Chapter 53-Confrontation

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(Amira) After everything I had gone through after everything Kamaris had put me through he still didn't trust me... I never once ran away from him, I never hid from him or lashed out at him... I had given Kamaris all of me and this is what he thinks of me...that I will run to Terik and leave him. Cinead walked over and stood in front of me before speaking quickly. "Amira, we might have a chance to stop this..we go to the wall before him..if you were to try and convince Terik to leave before Kamaris could reach it then we can end this." Cinead explained, maming my eyes widen in shock..would he really do this with me? Would he go against Kamaris? I watched as he glanced behind us towards Dante who was guarding the door. Stella looked at Cinead, her eyes wide and full of worry. "Kamaris would kill you if he saw you helping her, if he even knew what you were saying right now he wouldn't hesitate..not with the frame of mind he is in right now my love." Stella whispered harshly. "I want to do it." I said quickly, looking at Cinead as I knew we didn't have much time..i can't let Kamaris do this. This is also the only way to prove to Kamaris that I would return to him, that I wouldn't want to leave with Terik. Cinead stared at me intently as Stella chewed her lip nervously. "This could start a true war Stella.." He said quietly, fear behind his words. She nodded, looking between us before sighing. "I am going too then." She spoke quickly, glancing back at Dante who stared at us intently. "I will remove thinning abilities and lock the shield, it will buy us some time. But we will have to be quick, my powers won't be able to keep the thinning ban for long." He spoke quickly looking at me. I nodded, my nerves filling me as I listened to the plan. "We need to go now." He said swiftly, standing and making his flames swirl around us, wasting no time. Dante yelled out before running towards us, his eyes wide with shock. "Mira no!" He yelled out, and I had to look away, guilt filling me as we thinned out of the room. Suddenly my chest began to ache, the bind sending a wave of pain through me, causing me to place my hands above my heart. This must be the limit to how far away Kamaris and I could be. I took a deep breath, that pain coming to a slow throb as I blinked my eyes, the sun blinding me for a moment as it shone brightly above us. The hot dry air hit me as I tried to focus, seeing the shield wavering above us. "Go now Amira." Cinead groaned out quickly as he burst into flames, causing me to gasp as a stong surge of magic slammed through me. That dull pain continuing to throb as it slowly began to lessen..shit he was already on his way. I ran to the shield, the mirrored reflection becoming translucent as I saw white horses just beyond the wall. There he was, Terik...I hadn't seen him since my transformation and since Kamaris took me and Theia was reborn. He jumped off his horse, his white hair pushed back as his silver eyes burned at the sight of me. "Amira.." he said breathlessly, walking to the edge of the mirror. "Amira you have to come with me now, I know about the bind, Gideon told us. We have an enchanter waiting, we know how to break it." He said quickly, his hand touching the shield that separated us. Terik's eyes wandered my body, relief filling him as he saw I was okay, that I was in one piece. Looking at him carefully, I held my breath, waiting for some type of feeling to hit me but I felt..nothing. "Terik, you have to go, please." I rushed out quickly, knowing we didn't have much time, as that dull throbbing lessened with each second. Looking back I realized Cinead's flame had already begun to dull. "I'm not leaving without you..didn't he tell you? You could be my mirror soul Amira. From the moment I saw you back in your world, I knew you were something more...I watched you, even as a child, becoming your friend." He explained quietly. Those memories that I never knew existed suddenly came rushing back through me as the fox I had almost forgotten returned fully to my mind, it felt as if it had been a different life..a different Amira. I was a different Amira... "You have Theia now Terik, the woman you have been waiting for all of these years. You can't just throw that away." I stated quietly, feeling my emotions taking over. "It was never me Terik, it was her inside of me...You are confused." I spoke softly, trying not to hurt him. I really had nothing against Terik..that resentment I felt for him not as strong as I could see the hurt in his eyes... Terik had been kind to me, he had brought me here, and if it wasn't for Terik...I would never have met him...I would have never met the man I truly loved. My heart ached from the realization, I had loved Kamaris, even through all of this. I knew now what to say to get him to leave, I needed to tell him the truth. "I love him Terik.." I spoke quietly, too afraid to look him in the eyes, unsure of what I would see. Just then I heard another voice behind him. "Don't be stupid Amira, Kamaris has tricked you. He has lied to you." It was Gideon. His voice alone made my skin crawl. Why was he even here? I looked at Terik now, his eyes full of hurt as I spoke. "Please Terik, you know me.. Even if I was tricked, if he lied to doesn't change that I have fallen for him...That I love him.." I said desperately and that's when Terik's eyes turned dark. "Why..why does it always have to be him.." He said coldly... That's when it hit me...Theia had told him the same thing once before..that she loved Kamaris..that she chose him over Terik. "Amira hurry, he's coming." Cinead strained out his voice filled with pain as Stella held him up by the waist, his flames not hurting her. "Terik, I'm so sorry..please, you have to go...I'm begging you." I was pleading with him, praying to the gods he would listen. If Kamaris got here right now, I know for a fact it wouldn't end well. Terik, looked down, his eyes full of defeat as he took a step back. "We aren't just going to leave her with him? Seriously? Amira come to your senses!" Gideon yelled out, his eyes going wild as he looked between me and Terik. Terik turned around, facing the dozens of soldiers that waited right behind him. "I will give you one month. If you don't come willingly, then Aeron will declare war against The lord of Darkness and all those who align with him." He said taking a step away from me as