Chapter 16-The Cell

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(Amira) I dreamt of that body humming as if I could feel it coursing through my veins, making a rainbow illuminate from deep within me. It was almost like something had awoken deep inside of me that I didn't even know was there.. Suddenly Kamaris appeared before me, reaching out his hand as desperation filled those ocean-blue eyes. The sight of him alone caused tears to stream down my face as sorrow rushed through me..the man that I once thought I knew slowly disappeared into the darkness..the man that never really existed. I cried out, trying everything I could to get to him as an unbearable pain ripped through me. Feeling like my soul had been torn in two and half of it disappeared with him. I awoke with a gasp as I felt my heart hammering in my chest as my head pounded profusely. Looking around for a moment, I thought I was back in my mind. In that unrelenting darkness that filled my world for weeks, had to be months. Suddenly my eyes began to adjust and I realized I wasn't in my mind..No I was in a cold dark room. The floor was made of stone and an iron door with a small window was the only thing I could make out.. My head continued to throb as I felt that tingling sensation from before in the cave slowly slipping away from me. It was almost as if whatever magic that had been used on me was finally wearing off. Looking down I realized I was on a small thin the corner was a bucket and that was it... I tried to move my legs and was halted, making me reach out as my hands slipped over a cool metal object that was wrapped around my right ankle. I tugged on it, the action causing me to wince as the restraint bit down into my skin. I had been chained to the floor... Why was I chained up? What the hell was going on? The faint sound of screaming echoed off the stone walls from somewhere beyond this room, making my stomach drop. Fear began to fill me as I tried to fight away the tears that threatened to spill any second. Where was I? Everything began to rush back, Kamaris had come like he promised, but he was nothing like the man I thought he was. He had tricked me this whole time.. Before I could even grasp the situation, a loud metal noise thudded in front of me, making my body stiffen. I scooted myself into the corner, looking hesitantly towards the door as it slowly creaked open, making my breathing hitch as I looked on in fear. A blinding light filled the room, causing me to wince and shield my gaze as a hiss escaped me. The light instantly dimmed as I blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to this abrupt change. Glancing up, I realized a man was now standing in the doorway, making my heart drop. Wait..I have seen him before..he was the man in red armor from earlier.. He slowly entered the room before standing above me. His maroon hair was tied back and his hazel eyes burned into me as I cowered below him. He had surprisingly elegant features, his face smooth and his skin fair. He seemed to carry some type of light above him that illuminated the room. I turned my head away, the light causing my eyes to sting just from one look. "Put these on." He commanded, staring at me intently while throwing some clothes onto the floor in front of me. I blinked and looked down at them, seeing the small scraps of black fabric. The man reached forward before unlocking the chain around my ankle and turned around, facing the now closed door. "Right now?" I stammered.. realizing my voice was barely even a whisper. He nodded his head while his back still faced me. At least he granted me that much privacy.. I bent down, reaching for the clothes, and held them up.. Oh god..what the heck is this?! I soon realized the items in my hand were a black sheer dress and a lace thong to match. I couldn't wear these..I would practically be naked! I closed my eyes tightly, trying to take a deep breath as my mind began to spin. How can I get out of this? I guess I was taking too long because the man turned his head towards me before clenching his hands into fits. "Either you do it or I will." His baritone voice barked..the tone being serious and threatening. I lifted my trembling hands up...feeling my body shake uncontrollably as I pulled the leather shirt I was wearing off of me. I placed my left arm over my full breasts as I tried to cover myself before reaching for my pants and slipping them down my legs quickly. I hastily stepped into the lace underwear and slid the tight sheer fabric over my body, realizing it clung to me as if it were a second pair of skin. Looking down, I didn't even recognize myself. My breasts were fuller, my waist was thin and curvy and my hips curved out giving me an hourglass shape. I felt like I was looking at a completely different woman... I was totally exposed, two slits went up to my thighs, my breasts visible under the thicker sheer fabric across my chest. I had never worn anything like this in my life. I crossed my arms in front of me just as the man turned around. His eyes examined