Chapter 9-Making Friends

2016 Words
(Amira) My heavy eyelids fluttered open to the morning sun shining brightly through the large window on the other side of the bed. My gaze lazily drifted across the room and landed on Elora, surprising me as I watched her look through the wardrobe casually. After spotting her, I realized it would probably take me a long time to get used to this type of treatment..never in my life did I think I would have someone waiting on me hand and was crazy. After sitting up slowly and stretching, I felt my body slowly start to wake up..I felt as if I had been sleeping for days. "Good morning Elora." I groaned between stretches. She turned quickly, holding up a purple sheer crop top before smiling at me happily. "Good morning my lady, did you sleep well?" Her voice was smooth and gentle. For some odd reason, I felt like I could be myself around her. I could just tell she was a very kind and sweet person naturally. "I slept great, this bed is incredible..I would stay in it for the rest of the day if that was an option." I grumbled, never speaking truer words in my life..this really was the best bed I have ever slept in considering my old bed was the same one I had since I was a kid. Taking the clothes she had picked out, she walked over to the bed and set them down carefully. "Well, too bad, I have started a bath for you My Lady, and Terik has asked to meet with you afterward. " She smiled at me playfully, causing me to nod as the mention of Terik caused my cheeks to burn..a bath sounded great right it would give me time to try and compose myself..geez, just the mention of his name gets me fired up, what is wrong with me? Elora looked over towards me as I stood up and began walking over to the bathroom that was connected to my room. "Not that one my lady, the crystal bath house." I stopped in my tracks before turning towards her. "Oh, I didn't realize." I mumbled, wondering why she wanted me to do it there. Elora smiled broadly, walking up to me as she slipped a silk robe over my arms and tied it around my waist, making me freeze as I watched her hands make quick work of it. "Come, I will wash you." She stated, causing me to pause once more as I blinked my eyes rapidly. "It's don't have to." I choked out, my clear hesitation about the whole thing clearly showing as she gripped my hand and began tugging. "It is my lord's wishes." She explained, making me frown as I wondered if this was what all Lords and Ladies did. Following her hesitantly out of the door, we walked through the hallway and turned in a direction I hadn't explored yet. Glancing back, I suddenly realized two men were standing outside of my room. They were dressed like the guards I saw last night in white uniforms and metal masks...I didn’t even know they were there this whole time. Were they standing guard all night as well? Turning left we walked towards a large white oak door with small swirls that bursted with flowers etched into it. I couldn't help but drag my gaze up and down the magnificent wooden piece as if it were some type of artwork not meant to be touched. It was beautiful.. Reaching forward, Elora gripped the metal handle and pulled it open, causing a wave of steam to rush towards us, as the moisture warmed my face. Looking ahead, a large bath that had been carved straight into the crystal flooring took up most of the room. It had been decorated with flickering candles all around the edges and beautiful white flower petals floated at the surface of the water. Elora walked me over to the side of the bath and turned around facing the wall, giving me some privacy. "You can undress now my lady and get into the bath." Her voice was smooth and professional as she spoke, making me swallow hard before doing what she asked. I quickly undressed and set my clothes down, stepped into the hot bath, and sat down, feeling the steaming water come up to my shoulders. I promptly wrapped my arms around my chest, hiding my nudity as a vulnerability unlike any I felt before crept up inside of me. I know this is normal type of stuff..people go topless in spas all the time..but I have never done anything like that before and felt so self-conscious I couldn't help but chew on my lip nervously. Elora turned back around and stepped to the side of the tub before Kneeling behind me. "Did you always do this for Theia?" I blurted hastily, wondering if this was the normal thing to do. Elora nodded, as she seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then began washing my back with a sponge. "What was she like?" I asked softly, my curiosity eating away at me as I wanted to know more about the woman who I now shared a body with. Elora's hands froze for a moment, as the hesitation on what she was about to say filled the air. I slowly turned my head and met her gaze, wondering why she suddenly became so nervous. "It's okay, you can tell me." I whispered, seeing the inner turmoil eating at her as curiosity filled every inch of me. Elora quickly turned away before clearing her throat and grabbed the soap behind her, finally opening her mouth to speak. "My Lady was always gracious and kind." Her voice was monotone and missing that warmth from earlier. I furrowed my brow, pondering her answer as something clearly felt off about it..but I decided to not press further...I didn't really know Elora, so I didn't want to offend her. "How long have you worked in the palace?" I