted to reach for him, to grab his hand and hold it gently. I shook my head, trying to get those intrusive urges out of my mind. He sat back down, adjusting his silver silk shirt that was tucked into a pair of black pants. The shirt matched his eyes perfectly, making them stand out even more. “Amira, I know you must have many questions, but first I wanted to tell you the story, the story of my love Theia, and how I have been waiting five hundred years for her return.” He spoke gently, searching my eyes. I blinked at him in shock..five hundred years..was this the reason why I was here? Because of this woman who seems to be inside of me? I nodded quietly, letting him know I was ready to listen. He reached out slowly while taking my hand and causing me to naturally stiffen from his touch. He began to trace circles with his thumb across my skin, calming me as I took a deep breath and watched as he began to speak. “This world, Alysian was created millions of years beyond your own. The people here, the land, it was what started time itself. Those beings that created it gave us life. They are what you would call gods. They are our ancestors, they go by the name Athuney, they were the original immortals.” He looked at me, his eyes seemed to be swirling. Immortals? he saying he is related to a God or something?! “In this world, we have something called mirror souls, each Athuney was given a match at the beginning of time, their souls equal and enduring, fate binding them together for eternity. Theia was my mirror soul, she was the woman who had been created for me and meant to be my love for our eternal life.” I looked at him and wondered what this had to do with me.. “In Alysian I am known as the lord of light, Theia was a Lady of light, we ruled this kingdom together, Aeron our home. There are many kingdoms in Alysian, and one that has threatened our lands from the beginning is known as The region of darkness, Vardis, a dark man rules that land.” His eyes seemed to grow cold. “That man, he was the one that took Theia away from me.” Reaching up he brought his hand right above my heart, causing it to flutter. “He did this to her, that was how she died, he stabbed her in the heart with his sword, five hundred years ago.” My eyes widened, the pain from earlier, the memories..that's what was happening..was I experiencing Theia’s death? Terik looked at me Intel, seeming to notice I was connecting the dots. “Since Theia was an Athuny, there was a way to bring her back, one day she would return, her soul in the body of another. It is called reincarnation, have you heard of it?” I nodded my head. I had obviously read about the myth of reincarnation before but never thought much more about it or knew any details. “Those Athuney who had not fulfilled their purpose have a chance to come back, in the body or another. You are Theia’s reincarnation, Amira, her soul sits inside of you, and that is why you even look like her, your face is the same but some features have changed slightly. Your eyes once blue are now green, and your hair once white now brown, your skin once fair now tan. Your physical body has changed.” He looked down at my lips, his eyes glistening. “Even your lips are fuller.” he continued on, glancing back up to my eyes. "The tree that you saw, it pieced together Theia’s remaining spirit inside of you. This tree is known as the Tree of Life. It has the power to create life itself. Only the chosen can see it, can be called to it, and reach it. That is how I knew you were the one. I led you to the tree Mira but only the tree can let you see it." I quickly pictured that glowing willow in my mind, how it seemed to call to me and reach towards me. "Reincarnation is something that happens here in Alysian, Athuney who were killed wrongly, and still have purpose in this world are given another chance." He slowly leaned forward, looking at my lips once more, making my heart beat erratically as I swallowed hard. “You are more beautiful than ever.” He leaned closer as his hand rested on the bed next to me, prompting me to shut my eyes tightly as I felt Terik mere inches away from me. “Can I kiss you?” He asked with a hint of a smile in his voice. Without even realizing what I was doing, my head began nodding up and down on its own before I could even process what he had asked me. Terik's hand moved up to my chin, holding me gently as the smell of lavender swirled around us. Terik's lips pressed against mine, kissing me sensually as his tongue lightly caressed my bottom lip, swiping across my smooth skin while a soft moan escaped me... Suddenly my lips parted, making me realize I was not the one in control anymore as if something inside of me had taken over. Terik's tongue entered my mouth eagerly, tasting and teasing my own as he explored every crevice, causing a rumbling groan to vibrate through his chest. I felt him pushing me back, causing me to lay down on the bed as his palms began wandering my body, cupping my breast and trailing the other down my waist. I let out a loud gasp, the sound seeming to make Terik even more excited as his kisses turned rougher, the movements growing sloppy and desperate as he pressed his body against me firmly, pushing me into the mattress.. Suddenly realization hit, snapping me out of this trance as I froze beneath him and jerked my head away quickly. I didn’t even know this man, not to mention this being my first time in this type of situation making me go into full-blown panic mode. Terik sensed my hesitation, pulling away quickly as we both began breathing heavily trying to catch our breath. Terik looked at me, guilt filling his eyes as he spoke. “I'm sorry Amira, I got carried away.” He rushed out before looking down at me worriedly. “I feel like since meeting you...I'm not the one in control anymore.” I breathed..feeling freaked out at the realization that whoever was inside of me was starting to make decisions on her own...what the hell was happening to me?
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