Chapter 26-Lesson Learned

1950 Words
(Amira) After the noise subsided for a while, a knock sounded on the door. Without a word, it slowly began to open and this time it was a different guard and not Alden..that's unusual. I quickly realized I had seen him once before, he was the other man at the cave entrance with Alden. He had olive skin and green eyes with a long scar going down the side of his face. The man walked into the room as I pulled the comforter down by my shoulders hiding my bare chest as I sat up straighter. "Your dinner is waiting in the hall with the other women." He informed me. I just stared at him in confusion..his words not quite making sense. I had never eaten with anyone else before..this was odd. I wondered why now..then I realized..because of all the bite marks that covered my body. Kamaris wanted me to be humiliated... The man walked towards the dresser, grabbed a black dress, and placed it on my bed before turning around quickly as he now faced the door. I picked up the dress and stood up as I made quick work to slip it on. My eyes widened in disbelief as I looked in the mirror...I didn't think I could be shocked anymore at this point..but Kamaris continues to prove me wrong apparently. The slits on each side went all the way up to my waist, my breasts barely hidden by two straps of fabric that were held together by string. Almost every single bite mark was exposed, as if he had made the dress himself, remembering exactly where he bit me. The man turned, his eyes widening at the sight of me as his gaze dragged up and down my body. One thing with Alden was he had pretty much seen it all by now, so I never felt embarrassed with him around. So in this case, my cheeks had to be as red as a tomato while the man cleared his throat and stepped to the door. "I will take you now...I mean..take you to the hall now." He sputtered out, sounding flustered while he was trying so hard not to stare. I could see he was just as uncomfortable as I was. I sighed, feeling annoyed by this whole situation while my mood became worse and worse by the minute. Not only was I subjected to hearing Esmerelda's screams..but now I had to be paraded around like this.. "Why does he care where I eat now?" I mumbled to myself, walking forward as the man looked at me curiously. He opened the door and I refused to acknowledge Kamaris's room while turning sharply, holding my head up high. I decided right then that I was just not going to give a s**t anymore. These people can think whatever they want, I'm sure there were plenty of rumors going around about me much worse than this. The man turned the corner, leading me behind him as we went to a hall further than I had gone before. Just then I could hear laughter and chatter as we approached a large room. As soon as we stepped foot inside, the whole place went silent..making me realize all eyes were now on me as I heard one girl gasp and begin to whisper to a friend next to her. Okay...maybe this wasn't going to be as easy as I thought. It took every ounce of strength in my body to not cover myself and hide away in the corner. I walked in, and the man led me to a table with a single seat opened..right across from Esmerelda..this is why he wanted me to come here. I mentally kicked myself for not realizing this sooner as I thought he just wanted me to humiliate myself with the bite marks. I sat down, keeping my eyes on the table as the man walked away, bringing a plate of food back with him. I could feel Esmerelda's vicious glare from here as I tried my hardest to ignore her..but of course, curiosity got the best of me. To my horror, I glanced up and right on her neck and body were bite marks as well. I was shocked.. I felt sick to my stomach as my reaction angered me. I don't know why seeing those marks on her skin made me feel upset..was I..jealous? Oh god please no..I quickly took my fork, stabbed a piece of potato, and slid it into my mouth before chewing angrily. I could hear the blonde I had met before in the bath whispering loudly into Esmerelda's ear..obviously wanting to get my attention..she wasn't being very discrete "The look on her face was priceless.." The blonde laughed, making my stomach tie intj knots...I hated this. "She should apologize to you, for disrupting your time with the dark lord...What a bitch." She spat before laughing again, making me grind my teeth together. I couldn't take it, my hand slammed my fork down, causing the girls to jump as they all whipped their heads towards me with wide eyes, causing the room to go silent once more. "While you are all fighting for the dark lord's attention..I on the other hand am trying to avoid it at all costs. So please, have him all you want, you will be doing me a favor!" I shouted before shooting to my feet and glaring at every single one of these cackling hens. I turned, ready to go back to my room as I ran straight into a solid object, making confusion fill me as I looked up. ..Oh no.. Kamaris stood right in front of me now, towering high above as he was burning with what looked to me like pure rage. All the women behind me clambered