Chapter 58-Shopping

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(Amira) Looking straight ahead of us, I couldn't help the gasp that escaped me as we were now at our destination..the Oasis. The ground beneath us began to turn green and full of life and we were now in the middle of beautiful thick foliage. Green plants and bushes covered the area with large palm trees towering above and vibrant flowers bloomed in every direction. Their sweet smells filled me as I breathed in deeply, noticing the air was no longer dry and now full of moisture. The horses walked forward and up ahead was a clearing, revealing that we were now in the city. All sorts of people wandered the streets on pathways that were made of grey stone as they chatted happily while filtering in and out of the stores. Stella looked back at me, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she smiled brightly. "This is the heart of Marudeva Amira, where most people live and work." She said with nothing but pride filling her voice. I could see why she was proud to call Marudeva home, as would I be if I lived in a place like this. Glancing around I noticed some buildings had murals of foliage on the side, as if to blend right into the surroundings. Vines climbed the walls with beautiful yellow and pink flowers that filled the air with a floral aroma. Deeper into the city mirrored buildings towered high above us and smaller shops lined the streets. I noticed most people were dressed in silks and robes, their clothes all looking expensive and their styles varied from person to person. Then my eyes widened as I saw a woman walking with a huge black cat.. "Is that a panther?" I asked Alden quietly. It looked similar to a black panther but seemed to have larger ears and a tail that fanned out. Alden looked at me curiously before telling me it was something called a Kissa..apparently it has the ability to transform into a smaller size when it wants to. "They actually come from Anthea, people who own them usually have a special connection with animals, and that is part of their gift if they are born from Anthea." He explained quietly. Suddenly the image of Dalia and her snake crossed through my mind. "So Dalia has that connection with Manasa?" I asked curiously, her name alone still filling me with fear. I have a feeling after all of this, her issues with me have probably gotten much, much worse. Alden nodded, he must've been feeling the same way about her because he seemed to stiffen just from the mere mention of her name. We came to a slow as we approached a road with shops lining the walkways. Dante and Stella stopped ahead of us as Dante hopped off the horse, helping Stella down quickly. She leaned in, pressing a kiss to his lips as his eyes widened just as much as mine did..I glanced toward Alden who didn't seem to be phased one bit..I guess I should expect it..Cinead did have multiple women sitting on his lap since the first time I met him I just hadn't seen Stella like that yet..I mean, yeah she was a flirt, but to see her act on it was surprising. "Thank you, darling." She purred and then winked at him. Dante cleared his throat awkwardly before nodding once and standing back. Alden hopped down next and quickly pulled me with him. "Thank you." I said quickly, feeling slightly awkward after what I just witnessed. Stella ran over, linking her arms with mine as she smiled excitedly. "This is going to be so much fun. Let's go dress shopping first." She exclaimed, practically dragging me across the street as she squeezed my arm tightly. I couldn't help but feel her excitement, my head nodding as a wide smile touched my lips. Stella pulled me along, making Alden and Dante run after us after taking care of the horses as we neared the first shop. When Alden opened the doors for us, the smell of vanilla and lavender rushed past me, making me feel calm and comfortable immediately. Then a petite woman with light red hair and dark tan skin approached us. Her eyes were green and her smile bright and friendly. "My Lady, I wasn't expecting you today. You must have heard we just got our latest shipment in." She laughed softly. Her voice was smooth and her words flowed out of her eloquently. She wore a green wrap dress and matching high heels. Her style was fresh and refined. Then her eyes glanced at me as Stella walked up to her before kissing her on both sides of her cheeks and smiling broadly. "Matilda, you are looking fabulous as always." She said enthusiastically. I quickly glanced back toward Alden and Dante, realizing they were standing by the door now, watching us intently. Alden met my gaze, a soft smile playing on his lips as he nodded towards me encouragingly. I felt I hadn't been without Kamaris this whole time and almost didn't know how to act in public. Usually, he did the talking for me.. I turned back around and Stella was now extending her hand towards me. "This is the lovely Amira, she is visiting with the lord of Darkness." Stella explained kindly, her eyes warm as she spoke. "I see, it is nice to meet you, my lady." Matilda responded, bowing her head slightly as my cheeks began to warm. I hadn't been called my lady since Aeron. "It is lovely to meet you and please you can call me Amira." I said softly, trying not to seem rude. Her smile widened even more before she nodded her head before studying me intently. "Is this..your usual style?" She asked me curiously, her eyes absorbing every inch of my leather dress. I shook my head no, hearing Stella laugh as she leaned into Matilda. "No, you should see what the dark lord usually makes her wear, this