Chapter 68-Original

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(Amira) Those words continued to echo through my mind..I was Kamaris mirror soul.. His soul and mine were meant to was this possible?! Before I could even ask any questions Kamaris crashed into me, his eyes bore into mine as he just stared at me for who knows how long.. "I have waited a thousand years for you Amira..I didn't think you were real..that I would be lucky enough to have someone like you..I thought..I thought it was all in my imagination...that feeling of emptiness just the eternal loneliness because I wouldn't get a mirror soul..but it was because I didn't have you Amira..I was waiting for you." He rushed out, his hands sliding up to my face as he held me desperately. "You are mine..all mine.." He declared before colliding his lips with mine, the feel of his skin causing a jolt of electricity to rush through me as my body ignited into sparks..I felt them before..but nothing like this..these sparks reached straight to my soul as pure ecstasy and bliss pulsed through me. "Your bond has officially been awoken." Mabel stated as we pulled away, making me gasp for air as I tried to wrap my head around all of this. "H..How is this possible..I don't understand?" I finally found my voice, making Mabel sit back slightly. She was breathing a little heavier and seemed more tired now. "You my child, are something special..that is how." She whispered, her white eyes almost glowing at she gazed at me. "What do you mean? Her soul..what did it show you?" Kamaris rushed out as his arms held onto me tightly. This hold was more possessive than any before.. "It showed me something I hadn't seen in thousands of years.." She whispered, causing Kamaris to stiffen. "How could that be?" Kamaris blurted, making me feel completely lost. "I think I'm missing could my soul be that old?" I asked, trying to understand this whole thing. " have the soul of an original.." Mabel dropped the bomb on me. I felt my body go in some type of shock..maybe denial..something that made my ears ring as Kamaris tried to get my attention. "Just breathe my love okay?" Kamaris spoke gently as he stroked my hair and smiled at me softly. "Okay..I..I'm okay." I whispered, feeling embarrassed as Mabel reached across and patted my knee soothingly. "It's okay, I know this is a lot to take me..the moment I saw, I too was surprised." She chuckled. "So was she reincarnated? Why has an original returned now? Does that mean they are coming back?" Kamaris began firing was quite adorable actually. "Dark Lord, you are going to give me a headache..let me explain what I saw first.." Mabel scolded Kamaris. "The soul inside of Amira has never been born is one that was created at the beginning of time but has remained dormant..waiting to be awoken..perhaps that is why she was born in the human world..she wasn't meant to come to Alysian until we needed her...our Goddess..the one who will save us all from that darkness.." Mabel trailed off, staring at nothing in particular as her eyes flicked back and forth. "I..I am meant to save Alysian?" I swallowed hard, feeling the pressure of those words weigh down in me. How can I do that? "Do you know where the original Athuney went?" She asked me, making me shake my head no as I glanced between her and Kamaris. "No one knows..isn't that correct?" I asked, knowing that was the only answer I have heard. "The originals fulfilled their purpose..creating a world and giving them the tools to flourish..and then, they moved on to a place no one can reach..a realm beyond our own..their home of sorts where they watch over the worlds they created." She explained, making my mouth drop open as her words settled in, there were more worlds like this? Is that what she was saying? "Perhaps they knew Alysian would need you..that if we strayed to far, you could return the balance." She added as Kamaris frowned. "We don't know if that is the case.." He stated firmly, making me glance up at him as he seemed upset. "Dark lord..why do you think she was paired with the most powerful Athuney in Alysian? She will have the protection she needs.." Mabel added, causing Kamaris to sigh. "This needs to stay between us one else can know." Kamaris spoke seriously as Mabel nodded in agreement. "That is something we do agree on Dark Lord..there are many people who would kill to capture the power your Mirror soul has.." She spoke gravely as I snuggled deeper into Kamaris's side. "Not just your brother or Dalia.." Mabel stressed, making Kamaris nod once. Then she turned to me once more and reached for my hands, gripping them tightly. "My dear child, you are a blessing to us all..but your soul is still forming, so we need to be are more vulnerable and still adjusting..once you start to grow more and more..these powers that dwell inside of you will begin to not be afraid of must accept and nourish them." Mabel explained as I nodded once before she suddenly turned her head and glanced towards one of the doors. "I am sorry but it appears I am being summoned. I would live for you to come back in a few days..we can go over more and perhaps I will have enough strength to peer deeper into your soul." She stated as Kamaris nodded before Mabel squeezed my hands tightly and smiled at me. "My sweet girl..I knew the moment you stepped through that door that you were something special. We will speak soon..take care of her dark lord..and congratulations on finally reuniting with your mirror soul." She whispered and with that...she was gone..we were now outside of the cabin as my eyes blinked rapidly, I turned towards Kamaris as he gazed down at me, his eyes wide and brimming with tears before he stepped closer and bent down, hovering right above my lips. "My sweet Amira..I love you." He breathed, the warmth of his breath fanning agaisnt me as my heart began to race. "Well, what did she say?" A loud voice boomed, interrupting us as we turned to see Marcus, Namoka, and Alden waiting a few feet away. I hadn't realized they were waiting this whole time.. Kamaris glanced towards them before looking back at me as a wide smile filled his face. "It is confirmed, the dark lord has found his mirror soul." He declared loudly, making a thundering roar of cheers erupt around us as I jumped from surprise. Marcus ran towards us, going to hug the both of us as Kamaris wrapped arms around me first. "What a monumental moment! We must celebrate!" Marcus laughed heartily as Alden suddenly approached before stopping and kneeling. "My Lady.." He stated, bowing his head as the air quickly changed, and that's when everyone around soon followed, kneeling on the ground as they placed their fists over their hearts. "They are recognizing you as the Lady of Darkness. My other half." Kamaris explained as I felt moved by their gesture. "We will have a ceremony to complete the bond, but in everyone's eyes, you already fill that role." He whispered against my ear as I felt his hands gripping my waist tightly. I turned my head, looking at the people before me as the words Mabel said echoed through my I really meant to free these people from the darkness that plagues Alysian? "You are my everything Amira..and I will protect you with my life..that I swear my will be by my side for the rest of eternity..and nothing will ever keep us apart..nothing." I felt the truth behind his words..knowing this man would truly do anything for me..but what he must not realize is, I would do the same..I will protect you matter what I promise to keep you safe..and if I am truly meant to save Alysian..I will do it with you by my side no matter what.
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