me carefully as he slid them up and down my body before stepping forward and looking into my eyes. "You will go upstairs and Kneel before the lord of darkness, you are not to say a word unless prompted to. Do you understand me?" He stated firmly, making me swallow hard before glancing at the wall once more. I felt like my ability to speak had left me once again as I nodded my head slowly. The lord of darkness..that right there confirmed it all. Kamaris was indeed the same man who killed Theia. Even though Terik confirmed it in the cave.. I was holding out that this was all some type of misunderstanding. Without warning the man reached out and gripped my upper arm firmly. "Whatever the lord of darkness tells you..I suggest you act quicker than you did in here, he is not known for his patience." He said lowly, making me blink towards him rapidly as I felt that fear fill me once again. Could Kamaris truly be this frightening man that they are speaking of? I couldn't believe it... My stomach tightened as so many questions flooded my mind. Where was I and how did this even happen..why did I survive? My heart began to ache as I remembered Kamaris's cold gaze. He looked at me with such hatred.. I nodded slightly, showing the man that I heard him as I looked at the floor just as my knees began to shake. My body still felt weak from whatever had happened to me in that water. "You will walk up to the dark Lord and Kneel. Do not make eye contact and do exactly as he says." He spoke again, trying to get his point across as his tone was flat and precise. "Okay, let's go." He squeezed my arm roughly before pulling me along with him as his hands held me firmly. Hesitation filled my every step as I suddenly felt like I didn't want to leave this cell..that whatever was waiting for me out there might be much worse than being in here. The iron door opened and he quickly pulled me into a dark eyes were drawn to the walls where torches flickered in the dark, lighting the way as I could hear another poor soul groaning somewhere within these cells. We approached a man in green armor as he stood watching me. His gaze meeting mine as we passed by, making a wicked smirk appear on his face as the man tugged me along. The guard looked me up and down, making my skin crawl just from the way his eyes roamed my body as I averted my gaze. Which was apparently a bad idea..because what I saw next made my stomach turn instantly.. We walked forward, right towards a decomposing skeleton that was hanging from the wall. Their hands and legs were chained on each side and the smell alone caused me to gag. I had never seen a dead body before..not like this.. I froze in place as bile reached the back of my throat, the urge to throw up, rising by the second. The man squeezed my arm and continued to pull me, my feet unable to move as he practically dragged me along. I closed my eyes as we passed the remains, my heart aching for whoever this person was...and that's when a horrible thought crossed my mind...could Kamaris have done this? Would he do this to me? Panic filled me, as I began to pull at my arm, wanting to go back to that cold cell as I began breathing heavily. The man must've realized my distress because soon enough he gripped my chin, forcing my head back as I kept my eyes shut. "Look at me." He ordered lowly, making me shake my head no. "You need to calm down or this won't end well for you." He warned, making me swallow hard as I felt warm tears sliding down my cheeks. I took a steadying breath and swallowed that bile down..trying to remember what he told me to do. I would kneel and not make eye contact.. that's all I had to do. I echoed the words through me, trying to not forget as I suddenly imagined Terik, the fear in his eyes..the way he tried to come to me. My heart began to ache while the maroon-haired man turned sharply and began pulling me up a flight of stairs. Every guard we passed seemed to stare and smirk at me, their eyes wandering my body as if they didn't care to hide their interest whatsoever. "I can't wait to take turns with this one." A man with a long beard spoke, making my stomach drop just from his words wouldn't do that..would they? Oh god, how was I going to get out of this? We walked forward, turning down another hallway where a red carpet appeared below us, lining the grey stone floor as we entered a much different place than I had woken up in. There were elegant pieces of furniture scattered throughout the room. Large vibrant paintings decorated the walls with red curtains hung throughout. Huge iron chandeliers dangled from the ceilings and large vases with red flowers were in every corner. It was hard to adjust to the vast difference as we now seemed to be inside some type of castle. The man stopped abruptly, turning towards me as he reached forward, his hands brushing back my hair. "You must be submissive, everything my lord says you will do, is that clear?" His voice was so quiet I almost didn't hear him. I nodded, taking a deep breath as I let it out slowly..submissive, what