Chapter 15-He Promised

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(Amira) Breaching the surface, I gasped deeply, trying to inhale some much-needed air into my lungs. That's when I looked around, noticing Theia was next to Terik now. She looked exactly how I once saw her in my mind..but now those cold blue eyes wide with fear. Studying her appearance, I could see some type of resemblance in our faces but that was all..Her body seemed to glow as a light pulsed around her, coming from somewhere deep within..she was beautiful, that I can't deny. Soldiers rushed over towards them, surrounding the lord and lady of light as they withdrew their weapons, pointing them towards me..well, I thought it was meant for me. That's when I felt him standing by my side. His presence was so overpowering it felt as if a current of electricity was prickling my skin, causing my hair to stand up on edge. I slowly turned my head towards the man who had promised to find me, the man who had truly kept his word. Kamaris, the man in my dreams, the man who had kept me sane for all of those dark and lonely days, my savior...he came, he really came. Kamaris stood waist-deep in the water with his spiraled black sword in hand, pointing it straight out. It took me a few moments to adjust my eyes and then I began to realize that the sharp blade he was wielding wasn't facing Terik and Theia, that deadly blade was pointed straight at me... I lifted my gaze, confusion filling me as I tilted my head towards him, maybe he doesn't realize who I am. I tried to open my mouth to speak, to say anything but no words would come. My voice was gone, my mind almost forgetting how to even form these words as if I had lost the ability altogether. Maybe my new body must have to relearn the basics of tasks all over again. Glancing towards Terik I noticed something was wrong, the way he looked at me with fear in his eyes made me feel unsettled. It was almost as if who I was standing next to wasn't a man at all, but a monster that scared even him. Just then Kamaris reached out, gripping my arm roughly, making my eyes widen. His cold rough hand wrapped around my forearm, causing my skin to burn as his fingertips buried into my sensitive flesh. The confusion settled even deeper as my skin tingled from his touch, his hands like a vice as I stumbled back slightly, almost losing my balance. Looking down at where he gripped me, the realization that I was naked hit me like a ton of bricks. A blazing heat filled my cheeks as I quickly crossed my arms in front of my chest, trying to cover my now exposed body. Kamaris scoffed, his cold eyes glancing down at me as his face became void of all emotions. His gaze wandered my body as I looked away, trying to distract myself from his piercing stare. "Don't get shy on me now Amira." He whispered next to my ear, making a shiver tremble through me. Kamaris's action caused Terik to quickly step forward, his eyes wide as he spoke. "Kamaris, let her go." He boomed, causing his voice to echo through the cave and making his guards go on high alert. How did Terik know Kamaris? Confusion filled me as I glanced between them. I was having the hardest time connecting the dots, trying to figure out why the man who treated me so kindly and tenderly was now looking at me with disgust. Why was he holding me like a hostage while Terik was now the one trying to protect me? From what exactly, or maybe who is the better question because I was starting to think Kamaris was not the man I believed him to be. My gaze drifted over to Theia, she was wearing a sheer white robe, and that soft glow continued to illuminate from her. I expected she would be clinging to Terik but she was also watching Kamaris's every move. Her eyes seemed to sparkle just from the sight of him. Suddenly I felt a warm tingling sensation enveloping my body. Looking down I was now wearing a black leather shirt and pants, matching Kamaris's armor perfectly. Terik took another small step forward, causing Theia to glare at him as she realized his gaze was set on me. "What is going on? Why didn't she form into me completely?" She asked the women in white robes. Her soft voice was nothing like the one I was used to, it almost caused me to do a double-take. The robed women all looked around at each other, just as confused as she was, when suddenly a small orb of light from the once glowing tree gently floated down. Their eyes widened as this beautiful light went straight to me before settling on my cheek, the warmth filling me as my eyes fluttered closed. Gasps echoed off of the cave walls, the women whispering to one another as Theia's eyes widened. The tree answered their question as confusion filled me. Why though, why was I saved by the tree? Kamaris abruptly yanked me backward, causing my knees to buckle as I lost my balance and stumbled back with him