Chapter 8-First Day in Aeron

1779 Words
(Amira) We walked down the long crystal hallway as I admired different statues and artwork that were placed tastefully on and against the walls. We entered a large dining room with a dark purple crystal table. A large floral arrangement sat in the middle of the table with purple, and pink flowers placed elegantly inside a large vase. Then to make the room complete, white chairs were surrounding the table to finish it all off, giving the room a calming atmosphere. On the way here, I noticed a few guards had been scattered throughout the large building as we walked down the halls. They wore white leather armor and metal helmets. Each guard carried a long spear and didn't seem to move, as if they were statues themselves. We sat at the crystal table, sitting across from one another as we were served our meals. A platters full of roasted vegetables, pilaf rice, and a type of meat were brought in and set before us. I looked at the dishes with wide eyes as I felt my mouth watering from the sight before me. After being served generous amounts from all of the platters, I began eating and realized every bite I took tasted better than the last. It felt like my body was still recovering after everything I had been through..or maybe the food here just tasted so much freaking better. Terik watched me intently, grinning from ear to ear as he saw how hungrily I ate...any manners I had quickly flown out the window as I ended the meal by scraping my third plate clean. "I think it's safe to say you enjoyed it?" He asked teasingly and I filled with embarrassment, my cheeks growing red as I spoke. "It was incredible." I squeaked before clearing my throat and resting ny hands back into my lap. Looking over I realized his plate had also been cleaned, so that made me feel a little better. Terik chuckled before looking towards me warmly, his silver eyes lighting up as i could feel the happiness pulsing off of him. It was almost as if me being here was everything he needed...or maybe that's just me overthinking..he could always be like this for all I knew. Reaching for his wine glass he drank slowly, his eyes glancing towards my lips and making my stomach flip. "How did you know I was Theia’s reincarnation?" I blurted, the question just bursting out of me as his gaze flicked up back to mine. He seemed surprised by my question, as he cleared his throat and slowly set his wine glass. "There are people in Alysian who have the power of sight..they can see things we cannot, they are called sibyls." He searched my eyes before continuing. "Our sibyl felt Theia’s presence and the tree came to her in a dream. That is how we found you." He explained and I had a feeling there was so much about this place that I didn't know.. "Do you have magic?" I ask curiously feeling stupid the moment I said it. Terik chuckled as a wide smile filled his handsome face before he lifted his hand and showed me his palm. "Would you like to see?" He whispered, prompting me to part my lips and nod my head eagerly as I scooted to the edge of my chair. My wide eyes focused on his smooth palm, witnessing a small light begin to illuminate from him. I could feel the warmth from here as the small white orb flickered beautifully. I gasped and reached out towards him instinctively, touching his hand as my flesh sparked from the heat, making me tingle all over as my eyes snapped up to his. "You will get your powers again soon, we just have to wait a little longer for the bond to happen." He spoke gently, causing my cheeks to warm as I didn't realize I too would have magic.. "Will I become immortal as well?" I asked curiously as Terik nodded yes. "You will be immortal and live with me for eternity Amira, the eternal life that was once taken from Theia." Terik's eyes flashed with anger. My stomach tightened at the thought of it. I felt bad for asking but I needed to know what happened and why Theia was killed. "Why..why would that man kill her?" I stuttered as Terik looked away, bringing his gaze toward the fireplace that was placed at the other side of the room. "Because this man wanted what was mine, and when he couldn't have Theia, he killed her instead." He gritted through his teeth. I felt horrible that Terik had to suffer through so much, that he had to lose the woman he loved and I could feel my heart aching for him. "I'm sorry that you had to lose her like that, I can't even imagine what you must've gone through." I whispered, watching a she turned his head back towards me and met my gaze, his silver eyes shining brightly. "You have a kind heart Amira." He spoke softly, keeping our gazes locked. A thick tension filled the air, my stomach fluttered wildly as my body became aware of each move he made. That feeling