Chapter 10-Losing Control

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(Amira) We walked through the palace as Terik led me down a long hallway before opening a wide oak door that had beautiful swirling patterns carved into it, just like the one at the crystal bath. Pulling my hand, he led me inside and once my eyes flitted across the room, what I saw took my damn breath away. We were now in a study with wooden bookshelves lining the long walls. The room was large and circular with soft purple and blue chairs sitting in one corner. My favorite part had to be the magnificent glass dome ceiling that rested above us, letting the morning light shine through as the blue sky now filled my vision. Terik leaned into me, startling me as he began to speak. "We can come and look at the stars here one night." He whispered next to my ear, causing my heart to flutter from his velvety tone. I nodded, smiling brightly as I looked up at the sky once more..I could spend all day was incredible. I had honestly never seen anything like it.. Terik took my hand and began pulling me over to the left side of the room where a wall covered in paintings appeared before us. Dozens of canvases filled every surface as my eyes wandered over them slowly. Every single piece of art was more different and unique than the last..but the one that caught my eye the most was of a silver fox. The fox was sitting in the woods, watching a young girl just by the tree line. Something drew me to it, mesmerizing me as I examined the picture carefully. After a few moments, I felt Terik's eyes studying me intently as I continued to examine the picture, the fox must have been him. "Did you paint these?" I asked curiously while turning to face him. Terik smiled and nodded, studying the picture I was just admiring before stepping closer to me. "All of these are my creations throughout the years. Just a little hobby I have acquired." He shrugged like it was nothing. Yeah..a hobby, sure..most of these looked like they should be hanging in a museum. I glanced back at the paintings, some were dark and sad, the shapes representing figures and people he must have lost or been hurt by. The next painting that drew my eye was a white canvas, a piercing dark blue color splashed on the canvas. Deep down I knew this had to represent Theia for some reason..just the color alone reminded me of those intense eyes instantly. "This is beautiful Terik." I whispered. I don't know why but when I looked at this painting, it looked wild and untamed, like she was a free spirit. He squeezed my hand, smiling kindly towards me as I continued my exploration. Looking towards another one, I furrowed my brow as this one had three colors swirling together, green, light blue, and if the colors had started off separate and slowly became one. He pulled me towards him slightly, catching me off guard as my stomach flipped. His face was mere inches from mine now as he began inching down towards me. "I painted this one two days ago, while you rested." He whispered softly, prompting me to blink up at him innocently. I glanced back toward the picture, feeling surprised by his confession as I began to study it again. "I thought of your beautiful eyes for this one, unlike any I had ever seen." He breathed, his warm breath fanning across my cheek as I swallowed hard. I saw it now, my blue-green eyes swirling on the canvas, with his silver, none of Theia’s color in sight...what did that mean? A soft gasp left me, my body feeling warm and tingly just from how close he stood next to me. I tried to speak to distract myself from his body gently pressing into mine. "How did you learn to paint?" I blurted, feeling stupid for even asking that... "My mother taught me, she actually painted this." His voice filled with enthusiasm as he pulled me to the right side of the study straight to a sweeping staircase that led us to a second floor. He pulled me along happily as he brought me above to a sitting area, glancing at the wall behind me where a beautiful mural stood. I gazed up at a large forest with breathtaking white trees blended into the sky with a lovely rainbow that shined through the clouds, the colors bright and vibrant, each detail so precise and delicate. "It's incredible." I gasped, my eyes wide with wonder from standing before such a beautiful painting. "Your mother is truly gifted." I looked over at him as he smiled warmly. "You will meet her soon, she lives here in Aeron with my father. They have their own palace across town." He explained, making my nerves bubble up. The thought of meeting his parents made my stomach twist into knots. Would they even like me? Terik must've read my expression because he quickly squeezed my hand reassuringly before speaking again. "When you are ready of course." He added thoughtfully, making me feel more at ease as he pulled me close to him. He lifted his arm, bringing his palm up