my heart dropped. "Terik no! Please! can't do this!" I cried out, dropping to my knees as shock filled me. He turned his head, his silver eyes meeting mine, filled with sorrow. "I will not leave you in the hands of that monster..not again. You have suffered enough abuse...I sat back and watched the first time. I refuse to sit back and watch again." He said, turning back once more and climbing onto his horse. Gideon stood there, walking close to the shield, and speaking quietly so only I could hear. "You don't belong to him Amira. Remember what I said at the dinner..." He added darkly, his eyes raging as he looked into me. A wicked grin formed on his lips that caused a shiver to tremble through me. "Gideon, let's go." Terik spoke firmly, his eyes meeting mine one last time as he turned his horse, kicking it swiftly and galloped away. Gideon kept my gaze as he mounted his own horse. I looked away, my stomach turning from the sight of him as he spoke one last time. "See you soon darling." He said cooly, his words making me cringe as he rode off and then they were gone. I placed my head in my palms, guilt filling me as Stella ran over, soon followed by Cineas as he breathed heavily, exhaustion filling him. "Are you okay?" Stella asked me and before I could even answer Kamaris's shadows appeared before us. Oh no... I looked at Cinead, his eyes flashing as if he already knew what was coming for him. Kamaris ran forward reaching for Cinead as he thrusted his hand out, gripping him by his throat. "I could f*****g kill you right now." He gritted between clenched teeth, anger seeping from him as his fingers began transforming slowly. Kamaris's eyes turned wild as he pierced his claws into Cinead's skin. "Kamaris please no!" I yelled out, standing quickly and running towards him. Alden rushed up, grabbing me and holding me back as Dante ran to Stella, her face burying into Dante's chest, the sight too much for her to bear. "Kamaris, if you are angry, be angry with me." I yelled out, knowing this wasn't Cinead's fault. I was just as responsible as he was... Alden gripped me tightly, holding me against his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me firmly so I was unable to move. "Amira no..." Alden rushed out quickly, warning me as he tightened his grip. Just then, Kamaris turned towards me. His power was so strong his presence alone made me want to drop to my knees, as the air felt thick and his stare burned into me. He lifted Cinead, squeezing his throat tightly before letting him go, dropping him to the ground with a loud thud as I heard him gasping for air. Kamaris walked towards me, his swirling black orbs like a thundering storm as he looked at me intently. "What were you thinking!?" He shouted towards me, his eyes filled with rage as his claws slowly retreated into his skin. Alden kept his grip on me, hesitating to let me go as he didn't know what to do. I slowly grabbed his arms around me, pulling them away as I stepped forward. The lord of darkness returned right before my very eyes as I slumped to my knees and hung my head, bracing myself for what was coming. Kamaris stood in front of me, his eyes dark and emotionless as he spoke. "You seem to forget who I am, what I am capable of." His hand reached out, gripping my chin as he lifted my head. His gaze stared into me as we sat in silence for what felt like forever. "Look at me." He commanded, his grip loosening as he gently touched my face. His touch confused me as he lowered down and kneeled before me. "Promise me you will never go against me like that again." He peered down at me, his voice pleading and filled with worry. "I...I promise." My emotions took over, causing me to tremble. Kamaris's eyes began to clear, revealing my Kamaris, his blue waves crashing before me as his arms reached forward, pulling me into him and pressing me against his hard chest. "I thought...I thought I lost you." His words came out breathlessly, and his hands were gentle and soothing as he slid them up my sides. "I'm sorry." I choked out, warm tears streaming down my face as I pressed my cheek against his cool leather armor. Realization hit me, seeing him react this way, feeling his calm touch..Kamaris must've been scared..he must've truly been scared. I began to sob, guilt filling me from everything that happened. Guilt for Kamaris and going against him, guilt for Terik and how I pushed him away, and guilt for Cinead and how he had been hurt. "It's okay..I just thought, what if you saw him and the mirror bond.." He said quietly, trailing off. The fact that he admitted this in front of everyone blew me away. I pulled back sniffling, looking up at Kamaris as I reached up, placing my warm palm against his cool cheek. "If anything, I just felt bad...I felt bad for him because I felt nothing. It showed me that I only want you...I only love you Kamaris." I confessed, his eyes flashing to mine as he studied my face. The next thing I knew, he came crashing down, fusing his mouth to mine frantically as he kissed me with so much passion that I felt my body grow limp in his arms. Sharp gasps escaped him as he kissed me feverishly, happiness radiating from each touch as our lips glided together and our tongues began exploring one another. Just then I heard Cinead groaning behind us as he sat up. "So she gets a kiss and I get sent to hell and back. Real great buddy, thanks." He mumbled under his breath as he coughed, a huge bruise was already forming around his throat. Kamaris pulled away and looked over his shoulder towards him. "You knew what would happen the moment you made that f*****g plan." His voice was cocky as Cinead shrugged, not denying it while wincing as he moved his neck. Stella kept her arms wrapped around him, her mouth peppering kisses up and down his face, making him groan. "True, but I forgot to put the claws in the equation." He teased him. Kamaris held me closer to him, helping us both stand as he walked over towards Cinead, extending his hand out to him and helping up. "Alden will heal you, and then you will be just like new. Maybe you might've even learned something from this experience." He said patting his back roughly, causing Cineas to wince once more. Stella looked at me while smiling widely as I felt relief flood through me. Even though Cinead did get strangled, at least he is in good spirits about it. That honestly went a lot better than I imagined...
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