of someone else taking over becoming strong again. Suddenly the kitchen staff came to clear the table, snapping me out of my daze and Terik smiled gently at me. "I think it's time for bed." He spoke quietly, prompting me to nod my head in agreement as my eyes suddenly felt very heavy. Terik walked me back to my room, holding my hand gently and stopping when we got to my door. His hand reached up as he pushed a strand of hair that had fallen loose behind my ear. "Tomorrow I can show you around the castle more, maybe some memories will return to you." He offered sweetly as I smiled back at him, making my stomach fill with nerves just from the thought of being alone with him again. Terik stared at me longingly, his gaze drifting down to my lips and then back up to my eyes as a deep shuddering breath escaped him. Just when I thought he might do something, his hand slowly dropped down to his side and clenched into a fist, as if he were trying to control himself. "Sweet dreams Amira." He said breathlessly. "Sweet dreams." I whispered back, knowing if I stayed any longer that urge would come back, the ones that weren't my own. Terik stepped forward, pulling me into an embrace and startling me as my heart fluttered from his touch alone. "I'm so happy you are here, you have no idea how badly I have wanted this." His words full of emotion, making me clow2 my eyes tightly and try so damn hard to control these out of control feelings. "Thank you." That was all I could manage, everything inside of me was jumbled and confused. He pulled away and watched me walk through the door, turning one last time as I waved goodnight to him. Terik grinned happily before turning and heading to his own room down the hall. It felt as if I were floating on head spinning with all the events from today as a goofy grin filled my face. I flopped on the bed and put my face into the pillow before kicking my feet up and down excitedly. I had never in my life felt this way about a boy.. I sighed before flopping over and staring up at the ceiling for a few moments and finally climbed back down the bed. Kicking my shoes off, I swiftly removed the belt and jewelry that Elora helped me with and placed them on the vanity. I walked over to the closet and peered inside, trying to find something to wear. The first thing that caught my eye was a long silver nightgown. The fabric draped to the floor and was a beautiful shimmering silk that had a lace neckline. I couldn't help but reach out and feel the cool fabric beneath my fingertips. I slipped it on over my head, the soft silk causing a shiver to run through me before I turned, looking in the mirror and admiring the feminine details of the lace. I had never worn anything like it, and the image I saw looking back at me was no longer a girl, I felt like I had transformed into a woman overnight. I quickly jumped back into bed, sighing happily as I lay down, looking up at the ceiling and thinking about everything. How Terik had been so kind, my first experiences with a man, the way he held me he kissed me earlier, even though it wasn't my own free will, that was the first kiss I had ever had. My cheeks reddened just from the thought, feeling as if my heart could burst out of my chest at any moment. I settled into bed, wrapping the purple comforter around me and let out a sigh..having another feeling consume me the feeling of sorrow. Memories of my father and the last interaction we had started palying through my mind. His eyes burned into me, the hatred and anger he felt being the last memory I would ever have of him. Tears began to fall from my eyes...I felt like a failure that I couldn't change him. If I wasn't even enough to make my dad happy...How could I be enough to become a Lady of Aeron? I wasn't sure what the future held, or how things were going to happen. I knew Theia was inside of me but the way she could control my body and emotions was scary. How could we become one? That idea puzzled me and I wasn't sure how it would even happen. I felt if something deep inside of me knew there had to be more to it. I let out a shuddering breath and steadied my heart, wiping my tears away before rubbing my chest. That's when I felt my birthmark and remembered what my mother used to tell me. Had she somehow known? There was no way she could've, but just thinking about it sent a chill trembling through me and I snuggled deeper into bed. Exhaustion eventually overtook me and I finally fell into a deep sleep. That night I dreamed of the willow tree, reaching toward me and whispering those things I couldn’t understand. The lights embraced me as if they had known me all of my life, as if they had loved me...and I felt like I was finally at home..
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