Chapter 27-Revealing the Cracks

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( Kamaris) I looked down at Amira, my heart racing as my feelings and emotions crashed through me. I saw the lust in her eyes..the desire she felt..I f*****g felt it too and I needed to get the hell out of I said some s**t about her wanting to f**k me and quickly disappeared, my body stumbling back until I hit the wall, trying to control myself. "My lord! Are you okay?!" Esmerelda rushed towards me, making my eyes snap to her still naked figure. "Out now!" I snapped, not wanting to see her for a second longer. I couldn't stand her made my f*****g skin crawl..but she was the one my mother sent. She was the one who would scurry back to my mother's quarters and reveal everything we did and what she saw. Little does she know, I haven't touched her once. "Wait, come back here." I almost forgot. I quickly waved my hand forward, letting my shadows out as the darkness swirled around her, making her scream. Then it disappeared just as quickly, leaving bite marks scattered across her skin. I watched Esmerelda pick up her clothes and run off as her eyes widened with fear. Good..she should be afraid.. I took a deep steadying breath, feeling my head begin to clear as I closed my eyes, letting my shadows do their work as they slipped under the cracks, heading straight for Amira's room. I felt them slide up her body, the whisps surrounding her ears as the sounds of moaning filled her head. I didn't like manipulating the mind very often, usually only with the woman my mother sent to seduce me..but messing with the mind was one of the cruelest forms of punishment..I only had a sliver of this power that I was born with naturally..Gideon, he is the one who wields that darkness the best. He is known for showing his enemies their greatest fears..causing them to claw out their own eyes and hearts. He is someone not to be trusted and I hate the fact that he is trying to get closer to Amira..Gideon has a knack for collecting women..and I can see that look in his eyes whenever he sees her..he wants her. He too has had his mirror soul connection rot away from black magic..but his mirror soul still stays with him..she is just as bad as Terik. I know my behavior has been cruel..I just have to know..I had to see how she would react..I had to know if she truly was a part of Theia.. Theia had a bitter and jealous that would lash out even if a woman so much as looked at Terik..or me down the road. There is a nagging feeling deep inside of that thinks maybe Alden might be right..what if Amira is something different..what if the tree created something new. It just doesn't make sense..there has never been a human used as reincarnation for our is always a different race or breed like the Savaka people...but they are reborn with the souls, connecting memories and flowing perfectly together..then they become Athuney at the age of 18. Athuney are rare..they were chosen by the original immortals who we now call gods to rule the regions..and Athuney are only created two ways.. From their immortal parents reproducing..or from an orb that has been produced by the Tree of Life. But those created by the orb were already destined to be Athuney, their souls were meant to be that way from the start, showing signs of greatness and strength. So for Amira to be here is baffling..what the Sybil said is the only thing that makes sense..that the tree accidentally split the soul..because Amira would not be Athuney otherwise. She was a human..she only was able to pass through the worlds because of Theia’s presence inside of her. No other human has ever come here, and no Athuney can go isn't meant to be..we can only visit through the eyes of another being. Alysian is the beginning of time, the place where death and life start and end..we send that magic and energy to different worlds, creating their lives and collecting their souls. It has always been this way. And Theia wanted it all to herself..she wanted to control not only the ability to give life..but to take it as well..she wanted to rule the light and dark Kingdoms, to be the queen of it all. My father knew of the threat, and a war had begun.. Vardis is the place where our Kingdom true kingdom where my people live and thrive, and I am doing everything in my power to keep Dalia's hands off of it. That is why we reside in Dolus, the region of sin and destruction. It sits right in the middle of Anthea, the region of earth and nature, the place where my mother was born. Your powers grow stronger on the soil of the region you were born, and that is how we have kept her here.. But I know of her she was the one who helped Theia before..Dalia is an even bigger threat than Theia and if she finds out my true intentions then we are all doomed. We just need more kill Dalia, it would strip me of my powers and I would face the consequences of taking another Athuney's life for killing recklessly.. there has to be a justifiable reason..and I can feel it coming. If she helps Theia try to take over Alysian again..then I know it will anger the gods. So for now..I just need to keep focused and find out if Amira is connected to Theia..but maybe Alden is right..maybe we should see Mabel the Sybil and find out for ourselves..because something deep inside of me is changing and it's scaring the hell out of me. I heard a knock on the door, knowing it was Alden as I swept my hand to the side, letting my shadows open the door. "What's the report?" I got straight to the point, feeling weird..I was moody and agitated..slightly turned on..I don't know what the f**k is happening! "Terik will be here at noon, he wants to see her." Alden informed me, making my hands ball into a fist as I clenched my teeth. I felt my shadows going crazy, their silky tendrils whipping across my skin as I tried to control it. "No, we need to keep them apart. I will not let him go anywhere near her." I snapped, making Alen blink his eyes in confusion. If he sees her..then the mirror soul bond could snap into place... "Whose to say he doesn't try to thin her out?" I tried to explain, making Alden, nod his head. "Well, the dungeons are the only place we can't teleport in and out of.." He thought out loud before shooting his gaze towards me worriedly. "But we can't send her would break her Kamaris.." He rushed out, causing me to become irritated. "That's the whole point of this..we need to see what she reveals in those cracks..after this..if she doesn't show any signs, then we will speak with the sybil." I declared, making up my mind. The fate of Alysian is resting in my hands..and as much as this woman has baffled me, I just can't give in could be a trap..what if this is all some type of front to begin with? Theia too once looked innocent and kind..we can't fall for it again.
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