Chapter 54-Making A Plan

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(Kamaris) I bent down, kissing Amira once again as I couldn't believe she was still here..she stayed with me..she really stayed. My heart was still racing from the events that just happened. I felt f*****g horrible for not trusting her, but I couldn't risk losing her..I couldn't risk Terik seeing her. The moment I stepped out of that room, I was mentally preparing myself for what I had to do. "Kamaris..what if.." Alden began and I just gave him a cold that showed how f*****g serious I was about this. I walked through the plan with him, knowing that if it came down to it, the moment I killed Terik I would most likely lose my powers. It was a price I was willing to pay.. My shadows didn't seem to be against it either...the way I felt my sword hanging in the balance, knowing it would be ready when or if I needed it. Then I felt it..that pull from the bind that Amira was further away.. "No." I breathed, feeling my eyes widen as I turned to Alden and then it happened. A force of magic pulsed through us, Cinead controlling the shield as all thinning abilities were wiped out. "f**k!" I yelled, seeing Alden begin to panic as we both ran out those doors as fast as we could. No..he can't do this to could my friend betray me like that? I was going to kill them all..if Amira is taken from me..I would destroy everyone in my path just to get her back. Alden ran beside me, my heart about to burst out of my chest as every second that passed I felt that desperation setting in more and more. Amira can't do this to me..she can't leave me..she can't be his... Please don't let it be true. Then I felt that magic slip back, my body stopping immediately as I gripped onto Alden's arm and thinned us straight to the wall. That's when I saw Cinead first..fury burning through me as I looked the traitor straight in his eyes. Eventually Amira's sweet voice coaxed me out of that darkness. I watched as she pulled from Alden before collapsing to her knees. Then it hit me..she..she stayed. She really stayed for me. Hearing her say those words, saying that she loved me and only me, it was the best feeling in the world. I peered down at Amira, my hands cupping her beautiful face before pressing another kiss to her lips. "You are never leaving my side again.." I breathed, feeling her smile against me as I feathered kisses on each corner of her mouth. "I guess we should go over what was said." I pulled back and stated loud enough for everyone to hear. Stella and Cinead glanced towards Amira who seemed to be frozen in place. "I think Amira should say it, considering she is the least likely to get strangled." Cinead muttered before rubbing his throat instinctively. I watched as Amira glared at him, making the most adorable look appear on her face. I turned towards her before raising my eyebrow curiously. So this should be interesting.. "Let's go back to the house first. We can speak in the study." Cinead added swiftly, obviously buying them some time. "Fine." I groaned before squeezing Amira and bending down close to her ear. "But afterward, I am taking you to bed." Before she could even respond, I thinned us straight to the study. I watched as Amira looked around inquisitively, this was Cinead's favorite room. The whole place was decorated in red, seeming to be his favorite color. There were only two bookshelves on the wall and he had a large pool table right in the middle of the room. Then her eyes widened as they landed on the pinball machine. "You have these types of things in Alysian?" She asked, surprise filling her. I just laughed, looking at the old machine as I knew Cinead had a whole collection in his palace. "We can get any nonliving thing we want from the human world. If we can think of it, the magic can recreate it. So when we manifest there we sometimes see things we like." I explained before kissing her on the shoulder as she admired the machine. "But those from Alysian can only manifest there, no one can physically go right?" She asked, making me look at her curiously, as I studied her expression. Then a sinking feeling hit me, did she want to return to the human world or something? "It isn't possible because the worlds are never meant to join, considering we are magic and humans live such short lives, the originals made it so none could cross over and interfere." I stated softly, my hands sliding down her arms, causing goosebumps to pebble across her skin as my mouth found her neck. My touch was gentle and sweet as I slowly slipped my tongue out, tasting and teasing her skin. "Okay, can we get on with it? I can't take much more of this." Cinead grumbled with a frown, looking at us as I kissed her neck even deeper, locking my eyes on Cinead and glaring. I know it killed him that