to the floor, kneeling quickly as they averted their gaze. "Is that so?" Kamaris asked curiously before reaching out and gliding his fingertips across my collarbone. The action made a shiver tremble through me as I swallowed hard. "Y..yes.." I not so confidently stammered. He looked down, breathing heavily as he reached up before brushing my hair behind my ear. "You believe I am giving you too much attention Dear Amira?" He asked cooly, his casual tone scaring me more than anything..what was he thinking? My stomach dropped, I knew without a doubt I was in big trouble. "Would you rather enjoy the company of my guards? The company of the prisoners even? They do get lonely down there." He threatened, his black eyes slicing through me as his words made me gasp..he wouldn't..would he? I heard someone snicker behind me, I knew it had to be, Esmerelda, and I wished so badly I could shoot her a dirty look..but now is not the time for that. Fear filled me, his threats not seeming empty and I knew he wanted me to front of all these women because I had bruised his fragile ego. My head wanted to say slap him in the face and tell him to kick rocks. But I knew without a doubt, that this was a moment he was making an example of me, showing I wasn't his favorite and that in fact I was nothing to him. "I'm sorry.." I whispered, his smile widening from my words. "What? I didn't hear you." He quipped before grabbing my arm and forcing me to fall to the ground and Kneel before him. I lowered my head to the floor, trying to fight the tears that were forcing their way up. "I'm sorry my lord." I said loudly, averting his gaze as I stared straight at the space below me. Kamaris squatted down, his hand finding my chin as he lifted it slowly. "I think you might need to spend a few days back in that cell, to realize the luxury I have given you. It's only been one day and you are already disobeying your lord. The man who has saved you and has given you a second chance at life." He said viciously. I looked up at him, hurt filling me as the words spilled out before I could stop myself. "I would have rather died that day than be here serving you for eternity." I gritted thriugh ny teeth, knowing I would pay for my moment of weakness but wanting to shownhim just how much I was growing to despise him. For a brief moment, I swear hurt filled those black eyes..I didn't know if I was imagining it but I swear a spark blue flashed through those black orbs, letting another emotion other than hatred shined through. I didn't like who I was becoming, the horrible things I thought. I always wanted to stay kind and to be someone full of see the best in people. Maybe he truly was breaking me, but not the way he hoped..he was filling me with hatred. "Dante, take her to the cell, no food or water for five days." He commanded roughly. "We will see if you change your tone by then." He stated firmly, standing as he let go of my chin and stepped back. Just then the man who I now knew was named Dante grabbed my arm, pulling me up. He dragged me out as I looked down, refusing to see the satisfaction on Kamaris's face. Dante glanced at me, pulling me towards the stairs I had become accustomed to as ai hated myself for talking back..when will I learn when it comes to Kamaris.. "Why did you have to say anything?" Dante asked me, frustration filling his own voice. I was surprised he was even talking to me. All I could do was look down at my feet as sadness filled me. "Because I meant it." The realization hurt worse than the punishment he had given me. Why was I still alive, why am I forced to live my life to serve a man who hates me so deeply? Dante stared down at me once more, holding my arm as I reached the dungeon. The same guard that always seemed to fill with surprise when he saw me. He kept an eye on all of the prisoners and would look at me oftentimes with what I felt was pity. He never spoke much and never seemed to leave this place..I began to wonder if he was cursed to stay down here like the rest of us. The guard eyed Dante as he pulled me over to my usual room. Dante opened the door and I walked in willingly, shutting off all emotions as I went and sat on the thin mattress just as the iron door slammed behind me and the darkness surrounded me. I heard Dante speak on the way out. "No contact for five days, then the lord will reassess." He stated firmly and that was the last thing I heard. I curled my legs up to my chest, the cold cell causing me to shiver as I sighed heavily. I just needed to get through this..I wanted to kick myself for not finishing my whole meal...that would've been enough to last me a few days at least.. Suddenly I felt a burst of laughter bubble up inside of me before it came tumbling day..I lasted one damn day. Why do I have to talk back so much? I had that glorious bed for a single day and took it for granted.. It's funny though how you can grow accustomed to things after a while, this cell almost felt like my home at this point. I better get used to it..I'm sure this won't be the last time either.
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