Chapter 57-My Friend Alden

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(Amira) "You look gorgeous my love." Kamaris whispered before bending down and placing a kiss on my lips. "You are just missing one thing." He mumbled against my mouth. That's when I felt my ears become weighed down and knew what he added. I smiled happily as I reached up and felt the blue stones beneath my fingertips. "Perfect." Kamaris whispered while gripping my waist and started pulling me out of the room, heading to the study where Cinead and Stella were waiting. Alden and Dante followed behind us closely as excitement and nerves bubbled up inside of me. I was going to get out and actually see something other than four walls around me. I know I went outside to see Terik, but that doesn't really count.. I missed the wind blowing on my face.. The moment we walked into the study, Stella ran up to me excitedly before wrapping her arms around my body in a bone-crushing hug. Kamaris quickly pried her off of me and looked at her with a frown. "Remember what I told you." He mumbled, prompting me to glance between them as Cinead just stood back with the biggest smile on his face. "Kamaris, you have nothing to worry about. Stella will be on her best behavior..isn't that right sweetheart?" Cinead asked Stella who nodded yes as the most mischievous look filled her face. "That's're not going." Kamaris suddenly declared, making me pout. "Please..Alden will make sure nothing bad happens..right Alden?" I looked towards Aldeb as he nodded once while standing up straighter. "You have nothing to worry about my lord." Kamaris peered down at me as I made the best attempt at doing a puppy dog face and finally heard him sigh.. "Fine..just..if you have any problems, tap into the bind okay?" Kamaris stated softly. "Tap into it?" I asked, feeling confused by this. Kamaris nodded while stepping closer to me. His hand reached up before sliding beneath the fabric of my dress. I felt his fingers rubbing across the raven mark as a shiver trembled through me. "Just close your eyes and feel my magic pulsing through you..then imagine giving it a little tug." He instructed as I did exactly what he said and fluttered my eyes closed. Then I felt it, his magic pulsing through my veins as I pictured tugging at it like a string. "Perfect..that's exactly it." He praised me as I saw his eyes light up with excitement. "The moment you do that, I will know exactly where you are and thin my way to you." I nodded in understanding as Kamaris kissed my forehead before pulling me agaisnt his chest. "It's okay, we will be back together soon." I whispered as he bent down, placing his lips against mine gently. His kiss was full of wanting, as if he were already away from me and making up for lost time. I chuckled against him and went to pull away. Just then he sucked my bottom lip into his mouth, biting down hard, causing me to yelp. Cinead tisked while shaking his head in disbelief. "So barbaric, you are practically an animal Kamaris." He said frowning, watching as Kamaris sucked the blood off of my lip and swallowed. I couldn't help but laugh...I remembered the first time Kamaris bit me, and how appalled I was. Now I have grown to like was our thing...and it didn't even hurt anymore for some reason. The way Kamaris was staring at me made my body ignite as a wave of desire passed through me as a tingling sensation filled my core. Kamaris knew it too, the way his eyes turned hungry, how he looked down at my lips and his hands began to roam me. "Okay you two, time to separate." Cinead stated loudly. "If we aren't all invited then let's get a move on." He added, causing Kamaris to look up and glare at him, his hands holding me possessively. "I will see you soon okay?" I whispered as I turned my head towards Kamaris and gave him one last kiss. Stella walked over to us, her hand grabbing my arm as she pulled me off of him and began dragging me away. "We better go now before he changes his mind." She whispered to me as he stood quickly and stepped towards me like he was about to reach for me again. Cinead swiftly got between us, looking at Stella and nodding his head. She began to pull me from the room with Alden and Dante close behind. I glanced back one last time and saw Kamaris watching me intently as I left the room. I felt like a love-sick teenager not wanting to be a second away from him. I sighed heavily as Stella looped her arm through mine with a huge grin on her face. "I was thinking we could visit one of the dress shops first" She said excitedly, her eyes gleaming as that excitement soon filled me too. I had never gone shopping before like this with a friend. Even in my old world, we didn't have a lot of places to shop. Just the hardware store or a small boutique inside of the ski lodge. Most kids would go out of town and visit the city every summer for their school shopping. My dad just took me to the hardware store to stock up on whatever stuff they had there. The idea thrilled me...this might be the first time where I actually felt I was my own person and I could do as I pleased. We stepped outside, the sun was high and the sky was clear and I couldn't help but smile...I closed my eyes, letting the warm breeze glide against my skin as I relished the feel of the was glorious. Alden stepped ahead as other soldiers from Marudeva walked past us, bowing deeply as they looked toward Stella. She seemed to know them all by name as she greeted them cheerfully and I could see the respect they clearly had for her..she definitely was well-liked. Suddenly Alden and Dante appeared in front of us with the two large Black horses they had ridden before when we first got here. Seeing them from here I hadn't realized how huge they really were. Alden watched me carefully as I approached them. The one closest to Alden had amber-colored eyes that stared straight through me. "You can pet him if you like." Alden spoke softly, leading him over to me. I nodded my head, smiling as he approached while reaching out my hand as the horse swiftly walked up to me, pressing his snout to my palm. I was shocked by how friendly he seemed. The huge horse snorted before nodding his head up and down, making me laugh. "He is so nice." I observed happily. Alden seemed to be watching my every move, seeing how the horse nuzzled into me and calmed the moment I began petting his forehead. "Onyx usually isn't this friendly..let's just say I have a few bite marks to prove it." Alden mumbled wryly. I glanced at him and saw the most genuine smile on his face I had seen yet. Seeing Alden relaxed like this made my heart happy, just knowing he was talking to me with such a friendly tone filled me with happiness. I looked over and saw Dante and Stella already on their horse. She was sitting behind him as she wrapped her arms around his waist, whispering something into his ear that caused his cheeks to