is like a priestess wardrobe compared to that." She noted playfully, causing Matilda to nod her head once. They both looked at me intently as my cheeks reddened. They weren't wrong, that's for sure...this was unusually tame for Kamaris's style. "Would you like a glass of wine while you look?" Matilda asked excitedly, the memories of the first night I drank filling me..that wine was very strong.. I saw Alden shift on his feet as he looked at me. I knew he must have been thinking the same thing I was..Kamaris would probably not want me to. When I was about to say no Stella spoke up for the both of us. "Oh gods yes, after the last few days we've had, we need it." She said, speaking for the both of us. Suddenly I heard Alden call my name firmly, causing all of us to glance towards him. He cleared his throat before speaking. "I don't know if that's the best idea." He added more politely this time but I could see the stern look in his eyes. "Oh Alden, do lighten up. Just one won't hurt." Stella said while waving him off, not even letting me say what I thought. Before I knew it a wine glass was placed in my hand and everyone was clinking their glasses with my own. I blinked down at it, looking back at Alden. He stared at me intently as I bit my lip, not sure what to do. Then he held up his finger, mouthing the words "One glass." with a very stern expression on his face. I nodded my head, smiling softly as I took a sip. This wine was just as good as the first one I had, and the light pink bubbly liquid tickled my tongue, leaving a sweet taste filling my mouth. Stella hummed happily as she pulled me along, bringing me over to shelves and racks of clothes. Every fabric was rich and well made, these items had to be ridiculously expensive but Stella felt right at home, taking items off and holding them up against me. "I think we should get you a really sexy outfit. Show Kamaris how to properly dress a woman. You don't need everything hanging out to be sexy." She said matter of factly, then glanced up at me. "Even though I can't deny, that one from the other night will probably live with Cinead's mind for a lifetime." She said chuckling and taking another sip of wine as I laughed with her "Okay, go try this one on." She reached over and grabbed an orange dress for herself while handing me the red one she had been holding up to me earlier. Then she quickly chugged what was left of her wine and encouraged me to do the same. I blinked rapidly, looking down at my full cup. I brought it to my lips and closed my eyes, drinking it all down instantly. That's when I heard Alden sigh with frustration as I dared not to look at the glare he had to be giving me. Stella waved the dressed up and spoke towards the guys. "Boys, we are going to try these on, we will be right back." She added happily and turned to walk us back to the dressing room. Matilda was waiting in the back, she had two more full glasses of wine waiting for us as we got to the room. I watched as Stella pressed her finger up against her pouty lips. "What they don't know won't hurt them." She whispered before giggling. Guilt filled me for a moment, I didn't want to lie to Alden but then I realized, how often would I get to do this? It had been a rough few days, had been a rough few years, and I didn't want the fun to stop now. I nodded, smiling as I took the glass. Then she quickly chugged her drink in record time while giggling to herself. I couldn't help but admire Stella, seeing how playful and fun she is..she definitely would get me into a lot of trouble, but it already feels like I have known her for years. "Okay, you try yours on first." Stella said excitedly and nudged me into the dressing room. I quickly stripped off my leather dress and looked at the red one in front of me. The gorgeous fabric flowed to the floor as it had a crisscross top with thin straps that went over my shoulders. I grabbed it and pulled it on as I wobbled slightly, my head becoming lighter by the minute as I giggled softly. I turned to look into the mirror and gasped, the sight before me rendering me speechless. I looked...beautiful. The red was so vibrant against my lightly tanned skin and my teal eyes glowed brightly. I felt my cheeks warming from the wine and my full lips were still swollen from Kamaris's kiss earlier. I looked feminine and dainty, my hair was perfectly wavy and I couldn't help but smile widely. I am still getting used to this new's so hard to believe sometimes. I turned to open the door, trying to hide my huge smile as I stepped out. Stella and Matilda gasped, their eyes lighting up as they saw me. "Amira, you look stunning." Stella shouted before standing up quickly and rushing over to me. She had another half-empty glass in her hands as she handed it over to me. "Kamaris is going to die seeing you in this. You look absolutely gorgeous." She said happily and motioned for me to finish her glass. I laughed while doing what she asked, my movements now becoming delayed as I lifted the glass to my lips and finished it swiftly. This stuff was like drinking juice..It was so sweet and delicious as I licked the rest off of my lips. Stella was singing to herself as she entered the dressing room next to try on her dress while Matilda walked over to me, another full glass in her hands as she handed it to me and winked. What the hell? I think these women were trying to get me wasted..jeez. "This is your first time to Marudeva correct?" Matilda asked me curiously, smiling as she spoke. I nodded my head taking a slow sip as I knew this should definitely be my last. Alden is going to kill me. "It's