to my cheek as he held me gently. "You are so beautiful." Terik whispered, making my heart race as he slowly inched down towards me. Sparks tingled across my skin as I fluttered my eyes closed, feeling my mind go fuzzy as my heart hammered against my chest.. I felt like this was my first real kiss all over where I felt like I was acting on my own. Our lips met, prompting me to lift my hands and grip his silk shirt beneath my fingers. I felt his mouth gently gliding against mine, as a soft whimper escaped me. Terik's palms slid down to my waist before wrapping around my back and pulling me flush against his chest. He pressed against me firmly, his mouth deepening the kiss as he slid his tongue out, swiping across my bottom lip. This kiss wasn't full of passion and was gentle and sweet, as if he knew it was Amira he was kissing, not Theia taking control. Terik pulled away slightly before resting his brow against mine, looking deeply into my eyes and breathing heavily. My nerves got the best of me as I giggled and turned my head away, finding his shoulder and hiding my now warm face against him. Terik laughed, wrapping his arms around me tighter, and pulled me into him. After a few moments, he glanced down and reached one hand up, gliding his thumb across my bottom lip slowly. "You have the most kissable lips." He whispered, making me blink at him in surprise as I felt my cheeks warming even more..if that was possible. For some reason, I felt as if I had known Terik before all of I felt comfortable with him and wondered if this was truly all meant to be. I wasn't sure if it was because of Theia or if I felt that way on my own. The way he looked at me and treated me, it was almost like he didn't just care for Theia, he cared for me too. Out of nowhere, exhaustion suddenly hit me and I began feeling tired. Prompting me to let out a sigh as I felt Terik's large hand caressing my hair gently, causing my body to relax against him as a small yawn left me. "Would you like to lay down?" Terik inquired with a warm chuckle. I nodded against him, watching his hand reach up and grip my chin tenderly before tilting my head back and gazing down at me. I felt him place a gentle kiss on my lips, his hands slipping into my hair as he moaned against me softly. "Can I lay with you?" He asked breathlessly, making my stomach flip as I nodded my head instinctively. Those nerves took control once more as he smiled softly against my lips. Gripping my hand, he began leading me down the hallway, dragging me behind him as I tried to keep up. Why did I get tired so fast here? Maybe I am still recovering from everything. Without warning, Terik suddenly pushed me up against the wall, making me gasp as my eyes widened in shock. His hands reached up and cupped my face as he kissed me roughly. The feel of his tongue gliding out and caressing my bottom lip prompted a shiver to tremble down my spine as this kiss was much different than the last... As he pulled away I opened my eyes, seeing his own silver orbs burning into me passionately. "I can't stop kissing you." He growled before lifting my arms and wrapping them around his neck, pulling me up to him as he crashed his mouth to mine, making all the air rush from my lungs as he swallowed it greedily. My heart lept into my throat as he pressed into me, rubbing his now hard c**k against my lower belly, causing me to panic. This was happening way too fast. Suddenly something changed, my kiss grew more passionate and my hands found their way into his hair. "f**k Amira, you taste so good." He moaned against me. His words bringing me back to reality as I tried to pull away..but I couldn't. My vision began to dim as someone else was now in control, kissing him hungrily and pressing my body against his. I tried to pull away as he ground his hips into me, moans escaping me as I began to panic even more. He lifted me up swiftly, my legs wrapping around his waist as he began to carry me to my room. "I want you Terik, I need you." My voice spoke but it wasn't me... I slipped back further into my mind, this wasn't right...why can't I stop?! I thrashed against the darkness, trying to speak, to do anything as I watched Terik set me on the bed, hovering above me. "How pathetic." A woman's voice hissed, echoing around me. "You really thought he was having feelings for you?" The voice scoffed, making me realize it was now coming from inside of my head. I tried to move say anything as Terik began unbuttoning his shirt, staring into my eyes. This was Theia, she was speaking to me. That's when I could feel her presence all around me. The overwhelming feeling took over my mind and made me whimper as panic consumed me. "You are the perfect person for this Amira, not loved by any and forgotten by all." Theia’s voice viciously echoed through my mind..and that's when everything turned dark.
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