through the water. My legs felt brand new as I tried to find my footing and I wondered if I even knew how to walk anymore. "Care to make a trade?" Kamaris spoke harshly, c*****g his eyebrow arrogantly. His words made a tight knot form in my stomach...he wanted to trade me? For what? Terik looked at me quickly, his eyes wide and full of remorse. Confusion and uncertainty filled me, I wasn't sure what was going on or what I should even do. "She has nothing to do with this Kamaris, what happened before, she wasn't a part of that." His words rang through me, and I finally realized why he looked at Kamaris with fear. Why Theia seemed to be intrigued and the guards now surrounded and protected them. Kamaris was the man who had killed Theia. My heart dropped, had he known who I was all this time? Was this why he asked me those questions and treated me so kindly? I turned my head to him weakly, my body exhausted from everything that I had just gone through. I gathered all my strength and courage, trying to form the name that had been on the tip of my tongue since the moment I breached the water and felt his presence. "K..Ka..maris.." I managed to croak out. My voice sounded so foreign to my own ears. Kamaris's eyes slid to mine, blackness filling them completely as they lacked any warmth and recognition, making my heart split in two. That's when I realized that the man who had found me in that dream world was in no way shape or form the man before me now. I was deceived.. Theia's soft voice filled the cave, surprising me with what she said. "Kamaris, you came..." She spoke gently, her eyes growing wide as she stared at this man next to me. Terik looked at Theia with hurt crossing his face. "Come to me Theia." Kamaris spoke firmly, causing me to stumble as he let go of me and extended his hand out, reaching for Theia. I glanced between them as Terik gripped Theia's arm, holding her in place just as she was about to step forward. I froze, my knees shaking as I debated making a run for it. Was this my chance to get away? How far could I make it? Could I even run? "Theia, do you not remember what happened? This isn't right, you will only be killed again!" Terik snapped at her, glancing at the hooded women around him and nodding his head slightly. They suddenly waved their hands, causing Theia to fall unconscious into Terik's arms making Kamaris laugh viciously. "After everything you did to save her, she is still in love with cruel can fate be?" He spoke arrogantly..his expression cold and callous. His words shocked me, Theia had been in love with Kamaris? My head began to spin, causing my legs to give out as I struggled to stay standing. Kamaris reached out for me once more, gripping my arm as he glanced toward the mouth of the cave, causing me to follow his gaze. Two men stood at the entrance of the cave, their feet at the threshold but not daring to enter. The first man had red armor and long maroon hair, his hands holding a bow and an arrow pointed straight at Theia. The other man had olive skin and dark brown hair with a long scar that went down his face. The armor he wore was black and red with a bow in his hands as well, seeming to be pointed towards Terik. Kamaris yanked me once more, gripping my arm tightly as I began to shake uncontrollably, the cold water lapping at my chest. "As for this one, let's see how she can compare to Theia." He smirked wildly, his words making a pit form in my stomach as I felt like I was going to be sick. Terik held Theia in his arms, his eyes darting to me as I looked at him, knowing this might be the last time I ever see him again. I nodded my head slightly, remembering everything he said to me in the darkness, even if it wasn't meant for me...I knew how much he loved Theia and for her to be killed again, all of this would have been pointless. Those lonely times would have been for absolutely nothing. The next words I spoke weren't for Theia, how cruel and wicked she had been, they were for Terik, the man I first met and the one who showed remorse in his eyes. He did this for her, for his love. "It will be okay." The words were barely a whisper as I lowered my head, knowing whatever was about to happen, this would probably be the last time I saw him. His guards held their ground, making it impossible for him to move as he held Theia firmly. "Amira no!!" He yelled out. Just then I felt a thick tingling fog wash over me, my body becoming heavy as I slowly drifted to sleep, feeling Kamaris lift me over his shoulder and darkness surrounded me again. Maybe when I wake up, the man that visited me in my dreams would return..maybe this was all a horrible nightmare..he promised. He promised he would come and I won't give up on him that easily...I can't..or the realization of how foolish I had been might just destroy me..
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