Chapter 49-Terik

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(Terik) I marched through the halls of Dolus, feeling Theia not far behind as I forced my way into Gideon's office and immediately froze in my tracks. "What the hell happened? Where is she? Where is Amira?" I rushed out, seeing Gideon's face was almost unrecognizable..his skin was bruised and the veins beneath his flesh were black, making it completely visible as he suddenly turned before vomiting out some type of dark liquid. This was obviously the work of Kamaris..he must've filled Gideon with his dark magic, almost killing gods..what could he be doing to Amira? "He decided to keep her." Gideon grumbled before wiping his mouth and sitting back in his chair. "K..Keep her..for..for what reason?! I..I don't understand?" Theia rambled out, her crystal blue eyes shooting between me and Gideon as I saw her small hands clench into fists. "He says..he..wants her." Gideon croaked before coughing. I lifted my arm, letting my fingers run through my white hair as I let out a sigh. I knew I never should've brought Amira here..I knew I should've found another way. I thought they would form completely..I thought I would have Amira.. I have watched her since she was a young child..she first came to me in a dream the moment she was born..those teal eyes burning into my mind.. Then I knew she must've been Theia’s reincarnation..but she wasn't in Alysian..the sybil finally located her and I went as fast as I could. I saw the life she lived..the abuse and mistreatment..I was there when her mom passed and would come to her in that fox form. She was so gentle and kind..she was like how Theia used to be..innocent and warm-hearted..I thought..I thought if I brought Theia back, then maybe she would keep that kindness.. But little did I know that Black Magic festered deep into her sleeping soul.. Now my only hope is Amira..I feel a pull to her..this want and need to protect her..I feel deep down she has to be mine. Something about her is different.. "Kamaris can't do this to me!" Theia screeched just as Dalia walked into the room. She let out a dramatic gasp before running to her son. "Oh sweetheart..what did he do to you?!" She cried, her hands tilting Gideon's head back as she looked at his bloodshot eyes. Yeah..he looked like shit..I'm sure Kamaris could've done worse..but he clearly wanted me to get the message loud and clear. The fact that he didn't sign the blood oath was enough to tell me something was wrong. Before everything happened..Kamaris was like a brother to me. Growing up, we knew Gideon would be the next Dark Lord..well, he was supposed to be..even though Kamaris wasn't the oldest..I saw something inside of him that naturally drew people to him. He was strong..stronger than most Athuney for only being a half-blood. That was a secret he only told me and Cinead. Then things slowly started to change..Theia began to change..the subtle looks and secret glances she would give Kamaris were enough to put a wedge between us..then I found out she had been using black magic. I don't know when it started..but she always wanted and needed to be the she craved that power, she used the forbidden magic to get ahead. After years of her abusing Black Magic, our mirror bond began deteriorating..and that's when I found out she was sleeping with Kamaris. She wanted to take over the dark kingdom, she said it didn't mean anything and that she was just doing it to gain control..then the attacks started. I sat back like an i***t, believing everything she said..she told me the region of darkness was framing us. That they were taking out small villages..killing them if they didn't pledge their allegiance. It had been her the entire time..she was working with someone else to take over the regions one by one..she wanted to be the sole ruler..she wanted to be queen. So I sat back and looked on in horror..guilt filling me as I witnessed her kill Kamaris's father with his own sword..I watched as Kamaris then took that sword and plunged it through Theia’s heart, knowing it had to be done..that she was too far gone.. I was broken..we all were after that. Kamaris was never the same and I felt this anger and resentment deep inside of me..why wasn't I good enough for her? Why will Aeron never be good enough for her.. Then I met Amira..I could see the pureness..the innocence and kindness..I thought it would change Theia..and after they split in two, I knew Theia was exactly the same..I knew our bond would forever be fractured. But with Amira..if she really is made from Theia’s soul like the Sybil thinks, then she could hold the true bond..she could be it..she could be my everything. I felt this pull to her from the start..and I needed to know for sure.. "I will go and get her myself then." I snapped, making Theia and Dalia stop their hysterics. "Will..will you bring Kamaris back to me?" Theia asked, her eyes wild as they peered into me..I didn't even recognize her anymore. "After I get Amira, you can go to him yourself, you are free to do whatever you wish." I stated coldly..trying to turn off this hurt I still felt from the betrayal she did to me. There was nothing that could change her mind..she rarely even sleeps now..not since seeing him at the tree. All she does is obsess about him. "Okay. I can go to him right now." She muttered before going to turn. Suddenly Dalia stepped forward and took her arm, stopping Theia in her tracks. "Darling, perhaps just stay here with me while the boys handle this first. You can stay in the dark lord's room.." Dalia offered her, making Theia light up as I couldn't stomach this any longer. "We leave in two should be healed by then correct?" I asked Gideon as he nodded once. "Good, and once we get her, we will have the enchanters perform the unbinding ceremony." I hope to the gods this works.. I know I have wronged you my little flower..but I promise I will make this right..I promise I will treat you how you always deserved to be treated. Suddenly a memory flashed through me..a memory that entered my dreams so many times before. It was when Amira had just turned eighteen..I found her in the forest, her beautiful teal eyes lit up the moment she saw me. I curled up beside her in a field of wildflowers and we stayed like that for hours..eventually, she made a small ring of daisies, laying it atop my head as she smiled down at me.. No one had ever looked at me like that..with so much warmth and love..I thought for a second she remembered me from before, but she never did and yet she was still so kind. I grew to love her...and now, now I will save her from Kamaris's grasp..and if he doesn't give her over..then I am willing to start a war because..Amira is mine.
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