changed the subject, thinking this might lighten the mood. Elora's posture relaxed immediately...seeming to be grateful for the change of subject off of Theia. "I have lived here for five hundred and fifty years. My parents also work in the castle, my father helps out in the kitchen, and my mother is the head of cleaning, my lady." She explained, making my eyes widen. The shock from how old she was hit me, it was so hard to imagine living that long. I can't believe this is truly happening..I swear I almost forget we are in a completely different world every damn day. Trying to get my bearings from the shock of her age, I smiled warmly at her. "That must be nice to live here with family, getting to see them all the time." I said, hearing her laugh warmly while bringing the sponge to my arms now. "Sometimes I see them a little too much my lady." she whispered, making me feel more relaxed. "Elora, you can call me Amira if you want." I offered, feeling so weird about her calling me My Lady all of the time. I felt like I was a queen or something..which I guess Theia kind of is..but still.. She nodded politely, her eyes softening as she set the sponge down before rinsing off my shoulders. "Thank you..Amira. What about you? What was your world like?" Her voice filled with curiosity as she leaned forward to meet my gaze. "It was just me and my father, my mother passed from an illness when I was younger. My old world, I guess it seems so dull compared to here but there were things that made it special, places I would go and memories I had." I explained while looking down at the bubbles floating on top of the water. Suddenly Elora sniffled, causing me to glance back towards her just as she swiped a tear from her eyes, surprising me completely. "Are you okay?" I asked turning towards her. "It must've been so hard, leaving everything you knew and coming here...having to sacrifice so much. You are so brave, Amira." She looked at me with sorrow in her eyes and that's when I lost it. I began to cry, feeling tears stream down my cheeks as the realization that I most likely never would go home finally hit. "Thank you.." I sniffled, those words being all I could say as I began to feel a little better after letting all of my emotions out and talking with someone. Elora seemed so easy to open up to and I felt happy to have her around to help me...maybe one day we will become good friends. She might be someone who can help me fill this role and understand more about this world. For the rest of my bath, she spoke about Aeron and the city, apparently some of the shops were so popular it had become a destination point for all the high Athuny from different regions. They would come shopping here because of the high quality of items that were sold. She said we could go shopping anytime and pick out some new clothes for myself. After my bath she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me quickly while turning her head for my benefit mostly, considering I wasn't used to this. We walked back to my room and dressed quickly. The purple top and black pants fit me nicely as she brushed my hair out, pinning it back with a golden hairpin. I slipped on some purple shoes and then a soft knock sounded on the door, making Elora look at me with a smirk as I bit my lip nervously. "That must be Lord Terik." She whispered and went to open the door. Terik peeked into the room, eyeing me carefully as a wide smile spread across his handsome face. "You look beautiful." He spoke deeply, his velvety tone causing my heart to flutter. "Thank you." I squeaked, looking down at my hands nervously as he walked towards me. He swiftly reached his arm out before gripping my hand and holding it gently. "Are you ready for breakfast?" He asked while pulling me closer to him, his eyes wandering up and down my body slowly. I nodded softly, my stomach fluttering from our hands touching as he led me towards the door before leading us out of the room. Elora bowed deeply, her eyes darting back up at me quickly and causing a smile to fill my face as she happily beamed back at me as soon as Terik looked away and I couldn't help but feel excited... Is this what life will be like from now on? Will Terik and I grow closer and closer each day? After walking to the dining room, I quickly noticed that there was already a huge array of food spread out on the table for us, prompting my stomach to growl. Sitting down in the same seats as yesterday we began eating hungrily, piling food on our plates as Terik smiled the whole time happily. "Would you like to take a tour of the palace after breakfast?" Terik asked, prompting me to stop mid-chew as I covered my mouth before speaking. "Yes, I would love that." I stated before swallowing and finishing the rest of my food quickly. Terik stood quickly and came to my aide before taking my hand once more and smiling down at me sweetly. This time though, he weaved his fingers through mine, making my heart race as I tried so damn hard to keep my cool as these feelings rushed through me. Seeing Terik standing next to me, I felt as if this had to be a dream, the way he looked at me, this gorgeous palace that we were walking through. I couldn't believe how much my life had changed in such a short time...would this end up being too good to be true? Let's hope not..because I think I'm starting to like it here..a lot.
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