Chapter 28-Rainbow Light

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(Amira) On the first day, I mostly slept, I felt pretty used to the sounds.. Hearing moans and screams throughout the night and an occasional cell door opening and closing. By the second day, I started to get hungry, my stomach growling as I sat up, pacing my cell to try and get some type of exercise. My muscles were stiff and sore from laying on the mattress for most of the day and night. Not to mention the cold temperatures causing my body to tense and shiver. On the third day, I heard someone trying to open the cell door, my body stiffening as I weakly rose off the mattress. I heard the door shake and then a voice spoke through the closed window, causing me to be in complete darkness from the moment I got in here. "Amira, are you okay?" It sounded like Gideon, his voice seemed full of concern. Surprise filled me considering I hadn't seen him in a long time. I sat up, clearing my dry throat as I spoke weakly. "I'm okay.." I whispered softly, not sure if he could even hear me. "Kamaris put a lock on the door, no one can open it but him." He explained angrily, as I heard him hit the door roughly, causing me to jump. "You just have two days left okay?" He informed me and I couldn't help but feel a little sliver of hope fill me from his presence alone and the kindness he has shown me. "Thank you.." I breathed out while lying back down..the dehydration making my movements sluggish and heavy. I didn't want Gideon to get in trouble but what Kamaris said flashed through my mind..who knows what he would do with him next. "You should go, Gideon, before you get caught." I added with the last of my strength. I heard the door rattle one more time. "I'm sorry..I'm sorry you have been forced to live like this. You are the innocent one and yet you are paying for the crimes she has committed." He sounded remorseful, and then I heard footsteps approaching as another male voice began to speak. "Gideon you need to go now." Alden spoke angrily, his tone firm and strict. "Amira, I promise I will take you away from this place..I promise I will save you." He yelled with urgency, his declaration causing my stomach to twist. "Go NOW." Alden shouted, causing me to jump as thick silence filled the air. Footsteps walked away and I was left alone in the darkness yet again. Another man making me a promise that I knew not to foolishly believe..I wasn't stupid..I knew there was no way in hell Kamaris would ever let Gideon take me. Day four had to be the hardest, I began dreaming of food..the worst was dreaming of a huge pool of water as I swam deeply, drinking as I dived under, filling my stomach with the cool liquid. I awoke to my lips feeling dry as I tried to lick them, my mouth even drier as I sat up, trying to swallow. The dream seemed more like a nightmare now that I was left feeling empty and full of wanting. I stood up shakily, pacing in my cell, trying to get my blood circulation going as I walked stiffly. I questioned every day why I was still here, why I was living, and what was going to happen to me. If I was now Terik's mirror soul, what did that mean for Theia? What of all those years he waited for her? And how was it possible for her to love Kamaris? Did I feel a connection to Terik? I know in the past I felt something for him but I wasn't sure if that was just because Theia was taking over my emotions. I couldn't really know unless I saw him..he was kind and gentle to me, the kiss we shared and the things he said. Had he known I wasn't fully absorbed or was he tricked by Theia... The sweet words he spoke to her echoed through me. I love you, I miss you, and I will always protect you. Sadness began to fill me, my body producing tears from whatever moisture I had left inside of me. The times I never wanted to think about began to creep in, the man in my dreams, the first time I saw him, his long black hair and moon-white skin. The things he said to me and the way he spoke. Those crashing blue eyes that stuck with me still to this day. The kiss..that one kiss he gave me, a kiss that filled my soul with hope and something worth fighting for. A reason to live, a reason to survive, and something to look forward to. Meeting the man in my dreams, secretly giving him all of my trust. Every meeting, every look, every touch, that was why I didn't care if I died because this world I am in now is nothing without him. Without the man who promised to save me, who touched me tenderly, who gave me hope for my future...the man who stole my heart. Then I remembered the man who put me in here, the way he made me feel, how he hurt me deeper than anything I had felt before. Crushing my confidence and self-esteem that was already so lacking, to begin with to be brought to nothing. Those memories of how he made me feel when he pushed me against the wall. How my body betrayed me..I lay crying on the floor, sobs wracking my body as the realization set in. I didn't know if I could ever trust another man again, what Kamaris did to me, and continues to do to me, it has ruined me. It felt as if my soul began to weep, feeling that realization seep down deep inside of me. I don't want to be angry, I don't want to have hatred fill me, that was what happened to my father. I refused to be like him, from this moment on I would do whatever I could to fight that. If Kamaris wanted to fill me with hatred, I would do the opposite. I wouldn't argue or fight back, I was going to be kind and obedient. I had a feeling that would annoy him more than anything, if I walked out of here without my hatred, without that darkness. Just then, my palm began to glow..not just a white light like Terik and Alden, this light was rainbow. It shimmered with red, green, purple, and blue. The light flickered gently along my skin..It illuminated from my hand, lighting the room with beautiful colors as I stared at the ceiling in awe. Was I really getting magic? Does this prove that I am from the light kingdom, like Theia and Terik..because her soul split and is inside of me now? I waved my hand, the lights dancing against the hard stone walls, bringing them to life as I felt a warmth fill me, the dark thoughts disappearing instantly. I took a deep shuddering breath, letting it out slowly as the light faded away. As if my body were telling me not to give up hope, that there was a light still shining deep in this darkness..and that light was inside of me. I fell asleep, excited for tomorrow being the last day as I dreamed of that light, it was all around me, filling each crevice as I basked in the warmth. You can do this, don't give up hope. My own voice echoed inside of me, filling me with a determination that I will survive, there is some type of purpose for me, there has to be. Even Gideon said the tree does everything for a reason. I didn't know what it could be, but I felt like I had to hold on and one day the answers will be clear. For a second a realization hit me..if I were to get Kamaris to trust me, to see me as more than just Theia’s reincarnation then maybe he might see me as a person. I don't think Kamaris has friends though, he treats his own brother horribly, and that's family. I had to learn more about him, and find out his favorite things and what he likes. So far I know he likes the color black and torturing me..that isn't much to go off of. I bit my lip anxiously..if I could seduce him.. I couldn't even finish the thought without laughing. The mere idea was so ridiculous I couldn't take myself seriously. I had never seduced a man in my life, let alone date one. Terik was my first real kiss and that wasn't even all on my own. I sighed, placing my arm over my eyes. A headache throbbing in my head, the lack of food and water affecting every part of my body now. I lay there for hours, waiting for that door to open...and didn't.. Kamaris didn't forget about me..did he?
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