so beautiful here, have you always lived in Marudeva?" I said, trying to focus as I looked at her, her eyes seeming to sparkle. "Yes, my ancestors were actually the ones who helped build this city. Our history and roots are in these walls." She spoke with integrity. I could tell she was proud to be from Marudeva, like most people who lived here it seemed. "I am Seveca so having a place like this for our own people to feel welcome was something we all dreamed of long ago. The previous Lord of Marudeva was ruthless. We Seveca have lived in fear for thousands of years." She explained before grabbing her own glass of wine and taking a slow drink. "But Seveca aren't immortal like Athuney right?" I asked quietly, not wanting to sound offensive..but I wondered how old Matilda was. She smiled softly, nodding her head as she spoke. "No, we age over time, it takes hundreds of years to do it, but we do. We eventually die of old age, but since the land we live on and the air we breathe has magic all around us we use that to extend our lives." Matilda explained as she grabbed my now empty glass from me. I think that was three now..right? But who was counting.. "We can use that magic with spells and other things but it does not flow through us naturally like the Athuney. They are born with magic and do not age." She looked past me to the dressing room, leaning into me as she spoke. "Cinead's father, the previous Lord, he believed Seveca were meant to serve the Athuney. That they were to do all of their bidding. So we were treated poorly and some even kept as slaves." She confessed quietly, looking at me intently. "What happened to him?" I asked curiously, my body beginning to tingle. "He is still alive, he just lives beyond the shield. In Marudeva culture the sons can fight their fathers to try and become the new lord. Cinead trained for hundreds of years, waiting to dethrone his father. Then when he finally did, it was unheard of. A son actually beating an elder Athuney. The older the Athuney the more powerful." She looked at me as my mouth must have been wide open, because she laughed as I stared, enthralled by her story. "And when the elder dies, their powers transfer to their child that is destined to be ruler. Since they are immortal, it is a rare case for that to happen. The Lord of Darkness is one of the only Athuney to absorb their parent's magic that way. That is why he is considered one of the most powerful men in all of Alysian. The others just pass it on when their time of ruling us over..sometimes the powers even transfer on their own when they sense it's time." She spoke almost ominously, just then Stella came sauntering out of the dressing room causing both me and Matilda to jump as she squealed with excitement. Stella's dress was a burnt orange color that went to her thighs. It was made out of silk and showed off her curves beautifully. "What do you think?" She said, twirling for us. "You look amazing Stella." I said, slurring my words slightly as I nodded my head. A huge smile filled my face as she rushed towards me, pulling me out of my seat. "We will take them!" She announced excitedly as she pulled me back towards the front of the store. "I..I don't have any money Stella.." I whispered to her much louder than I intended to. She giggled, pulling me closer to her. "Neither do I, we will put it on The Lord of Fire's tab." She smiled brightly, pulling me back into the store, and spotted Dante and Alden. "Act natural." She rushed out quickly before straightening her back and fixing her hair. I tried to do the same, clearing my throat and vowing not to blow my cover. I took one look at Alden and he knew instantly, his eyes narrowing at me as I looked away guiltily. Suddenly Stella and I made eye contact, causing us both to burst at the seams with laughter as we held onto each other for support. Next thing I knew Alden was right by my side, holding my arm as he pulled us towards the door. "Thank you, ladies, hope to see you soon Amira!" Matilda called out behind us as we were dragged out of the store. Looking over, I realized Stella was worse off than me...her arm was clutching onto Dantes as she looked up at him with her eyes gleaming. I glanced at Alden, his face stern as he pulled me onto the street. "You said one drink." Alden stated flatly, his eyes glancing down at me as I smiled innocently. "Have you ever had to say no to Stella? It's near impossible." I added quickly, trying to make excuses. "Yes, I have, many times." He mumbled before glancing down at me once more. I frowned, sighing as he tugged me along. "Well..I'm too gullible, I mean..look at my track record." I stated with a smile, causing a scoff to leave him. "I don't think that is something to brag about Amira." He added teasingly. Just then I looked up at him and stuck my tongue out, the wine making me loosen up fully. Alden looked shocked before he burst into laughter immediately, his eyes studying me carefully. "I will be honest..It's nice to see you having fun for once, you deserve it." He said in a more serious tone, looking down at me with kindness in his eyes. I smiled brightly, happiness filling me as I nodded my head. It really was great to finally have fun and be happy..don't get me wrong...I do with Kamaris all the time..but this is my first time with friends even before coming here. Just then Stella and Dante turned into another store while Alden led me towards them as he held my arm tightly. "This time though I'm not leaving your side." He grumbled in a playful tone but I knew he meant it.
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