Chapter 67-Into the Cabin

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(Kamaris) The instant we stepped into Cyfrin, my stomach twisted into knots..this was the moment I had been waiting for..I was going to finally meet with Mabel and see if what I felt was the truth. Is Amira my mirror soul? My father had taken me to see Mabel so many times before, but I had never been nervous like this... I'm grateful to Namoka and Marcus for letting us hide out here for the time being..Alden really has a close bond with them, so I knew we could trust them to be loyal. Before Theia’s death, Alden had helped them hide out after Aeron began raiding the Seveca villages..of course, they did it under a rouse that Black magic was being practiced there..But Alden saw past that and decided to help them. He didn't realize how deep Theia’s betrayal went and thought it must've been some mistake. I knew Marcus's father, my dad was close friends with him before they had to hide from being hunted. So our families go way back for generations. Since hiding in Dolus though, our presence here has been minimal. "Come on my love, it's just this way." I explained before peering into Amira's teal eyes..they were wide with wonder and made my heart race. She was so adorable right now, especially with the way she looked around at everything with so much curiosity. "What exactly do we have to do when we meet with her?" Amira asked curiously as I smiled down at her. "Here..I will show you." I stated before stopping and turning towards her..I could tell she was nervous just like me. "We will walk into her cottage and she will call to us, revealing a door that will appear right in front of us. After entering, she will have us sit down at a table before she decides if she wants to show herself. Then once she does, she will take your hands like this.." I spoke softly before reaching down and grabbing Amira's hands, placing my palms beneath hers before staring down at them. "And then she will peer into your soul. You don't really feel anything, just some tingles..and that's it..okay?" I whispered, gripping her hands tighter and pulling her close to me. "What if..what if we find out Theia’s soul really is inside of me?" She asked softly, worry filling her sweet gaze as I lifted one hand and brushed her long golden brown hair to the side. "Nothing will change my love, we will go on to live a long and happy life together..right?" I stated, seeing her eyes start to fill with tears as she nodded her head adamantly, crashing into me and hugging me tight. "I love you Kamaris." She gasped, making me close my eyes as I pressed my cheek against the top of her head. "I love you too my Amira." I breathed, knowing that nothing was going to change after this..I knew deep down that she was mine no matter what..she had to be.. "Come on, let's go, she is waiting." I whispered, my hand sliding down and gripping Amira's as she nodded once before turning. I felt a few eyes on us, knowing it was probably strange for them to see me like this but I didn't care..all that mattered to me was Amira. We stepped towards the small wooden matter where we went, it was always the same..but the inside, that was what changed. Usually when we went for my dad, it spat us out by the ocean..with me, it was dark, cold, and baron..that's why I felt like there was no hope for's like I was meant to be in darkness since I was a kid. I am curious to see where it takes us for Amira. I took a deep breath, my eyes landing on the iron doorknob as I nodded towards Amira. "You have to open it, my love." I explained, making her blink down at the door before reaching out hesitantly. Her fingers barely grazed the metal before the door swung wide open, making my eyes widen. Well, that was new..usually it takes a few seconds to decide if it will open or not.. "Let's go." I encourage Amira before taking a step forward and entering the dark room. The door behind us shut quietly as Amira looked around the room curiously, then something strange happened.. The room began to light up..Usually a door just appears..and then you walk to it and go through. But instead, we were now inside of a house. "Which..which door do we use?" Amira asked, making my brow furrow. I realized there was now a hallway filled with dozens of doors, all different shapes and sizes as I glanced towards the living room. The walls were lined with all sorts of trinkets and treasures with plants hanging from the ceilings. "Well, this is an interesting turn of events." Mabel's soft voice fluttered across the room before appearing in front of is. Mabel was an older woman...well..she was way older than me and my dad..she wasn't Athuney, and she wasn't Seveca..her kind is something else..something old and ancient..something that appeared while the original Athuney were still here. She had thick silver hair that was braided down to her back. Her eyes were a milky white color and her skin a light brown. She wore a long-sleeved grey dress and was on the shorter side. Mabel was technically blind..but she could still see..her sight went beyond the physical sense. "And you must be Amira. The girl chosen by the tree of life." She stated while turning her head towards Amira. "It's nice to finally meet you, I have heard a lot about you." Amira spoke kindly, making Mabel laugh. "Hopefully all good things, you never know with this one..but I see your curse has been broken boy." Mabel said, making me nod once before turning. "Well, since we are in my home, come sit down, I will make you some tea." Mabel instructed. "No..we don't have time for tea.." I blurted, wanting to get this over with. Amira turned towards me and frowned. "Kamaris, don't be rude, tea sounds lovely." Amira scolded me as I couldn't help but pout.. I could see the huge smile on Mabel's face as she turned and headed towards what I suspect is the kitchen. "I think I'm going to like this one." Mabel mumbled to herself as Amira tugged on my arm, leading me towards a small sofa. "The least we can do is be kind, she is helping us after all." Amira reminded me as I nodded and let out a sigh. "You are right as always." I whispered, kissing her softly on the lips as Mabel came back with a small tray. "Let me help you!" Amira said before shooting up and helping the old woman with the tray. "Thank you dear, you are too kind." Mabel spoke softly before finally sitting down as I felt my patience thinning by the second.. "Just relax boy, I can feel your shadows from here..we will get to it in a moment okay?" I nodded once, trying to keep calm as I pulled Amira closer to my side. "Now..I know why you have come..there are a lot of questions you have, and I am curious to see how they are answered myself. No one has ever opened that door and came to my own home..well, not for a long, long time that is." She began, making me shift on the couch slightly. "Dark Lord, I need you to try and control your darkness today, okay? I will need all of my concentration to be on this girl." She continued and scooted to the edge of her seat. "Amira, come sit here please." Mabel instructed while patting the seat beside her. Amira nodded once and walked over, taking the space quickly as I felt anxious from her leaving my side already. "Did Kamaris tell you how this will go?" Mabel asked. "Yes, he explained that you will grab my hands and peer into my soul." Amira answered. "Good, we will begin then." Mabel whispered while placing her hands palm up, her milky eyes looking forward as Amira slowly reached out. The air grew thick with tension, my eyes fused to where Amira and Mabel's hands will meet as I held my breath in anticipation. The moment they touch..something happened..a wave of magic pulsed through the room, causing Mabel to gasp as her eyes widened. I scooted to the edge of my own seat, my body ready to spring forward at any moment as tears started to fill Mabel's eyes. "W..What..what do you see?!" I rushed out, noticing Amira was just as surprised as I was. "She..She has awoken.." Mabel suddenly muttered, making me confused. "Let me see your hand boy, I don't know how much longer I can hold on for." Mabel rushed out as she moved one hand from Amira's and took mine in its place. Then Mabel's eyes began to flick across the room, the milky whites starting to swirl with black as a small smile crept on her face. "Two halves created to make a whole..a whole without as pure as the beginning of cracks or edges..fitting together flawlessly.." She whispered as those tears finally spilled over. Then her head snapped to me. "I was mistaken my boy..she was yours since the beginning of time..I just couldn't tell until you two were together..she is yours, and you hers..your mirror soul." The words made my heart stop, the sound of Amira gasping filled the room as she lifted her hand and slapped it over her mouth.. Mine..she really is mine.. My mirror other everything.
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