Chapter 14-Phoenix Rising

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(Amira) I let out a rush of air before opening my eyes and seeing those trees that I so desperately wanted to see were now standing tall in front of me...and so was he..It worked, he was really here. I quickly slipped behind a tree, making sure he didn't see me yet as my heart hammered against my chest. "Kamaris, don't look at me yet, please... I remember...I remember everything!" I gasped, causing his feet to stop moving before opening my mouth to speak again, not even giving him a chance to say anything. I didn’t know how much time we had...I couldn't waste it. "I am in Alysian...last I remember I was still in Aeron. I was brought here by the Lord of light, he told me I was reincarnated from his love." I blurted, my words coming out in a jumbled mess.. " the rumors are true." He breathed, speaking her name as my eyes widened. He knew Theia..he knew exactly who I was talking about. "Where are you right now?" He barked, his voice coming out rough and full of urgency. "I have been trapped in my own body, her soul was placed inside of me, I don't know how long I have been here..." I trailed off..the realization of what happened to me finally settling in. I heard him walk towards me, prompting my eyes to shut tight. "Don't turn around, Amira, tonight there will be a ceremony, your soul will be dissolved, and she will take over your body and transform back into her Athuney form once again." His words were like a knife to my soul would disappear forever. My heart dropped as I slumped to the ground, placing my hands over my face. Tears began to well up inside of me, I knew it was over...I knew there was nothing left I could do. "Don't open your eyes." Kamaris whispered next to me, causing my stomach to flip. Suddenly he embraced me, holding me close to him as his scent reminded me of a cool ocean breeze. The smell calming me as I let out a shuddering breath, relishing these last moments with him..with the man who has kept me going..he was the only light in this darkness, and to be honest..the realization that I would never see him again was more heartbreaking than dying. "It will be okay, I will come find you I promise." He whispered before slowly lowering my hands as I shook my head and kept my eyes shut tightly. "Please..don't leave me." I choked out as warm tears spilled down my cheeks. I felt Kamaris hovering above me as I felt that hopelessness rising up inside of me..I didn't want to disappear and never see him again. I couldn't bear it... Suddenly I felt his mouth pressing against mine, his smooth lips gently pressing into me. Kamaris' hand reached up to my face, wiping the tears that stained my rosy cheeks while pressing into me deeply. My heart fluttered, his lips warm against my skin as I savored each sweet brush that feathered against me...making my stomach flip in response. The feeling was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I felt as if my heart were truly beating for the first time in my life. Kamaris began to pull away, causing a whimper to escape me as his warm words brushed against my flesh. "Open your eyes, Amira, I have to see those beautiful eyes one more time, please.." He pleaded, his own voice filled with emotion as a tear slid down my cheek. I felt his cool hand swipe the warm drops away once more...and then I slowly opened my eyes..what was waiting for me, making me gasp. Kamaris's gaze was filled with swirling blue and white as if a storm were brewing deep inside of him. The sight before me was so intense and full of passion that I knew just by looking at him, he would try to find me. I knew he would do everything he could to save my life. This man who had already saved me from complete loneliness and isolation would rescue me once again.. Then the darkness took me as I slumped down to my knees, aware that my time was coming to an end. "I love you Kamaris..I didn't get to tell you..but..I..I love you." I whispered to myself before wrapping my arms around my body and letting my head hang down. I could feel the walls of darkness closing in on me...hours went by as I sat waiting..remembering that kiss and the promise Kamaris had made me. I lifted my hand, brushing my fingertips across my lips as I closed my eyes and felt my heart race..he kissed me.. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I heard voices, making my head snap to the side as I could see again. I could see through those eyes that once belonged to me. We were back at where it all started..back at the willow tree that gave Theia her life..the tree that brought me here. Looking around the edge of the water, there stood six women in hooded white robes. They were all joined by the hand and formed a circle around the tree. The tree's leaves began to glow once again, just like they had that fateful day. Theia moved forward, stepping into the water and causing it to ripple out, but this time it didn't glow. I could see Terik standing on the side watching her as worry filled his expression..or was it guilt? I felt deep down that he had to know..or why else would he keep asking her? It was almost like I was watching a movie play out right in front of me..I knew it was my body but I couldn't control any part of it. Suddenly the women in white robes began to enter the water, chanting something in a different language that I couldn't understand. They circled Theia as she began to float in the water on her back, putting their hands beneath her. The willow tree creaked as it began to sway from a gust of wind that circled the cave..its branches releasing that glowing light from within as small orbs drifted down slowly toward us. Making their way to our body as Theia began to pant heavily. The darkness around me began to fill up with water, flowing in from some invisible crack as the water rushed toward me, chilling me to the bone. I gasped sharply as every ounce of air rushed from my lungs. The icy water was filling up faster with each second, as the chanting became deafening. The light from the tree floated down and absorbed into Theia’s body..this wasn't mine anymore...I knew it would never be mine again. I waded in the water as it made its way up to my chin now, feeling like I was in a small box with no way out. One final rush of water and I took a deep breath, trying to last as long as I could, fighting to break free until my last breath, hitting that invisible wall, willing it to break. My eyes burned as I looked out seeing my skin turn into Theia’s..her long snow-white hair flowed out in front of me as what was once my body now turned long and slender...I could feel it..she had turned into something magnificent..something magical..she was now Athuney...immortal. One final soft glow left her as she had completely transformed, it was all over. I began to struggle once more, running out of air as my lungs were on fire, I knew I had seconds, mere seconds. My life seemed so pointless, I felt angry and disappointed in myself. I had tried to be the best person I could be in my life. I never fought back..I had always taken the beatings...I had lifted my head high when I felt so low. I tried to be kind, so kind for my mother, for myself...That's when a soft angelic voice echoed through the water. "Breathe my child, just breathe." The ethereal sound soothing and calming me immediately, feeling as if a hand was now caressing my face. I closed my eyes gently, accepting my fate as I stopped struggling, letting my body float into the darkness. Thoughts of Kamaris flooded my mind and how the darkness had gifted him to me, to not be alone in my final days of living. Fluttering my eyes open one final time..I realized a bright rainbow light was illuminated from somewhere within me..beckoning an orb from the tree to float forward. I watched that tiny little speck of the tree float closer as it was now in front of me..Making me realize that the small glowing light was the same color as the one coming from me... I didn't fight it this welcomed it graciously as that warmth inched closer. I opened my mouth and breathed in that ice-cold water, the warm light flowing with it, filling me up deep inside and absorbing into me. Then I heard Terik, calling out my name as the muffled sounds of people around me pounded against my ears. "Amira." His voice was full of fear and desperation as it echoed through the walls of the cave. My eyes snapped open and I saw Theia's own gaze widen in shock, the realization that I was still alive making fear fill her up deep inside. Wait..was she afraid of me? Why? I watched as her fear quickly morphed into panic as she began flailing her arms in the water, trying to swim to the surface. Then a bright blinding light filled the room, throwing me out of that water and straight out of her mind..making me sink into the deep depths of the pool that I once floated in before. Opening my eyes I saw myself for the first time as I couldn't believe what was happening.. My skin began to glow..turning tan and glistening like I had been kissed by the sun..I looked down at my body, feeling shocked as it formed right before my eyes. My breasts were full and my hips curved out body had changed into one that a woman would have..not thin and malnourished like before. My hair flowed out in front of me..chocolate brown with golden highlights sparkled from the tree's lights that shined through the water... Then it hit me, I could feel it coursing through my veins..Theia wasn't the only one who had transformed...I did too..I was now Athuney, I was immortal... How was this possible?!
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