Chapter 5-New World

1569 Words
(Amira) My eyes snapped open as a handsome man with white hair was now staring back at me. His body floated in front of me as he lifted his arms, resting his hands on either side of my face, holding me in place. He slowly inched down, coming closer to my lips before gently placing his mouth against mine, kissing me softly. Just from that one touch, something happened to me.. Feelings and memories I never knew I had began rushing through me, memories that were not my own, memories from someone who intruded my mind. My hands acted instinctively, wrapping around this stranger's neck and kissing him back deeply as if I had known this man my whole life. The feelings of love radiating from deep within. My eyes opened widely as I began to pull away and started to panic. The realization that I was still underwater and had been for minutes now came crashing down. My hands shot to my throat, holding my neck tight as I fought the urge to inhale. The man began pulling me with him, swimming up towards a bright light that now appeared before my very eyes and was hovering above us. I breached the surface gasping for air as this man with white hair pulled me close to his chest, holding me and dragging me to the edge where the ground met the water. I broke free, crawling on my hands and knees across the rough stone floor, gasping for air desperately. The man's hand reached out, touching my back softly as he tried to comfort me while my long brown hair draped around my face, dripping water onto the stone floor. “It’s okay Theia, you are safe now.” He spoke gently. His hands moving up and down my back, making my body stiffen as I tried to jerk away, but nothing would work. My body wouldn't listen to me as if someone else was in control. Finally, I felt my fingers move and managed to sit up, looking at the man with wide shocked eyes. He was unlike anything I had ever seen, his silver eyes were sharp and studying me, his skin was tanned and glistening, his full lips were parted and his wet shaggy white hair went below his ears. He wore a white shirt that was drenched, showing his hard chest and toned muscles beneath, he looked like he was cut from stone. I blinked at him as he reached out to touch me, pushing my hair behind my ear. “It’s me Theia, Terik.” He stated smoothly. Treating me so tenderly as if he really did know me. I finally found the courage to speak, my throat feeling tight and my body tingling. “I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are.” I croaked, my voice barely a whisper. He studied my eyes, lowering his hand and sitting back on his legs. “You’ve just gone through a lot, your memories will return soon Theia.” He said with emotion. “My name is Amira, I think you might be mistaking me for someone else.” Confusion filled me as I met his eyes, feeling in shock from what I had just endured. With his gaze locked on mine, he began to stand, reaching out his hand for me to take as hesitation filled me. This man was a complete stranger to me and I had no idea what was happening. But something inside of me pulled towards him..I couldn't explain it. Reaching out my hand, I placed it gently into his. Making his eyes spark from our touch and I felt my cheeks warming. I stood shakily, glancing down at my legs where the scrapes had been, and soon realized everything was healed. Now that I thought about it, my back wasn’t even in pain anymore either. I turned my head, examining the cave carefully, and realized it seemed different from before. The tree was no longer glowing and its leaves were a dull green as they reached down, skimming the water and causing ripples to appear. The blackberry groves we had come through had now disappeared, where they once stood was suddenly replaced with the exit to the cave. Terik wrapped an arm around my waist and held my hand with his other, my body stiffened but I didn’t pull away. He slowly started to lead me out of the cave, my body feeling weak from everything I had just endured as I tried to wrap my head around what was going on. Once we reached the exit, my hand flew up above my eyes as I shielded myself from the glimmering rays of sunshine that now blinded me. When I opened them again, I let out a sharp gasp as I realized that the world I once knew was now gone. Walking outside, my eyes didn't know where to look first, the view around me was bright and new. The grass was a shimmering shade of green that sparkled from dew drops reflecting the sun. Large fluffy clouds drifted by lazily above in the soft blue sky, they were made up of swirling pinks, purples, oranges, and blues. Flowers below us glowed in reds and yellows as the sun from high above made everything glimmer. White butterflies fluttered between them, taking my breath away from the beautiful sight. These green fields rolled on for miles and looking back at the cave we just exited, it was now gone. “Where are we?” I asked breathlessly, glancing at Terik as he kept those silver eyes on me, not looking away once. “This Theia..” He stopped himself and continued. “This is Alysian Amira, Your home.” His voice was gentle and kind as he spoke, making me feel slightly at ease. I blinked at him in confusion and looked out into this world I didn’t know existed, I thought this could be a dream, maybe Jacob had killed me and I passed on and this was the other side...Suddenly Terik pulled me closer. “Hold on.” He whispered against my ear. I held onto his arm gently as he raised his right hand, rotating it into a circular motion causing the air to ripple. Then out of nowhere, it was as if an oval door had appeared. Terik stepped forward holding me tightly as we walked through the rippling space, taking us to another destination that was even more breathtaking than the last. Terik turned towards me, studying me intently. “Does this place look familiar to you?” His voice was full of apprehension. I shook my head no as I was staring at a city made of glass, every building glistening in the sun. My eyes didn’t know where to focus first, right in the center was a castle built from large crystals, it had different levels that were broken up by balconies and stairs. I had never seen anything like it, the crystals made of light purple and blue, the beauty of them causing me to gasp. To the right was a large grassy area that filled one side of the city, full of white trees with yellow leaves, and every walkway was made from white stone. Whatever walls the glass shops and buildings had were also made from that same smooth stone. A large wall surrounded the city and looking beyond that I realized the whole city was surrounded by water, everything perfectly visible from the cliffs edge we were standing on. “Welcome home, to Aeron, the kingdom of light.” Terik stated proudly. "Aeron.." I whispered, feeling an overwhelming sense of familiarity when suddenly a memory shot through me. We were at a castle..a place where I once lived, Terik was in the bedroom with me, kissing me as we lay in our bed. I quickly fell to my knees, grabbing my head and holding it tightly, the thoughts flashing through me, they were not mine, they felt wrong like I was intruding into someone else’s life. Terik swiftly crouched down in front of me, looking at me with worry filling his silver gaze as he searched my eyes intently. “I..she used to live here.” I explained breathlessly. He nodded slowly, the overwhelming feeling of panic taking me over like I had to get out of here. Suddenly my heart ached, right where my birthmark was and I gripped at it, pain shooting through me. Terik panicked as his eyes stared at the place where my hands were resting, trying to figure out what was wrong. He quickly took my hoodie off, ripping my shirt where I was grasping my chest, seeing what was causing me so much pain that I let out a scream. Then his eyes turned cold as worry flashed through his face before darkness overtook me. I felt as if I were floating between two places, being tugged one way and pulled the other. I looked over to the darkness and saw her, a woman that looked like me, she had white hair and fair skin, her eyes were closed but I knew who she was, I knew it was her. “Theia.” I whispered. Her eyes shot open, revealing crystal blue orbs as she stared deep into me, the feeling of dread taking over and making me succumb to that darkness.
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