does that even mean? At least this man told me what to do, but walking in here.. I had no idea what to expect. Who is this lord of darkness? Is he as cruel as he seems? He did kill Theia, all I know is that whoever I met in those dreams was definitely not the Kamaris I was about to meet. I flinched as two large wooden doors began to open and the man nodded his head before stepping forward. He gripped my arm tightly as he continued to drag me along, making my legs give out by the speed he was carrying me. I took a trembling step forward, the image of that skeleton forcing its way back into my mind as I fought the urge to run away. The man kept his place beside me as we passed through the doors. That's were I noticed two guards had been placed on each side as we stepped into a large room that was suddenly filled with silence. Looking ahead, I quickly noted four large stone thrones that sat on a stage. The first one I glanced at was the middle right throne...It had roses and thorns delicately carved into the dark stone where vines creep up the sides. Sitting in the chaor was a beautiful brown-haired woman. Her eyes were a honey brown and her skin tan..she had a regal look to her as she smiled down at the others. She wore a deep red gown, reminding me of the color of blood with gold stitching etched into it. After focusing my eyes, I soon noticed a large yellow snake slithering behind her back as she stroked it gently. I averted my gaze quickly realizing she now noticed me staring and glanced behind her. A man with white hair and ice-blue eyes stood to her left, staring right at me. I wondered for a minute if it was her partner. The way he stood behind her seemed to be a protective stance as he hovered over her shoulder. He wore white armor and had dark brown skin, his features handsome but his stare chilling. Looking over towards the next stone throne to the right, it was slightly smaller. It had knives carved into the back with colorful blue gems that reflected the light with a shimmering glow. The man that sat there had the same color of hair as the woman..his eyes were brown and his skin tan. I could tell they must've been related. His features were young and handsome and he had a mischievous look to him as his eyes roamed the room lazily. He wore red and black armor, similar to the guards. Inside the man's hands was a dagger that he flipped up and down, playing with it leisurely. The next throne was on the far left side, this one sent a shiver down my spine. The stone carving had people begging on their knees with their mouths gaping wide open as if they were screaming in agony..Some had spears through their chests and others were beheaded. The man who sat on the throne chilled me even more than the carvings. He had shoulder-length Black hair, his skin a golden tan, and his jaw square. His features were strong and masculine, his lips were pulled into a straight line as his steel blue eyes pierced into mine. I looked away quickly, remembering what the man next to me said..not to look them in the eyes. Finally, I looked at the last throne, knowing who would be sitting in it.. I had felt his presence since the moment I walked into the room. The middle left throne was the had carvings of skulls and ravens etched into the back with Kamaris sitting in it..his posture relaxed as he stared at me with a bored expression on his face. His long raven black hair was draped behind him..He looked exactly how I remembered..he had smooth moon-white skin with sharp features, his diamond-shaped face made his cheekbones high and his nose sat straight while his lips stayed firmly in place. He had to be the most breathtakingly beautiful man I had ever seen in my life...But I knew I had to keep that thought out of my head..he wasn't the same..he wasn't my Kamaris. Kamaris wore black armor with what looked like feathers etched into the chest plate..he truly looked like the Lord of Darkness. The name was very fitting.. Glancing below the stage, I noticed there were dozens of round tables with chairs around them. I watched at women wearing similar sheer clothes as mine walked around, offering food and wine at each table we passed. Men in armor occupied the chairs..each whispering and staring at me as I walked in. The maroon-haired man continued down the long hall steadily, dragging me towards the front of the stage. My legs felt as if I were about to collapse as I tried to keep my breathing steady. Without warning the man stopped at the front of the stage before sinking to the floor and kneeling deeply. Next, he pulled my arm down with him, prompting me to do the same as I kept my eyes glued to the floor like I was told. My stomach began to tie into knots as I heard a soft chuckle vibrate from the man on the left...seemingly amused by my presence. Then I felt it..that cold stare from Kamaris as his eyes wandered across my body..that's when I truly began to fear for my life..whatever hell I was in now..I'm not sure I can get out of this one.
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