redden instantly. Next, Alden climbed up swiftly, extending his hand out and offering me help as I couldn't even reach the stirrup because the horse was so tall. I frowned, causing Alden to chuckle as he jumped off again. "Maybe you should sit in the front. I don't want you falling off on the way there." He stated teasingly. I let out a sarcastic and narrowed my eyes up at him...I was really feeling how short I am today..especially with this beast of a horse. Alden lifted me swiftly, placing me towards the front of the saddle as I held on. Before I knew it he was right behind me, his hands reaching in front and grabbing the reigns. "Is this okay?" He asked me quietly and I nodded. He wrapped one arm around me loosely and spoke again. "We better get out of here before Kamaris sees us." He said half joking but I could tell he meant it because before I knew it we were galloping away towards the green Oasis that waited just ahead of us. I thought this might be a good time to get to know Alden more, considering we were never alone that much anymore, and in the past I didn't feel as comfortable as I do now to soeak so openly. I turned my head towards him so he could hear me speak. "Have you visited Marudeva a lot?" I asked quickly, wondering if he always came here with Kamaris. Alden nodded his head yes. "We come a couple times a month. Kamaris has a pretty strong presence out here, he is well respected. " He added and I had to give it to Alden. One thing about him is he is always respectful and loyal. He seems to take his job very seriously and doesn't let personal issues get in the way..if there are any. I admire that about him and also wonder how he could stay so calm all the time. "How long have you been with the dark region?" I asked curiously. Alden shifted a little behind me and began to speak. "For five hundred years." He said solemnly, his grip tightening as the green oasis inched closer. When I was about to ask another question, he surprised me by speaking again. The mood suddenly changed as his body went stiff and his voice low and serious. "I was there when it all happened. I was Theia’s guard.." his words sent a shiver down my spine..he had witnessed when Kamaris's father was killed... "You were there?" I asked breathlessly, my stomach aching just from the mere idea. "They had us hold Kamaris back. His magic was nothing like it is now, so he wasn't able to break away." His voice was low as he spoke, it must be hard to have to relive those memories. "We didn't know she intended to kill the lord of darkness. After..I let Kamaris go..the lady of light, she was no longer the woman I vowed to protect." He said firmly and my heart dropped, having to witness that, for Kamaris to have to witness it.. "Theia had changed, she was once kind, and she and Terik were said to have a love almost as pure as the original souls. Then something happened, she became obsessed with power, obsessed with greed, and wanted more. She wanted Kamaris, something in her snapped and she was never the same again." He spoke ominously, his words echoing inside of me. What had changed everything? Why had she turned out that way? "Why?" I asked breathlessly. "Black Magic, it rotted away her soul..Terik, Cinead, and Kamaris all used to be friends when they were kids... Theia would follow them around and was like a sister to Cinead and Kamaris, then something caused a huge rift, and when the crazy ideas came, Terik didn't know what to do. She thought she and Kamaris were meant to be. A prophecy of light and dark joining and ruling over all of Alysian." He spoke quietly behind me. As if it were so taboo he was afraid the wind might carry it straight to Kamaris. I nodded my head, understanding how touchy the subject truly was. I was shocked he was being so open with me about it honestly..even Kamaris hasn't told me much..and I didn't want to pry. So Theia wanted to marry Kamaris to join the dark and light wonder why she even had those ideas. "After Kamaris killed her, I dropped my sword, preparing to die myself. My father left me in Vardis, saying I dishonored our I truly had nothing left." He said coldly, making my heart horrible.. "Even Terik stood by, watching in horror, knowing she was too far gone. I thought Kamamris would have me killed, but instead, he forced me to join their army. He thought it would be good to have someone with inside knowledge. At least that was the reason he told Dalia I needed to be kept there." He spoke softly, hearing of Kamaris's kindness towards him made me relieved. Even after his dad just died, in his worst moment of life he still spared Alden. "Eventually I worked my way up, proving I didn't have any desire to return, and Kamaris made me his first guard." He shifted behind me once more, switching hands as he still held onto me. Alden had to leave his whole life, his own family betraying him. "You never saw your family since?" I asked quietly, wishing there would be some type of happy ending. "No, not even Jasmine, my mirror soul. I heard she had moved on and started her own family now." He said stoically, trying to hide any emotions he might have. I gasped, sadness filling me as tears stung my eyes. His own mirror soul..I turned my body sideways, my arms wrapping around him awkwardly as I hugged him, pressing my cheek against his arm. "Oh, Alden..I'm so sorry." I said, trying to hold in my tears. His hand reached behind me, patting me on the back stiffly as a small chuckle left him. "It's okay Amira, it happened a long time ago, I have grown to accept it." He said, surprised by my emotional outburst. I nodded my head, sniffling as I wiped my eyes quickly and pulled away. "I'm all have been through so much." I said sadly, feeling guilty for feeling any type of self-pity I once had. My issues seemed like nothing compared to what they have lived through, and still have to live through. "It was hard at first, but I like where I am now, you definitely have made things a lot more interesting." He said laughing, his hand wrapping around me once more. "Yeah, this is the most excitement that I've ever experienced in my life, that's for sure.." I said, chuckling softly. We sat in silence for a moment, the realization that Alden truly was my friend now settling in. "I wanted to thank you have always been kind to me Alden, I just wanted to let you know I appreciate you.." I spoke softly, seeing him nod in the corner of my eye as a warm smile formed on his face. "I should be the one thanking have changed everything Amira..and I have a feeling this is just the start.." He responded as his words made me fill with warmth.. I have a feeling this is just the start too..I don't know why, but something deep inside of me reacted to that..something waiting to reveal itself..and what that might be..I have no clue, but I'm sure we will find out soon enough.
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