I was keeping Amira to myself...but I would never share her..not with him or anyone else. Amira was all mine. Stella just laughed, patting Cinead's back as he let out a long sigh. "Well, I really hate to destroy Kamaris's surprisingly good mood, but we better get this over with then." Cinead added, making me pull back from Amira and the mark I made. She looked up at me seemingly dazed as a sweet smile pulled at her lips. Amira cleared my throat, just as I pulled her over to the couch, making her sit on my lap swiftly and wrapped one hand around her waist and placed the other on her thigh. She just stared up at me for a few moments, seeming to be lost in thought as her cheeks turned the most adorable shade of pink. "Amira, get on with it." Stella said teasingly as she plopped into the seat across from us with Cinead at her side. Alden and Dante stood behind them, leaning against the wall as they waited patiently. "Well..I told Terik I didn't want to leave with him... That I wanted to stay with you." She explained quietly, making my heart flutter from her words. "He said I have a month to return, and if I don't.." She continued before fidgeting with her hands nervously. "Th..They will declare war on the lord of darkness and all who align with him." She blurted, before shutting her eyes tightly, making me almost burst into laughter. "Is that all?" I said cooly, knowing this would probably be the outcome either way. Amira blinked her eyes rapidly and turned her head to look at me. "Y..You aren't mad?" She asked with a mixture of shock and worry. I was perfectly calm..maybe almost too calm for their liking.. I glanced at Cinead, noticing how his eyes studied me intently before he began laughing as realization set in. "You want a war don't you." He said with a smirk. I began grinning now, my hands rubbing Amira in a calming way as I spoke. "I would prefer a one on one match between Terik and I, but if he wants to involve all of Alysian, then so be it." I quipped while pulling Amira back, causing her to lean into me as I slid my hand across her abdomen. "Let him make a fool of himself, and when he ends up angering the gods, then that solves everything." I stated coldly, knowing Amira had officially made her choice now and no one could change her mind..and if Terik decided to work with Dolus, then he was just as guilty as them..I will drag them one by one to Everan, letting the gods decide their fate. "Amira..that wasn't all." Cinead added in a serious tone. I pulled back, looking down at her. "What?" I asked as that anger finally began to show itself. Amira shifted in my lap, trying to get the nerve to speak. "Your brother, he was there too." She said quietly. I clenched my jaw, my claws slowly appearing as I tried to keep calm. "He just doesn't know when to f*****g quit does he." I gritted, feeling aggravated..I thought what I did to him would've shown him how serious I was..I guess not. "If Gideon has joined Terik, then Dalia is involved as well." I added before glancing towards Cinead, who nodded his head in agreement. "Dolus is no longer an ally, Vardis is the only region in the Kingdom of Darkness from now on. We will have to get the word out to the other regions, tell them of the betrayal, and warn them of the impending war." I declared firmly, my voice steady and full of confidence.. "Is there any way to stop this?" Amira whispered, making me look down as I saw guilt in those teal eyes. "This has been brewing long before you came Amira, the light and dark regions always clashed. Since what happened with Theia and the former Dark Lord it has just been sleeping. Now that she is has finally awoken." Cinead explained quietly, holding Stella closer to him. "I just don't understand, now that Theia is back. Why can't they just be happy..everything he did to get her. Even if the soul is split, she still has part of it too." Stella said with frustration filling her. I watched as Cinead and Amira shared a strange look, like something else was said but before I could ask, Cinead stood and began stretching his arms above his head. "Well I don't know about you guys but I need a nap after that one." He laughed looking at me briefly as I nodded my head once in agreement. "We should start getting things in order tomorrow Kamaris." He spoke casually as he walked towards the pool table and leaned back onto it. "Let's go lay down." I whispered against Amira's throat as I could feel her tiredness through the bind. Tomorrow will be the beginning of the end..the start of an impending war that will finally free the people of Alysian from this evil that has burrowed itself into its roots..but right now..right now I just want to spend the rest of today in bed with my love..I think we deserve that much..
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