Chapter 7-New Places

1954 Words
(Amira) I didn't know how to feel about this, kissing a stranger and feeling so comfortable with him already. Terik smiled half-heartedly before grabbing my hand. “Of course, everything is still new, you will slowly get back to your old self, it will just take time.” He whispered, his voice soothing me as we sat there for a moment in silence. “Do you have any questions for me?” Terik suddenly asked before meeting my gaze. I nodded slowly, trying to collect my thoughts as so many questions swirled through my head. “The fox, was that you?” I felt silly asking this, but I had to know. “Yes, I manifested as the fox but it wasn’t me physically.” He smiled, squeezing my hand gently. I wondered for a moment how that was possible as his eyes continued to study me. "Once Theia's memories return..what will happen to me?” I blurted before biting down on my lip anxiously. Terik looked at me for a moment, as if trying to choose his words carefully. "You two will join as one, your past and present flowing together seamlessly..but the fact that you are human. We have to go about it all delicately." He stated, the things he said making me even more confused. "What about my life back home?" I whispered..did I really have a life back home? How is it possible to miss someone who seemed to hate me with every fiber of their being.. and yet I was still worried for my dad? Terik frowned slightly, hesitating for a moment. "I'm sorry Amira, but after you came here the memories of you will slowly start to fade away." He explained, causing my heart to drop as sadness filled me. I simply won't exist anymore. All of those people and memories of them, and now it will all be gone. I thought of my father and the few people I knew..I didn't make much of a difference in their lives, the only one to suffer would be my father because I wouldn't be working anymore..but he might be glad that I'm gone in the end..I know he always wished for it. I nodded slowly, trying to accept the reality, and began to convince myself they would all be better off. Terik pulled my hand closer to him, comforting me and realizing it must be hard to give up my old life. "I know it is hard to adjust Amira, but if you give it time I think you will feel right at home soon enough." He smiled half-heartedly and I returned it as he stood slowly. "Come, get dressed and we will go eat dinner." He instructed before walking over to the door and pausing. "I will wait out here for you okay? Just take your time." His words were kind, and yet I felt empty this realization was finally setting in. I sat in bed, thinking of my life, all of the things I hadn't even experienced. Overwhelming sadness filled me as I cried into my hands. Those that I missed wouldn't even remember me soon enough, at least that was easier than them wondering what had happened to me. Suddenly a faint knock sounded on the door and Elora entered the room not too long after, prompting me to quickly dry my tears and try to compose myself. "I am here to get you dressed My Lady." She explained before walking towards me. I pulled the blanket off of me as Elora offered me her arm, helping me out of bed as I attempted to cover myself with my hands over the thin fabric that they apparently deemed as clothes. I felt weak and tired, just the mental exhaustion alone was enough to make me want to crawl back into bed and hide. Suddenly she brought out a silver shirt with a matching skirt, a golden belt, and sandals soon followed. Noticing I was shy she placed them on the bed and turned towards the wall, facing away from me. "Get dressed in these and I will help you put the belt and shoes on, My Lady." Elora instructed and I quickly slipped them on, doing what she asked. Peering down, I noticed the shirt was revealing my midriff and hung off my shoulders loosely. The skirt I pulled on flowed out beautifully and draped down to my feet. The fabric was soft and felt cool beneath my touch, I was in awe. "I'm dressed." I informed her quietly and watched as she turned around slowly. Her eyes immediately grew wide with excitement as a huge smile filled her beautiful face. "You look radiant my Lady." She complemented, her words causing my cheeks to burn red. I smiled shyly at her as she hurried over slipping the belt around me and Bending down to put on my shoes. She swiftly ushered me to the vanity next, sitting me down and putting my thick brown hair up in a sleek bun. Afterward, she stuck small pins and different types of jewelry throughout. Elora stood back, inspecting her work carefully smiled brightly, seeming to be pleased. "You look like a goddess." She declared, making me blink up at her with surprise from never having heard such compliments. "Come, I will show you." She laughed before pulling me in front of the floor-length mirror and I gasped. I couldn't believe that was me, my green eyes shimmered brightly, and my hair was decorated with gold and pearl pins throughout. The outfit hugged me perfectly, showing off my thin waist and for a brief second, I believed I did look like a goddess. After staring at my reflection Elora spoke again, startling me. "I have just the perfect piece to tie it all together." She stated before running back to the vanity and opening a small