Chapter 66-Cyfrin

1460 Words
(Amira) "And why is that Namoka?" Kamaris asked curiously, his arm wrapping tighter around me as he glanced at Alden who seemed to he smirking. So they knew this woman who was speaking? "Is this the girl Dalia has put a bounty on?" The woman seemed to have humor in her voice as she spoke. "And what if it is?" Kamaris's voice was rough and full of warning. Just then a beautiful woman appeared from behind the trees. Her dark hair was shaved on both sides of her head with the middle tied back in a braid. Her eyes were a light brown and she had skin that was a beautiful tan. Namoka's build was that of an athletes, she looked strong and her presence alone was intimidating. The clothes she wore were fur lined and she had a bow strapped behind her back. She quickly leaned against the tree with a smirk on her face. "Well, you won't want to go that way." She added before nodding her head to the right. That's when a few more people came from behind the trees, their bows relaxed at their sides. "Why is that Namoka?" Alden asked this time, a slight smile on his lips. They definitely seemed to know eachother. "Because there is a Rouge tribe of seveca waiting for your arrival." She stated before pushing off the tree and taking a step closer. Just then, a small girl ran up, hugging Nakoma's leg as she looked towards us with big brown eyes. Alden dismounted his horse, looking towards the small girl as he spoke. "Aren't you going to say hi Kavi?" He asked before squatting down slightly as the young girl smiled brightly. Kamaris leaned into me, his voice soft as he spoke. "This is where we are staying for a few night. They are friends of Alden." He informed me as I looked up bdfore narrowing my eyes at him...He would've told me that earlier.. Kamaris jumped off the horse and reached up, pulling me off next. My butt was so sore it took a few minutes just to walk as I stretched my legs and back, making Kamaris chuckle. Alden stepped forward, ruffling the small girls dark hair as he spoke. "Sorry we are late, it took longer to get through the forest than expected.." he explained, smiling at Nakoma as she reached out, hitting his shoulder playfully. "Well, Marcus knew you would take forever, he had us hunt for dinner as we waited." I glanced at the small girl, smiling softly as she stared at me, her own smile forming as she turned into Namoka's leg. Kamaris helped me walk forward as two men stepped up, taking the horses and leading them through the woods. Kamaris held me protectively, his presence growing stronger as all the people around us looked towards me. "So this is the girl huh?" Namoka asked, eyeing me and Kamaris. "Hello, I'm Amira." I introduced myself while peering down at the small girl who watched me intently. Namoka nodded her head, offering me a soft smile and then cleared her throat quickly, looking towards Kamaris. "Rumor is you ran off with Theia’s other half, is it true? Does she have Theia’s soul?" She asked bluntly, making me feel uncomfortable as I looked down...I knew how disliked Theia was..would they believe I am the same like Kamaris did in the beginning? Suddenly I felt someone by my leg as my gaze darted down, making me realize it was the little girl. She was looking up at me and smiling even bigger than before. "Is that going to be a problem?" Kamaris asked cooly, glancing down as the girl looked like she wanted to say something. I kneeled, looking into her eyes as she went up to my ear, whispering to me. "Can I see your pretty light?" She whispered softly, causing confusion to fill me. My pretty light? I wasn't sure what she meant. I didn't have anything like that on me. Suddenly Namoka spoke with a laugh. "Kavi, go back with the others while mommy talks for a little." She said grabbing her arm gently and pulling her away. So Kavi was Namoka's daughter. "Sorry." She said with a laugh and Kavi ran off suddenly. Alden leaned into me, his eyes filled with curiosity before speaking. "What did she ask you?" He asked curiously. "She wanted me to show her my light." I explained while shrugging my shoulders in confusion. He looked at me while mirroring my gesture..he didn't know what it meant either. Kamaris continued to eye Namoka as she stared him down. "Who am I to make judgments when the dark lord himself has accepted her." Namoka stated firmly as Kamaris's arm held me tightly once more. "She has probably suffered from Theia as much as the rest of us." She said turning around, walking towards where the others had gone. We began walking through the trees, the forest quiet as we neared a stone wall. Confusion filled me as we continued to walk towards it. Were we meant to climb the wall? Suddenly Namoka walked right through it, causing me to stop and blink. Kamaris smiled at me, and squeezed my side gently. "The entrance is hidden with magic." He explained softly and I watched as Alden entered the wall and swiftly dissapeared. I nodded my head, the world of Alysian still confusing me as Kamaris tugged me forward and once we entered the hidden door we were now inside of a large village. The houses made from stones and dozens of people were walking about. It was a lot bigger than I imagined, there was even a store to sell goods and what looked like a clothing shop right next door. We walked forward as people glanced at the lord of darkness. They didn't bother to bow or kneel and that didn't seem to bother Kamaris one bit. Glancing ahead, I saw Alden and Namoka talking quietly as we approached. I smiled softly as they turned around and continued to enter the village further. Kamaris studied me, his eyes staying glued to me as we stepped towards a large stone building. "Welcome to Cyfrin." Namoka said while looking over her shoulder. "We have been hidden here for hundreds of years." She spoke quietly, glancing at Alden as he walked casually, his appearance more relaxed than I had ever seen. We crossed the street towards what looked like a dining area. There were drinks and food being served as people laughed and talked loudly. Alden glanced over, waving to a large man as he headed towards us. The man had a shaved head with a long beard that was braided in three sections. He reminded me of what a viking would look like as he was extremely muscular and was even taller than Kamaris. He had to be the largest man I had ever seen in my life. He looked at Kamaris and met my eyes quickly, his own a light green as he studied me. Kamaris pulled me into him, as this man studied me intently. "Marcus, thank you for allowing us to stay for a few nights." He said stoicly, as they stared at one another. The huge man chuckled loudly, patting Kamaris on the back as he boomed out. "Of course my friend, you know you and Alden are always welcome." He laughed and smiled broadly. Alden stared at me, I wasn't sure of what to say as I looked towards him nervously. The man named Marcus turned to me, a soft smile pulling at his lips. "So this is the girl causing all the fuss, well I can see why." He said before winking at me. I watched as Namoka rolled her eyes and scoffed, hitting Marcus on the back of the head as she spoke. "Dont be a pig." She mumbled, glaring at him. Marcus maughed even louder, he had such an infectious laugh it was hard not to smile as he looked towards us. "My name is Amira, thank you for welcoming us to your village, it's very lovely." I said softly, glancing around once more are I saw people walking around happily. "A friend of Alden's is a friend of mine." He spoke kindly, grabbing Alden around the shoulders as he squeezed him tightly. Alden just laughed while glancing at me before shrugging softly. He seemed so comfortable with these was incredible to see. Before anyone could say anything else, Kamaris stepped forward and spoke. "We were hoping to meet with Mabel while we are here." He stated as Marcus let go of Alden before straightening his back. "Of course. As you probably already know, she has been expecting you.."
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