drawer before reaching inside and grabbing something out of it. She held up a beautiful pair of earrings and a matching necklace. The necklace had a gold chain that was decorated with beautiful vines with leaves. There were small pearls placed around it, causing it to shimmer in the looked beautiful. The earrings matched perfectly and I was suddenly glad my mom took me to get my ears pierced all of those years ago. Once she placed them on me I was ready. Elora smiled at me and I felt so grateful. "Thank you so much Elora." I smiled warmly, feeling like she was my fairy godmother or could she make me look this good?! "I am so glad you have returned My Lady, you are finally home." The way she said this filled me with feelings of confusion. I didn't feel like Theia, I felt like myself, so it was odd when they spoke to me like I had returned when I didn't even remember any of Alysian and being here to begin with. I just smiled lightly and nodded, that was the least I could do. Elora led me out of my room and what waited beyond the threshold was purely breathtaking. All of the walls were made from that beautiful purple and blue crystal I first saw when we arrived. A huge opening appeared ahead that led to a large balcony overlooking the city and water below. I walked towards it and saw Terik standing on the balcony, he was leaning against the railing looking out beyond the city, his silk shirt blowing in the wind. I felt my heart skip a beat, the sight of his lean figure causing me to miss a step as I almost came tumbling forward, quickly catching myself as embarrassment rushed through me. Oh god..way to make an entrance least he didn't see that. Terik turned towards me looking at me with those burning silver eyes, causing butterflies to flood my stomach. Terik looked me up and down, a huge grin forming on his lips before walking towards me. "You look beautiful." He breathed, his gaze continuing to study my new appearance. I smiled shyly, feeling my cheeks burn as his compliments made my nerves go haywire..dang these people were nice around here. "Thank you." I squeaked and walked towards the balcony's edge. Looking out I could see now that the water beneath the city was not the ocean, instead it was from multiple cliffs surrounding Aeron that had waterfalls cascading down, causing the water to pool around the city walls, it was breathtaking. I glanced toward Terik discreetly, realizing he was studying me now. "It's so amazing." I whispered looking back toward the waterfall and trying not to freak out. I have honestly never been in the presence of someone so attractive..I didn't know how to act. Terik chuckled and stepped up next to me, placing his hand closer to mine. "It really is, magic made this city and hides it as well. To protect us from those who want to steal it." His face turned serious now, turning towards me, he grabbed my hand, holding it gently. "I will never let anyone hurt you ever again. I will protect you no matter what Amira." He stated firmly, making me stare at him for a few moments as tbose words seeped into me, causing my stomach to flip.. but I knew he wasn't saying it for me. I looked away, the wind blowing towards us as I nodded my head, knowing he was speaking to Theia...but a small part of me wished he were speaking to me. I wished he said those words about my past..the things that happened with my father and Jacob, those who had wished me harm.. who wished Amira harm. Terik pulled me close, causing my heart to race as he wrapped his arms around my waist before hugging me tightly pressing me into his chest. "I will never let you out of my sight again." He declared, causing my eyes to flutter closed as I took a deep breath, inhaling his lavender scent. Soon enough I found myself wrapping my arms around him now, acting on my own free will this time..wanting to hug him and hear him tell me it was okay..that everything would all be okay. The Amira part of me wanted to do that, not just the Theia. After a few minutes, Terik pulled back from me, looking deeply into my eyes. "I have never seen eyes like yours, they are breathtaking." He whispered and I had always been told that my whole life by my mother, they weren't just green but had flecks of gold and blue inside. My cheeks burned once more and I quickly turned my head, resting it on his chest. I couldn't even look at him without feeling nervous. He chucked softly, caressing my back gently. "Do you think my eyes will change back to Theia’s after we become one?" I loved my eyes, they were always my favorite part of me, the part that was my own. He pulled me back peering into my eyes once more. "I hope they stay this color because then I know it's still partly you." His answer surprised me. He wanted me to keep my eyes? Maybe he was just saying that because he didn't want to hurt my feelings. Looking behind me Terik nodded slightly and smiled, meeting my gaze again as he spoke. "Come, let's go eat dinner." He stated before stepping away and offering me his hand. I took it gently, glancing one last time at the sun setting, seeing colors unlike anything I had witnessed in my lifetime. This place truly was amazing..could I get used to being here? Could this really be my new home?
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