Chapter 34-Mommy Dearest

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(Kamaris) I glared down at Dalia, watching as her cold hate-filled eyes burned into Amira's back..I was furious.. This emotion...this was one I had been used to all my life. The hatred I felt for this woman and the anger I still harbored for her after all these years had always been just laid dormant deep inside of me, waiting to be awoken. "Son, it seems you are growing soft for the girl." My mother hissed, her brown eyes snapping to me now. "I don't like my things being touched by others...and those earrings belong to me and I like them best on my little pet." I stated cooly before turning and facing away from her. "She won't be yours for much longer. I know this is what you promised Terik, but the girl would still be able to function without her eyes..or perhaps her tongue." Dalia hissed, her snake matching her tone as she stood and brushed out her dress. She cared for that creature more than her own children..she always had. "Come on Axton, let's go, I think I have lost my appetite." Dalia stated before stomping out of the dining room, making Donovan follow close behind. my younger brother Axton gave me a sad look before nodding once and following behind with Valen next to him. "For what it's worth, I think she is magnificent." Valen whispered before winking at me and left with Axton his mirror soul. I just stood there, looking at the door as it slammed shut as Valen's words echoed through the room and then I pulled at my shadows, making sure Amira had gotten to her room as I felt them tangled at her feet. To be honest..I had lost my emotions long before the punishment was given to me by the gods..I had lost them at the hands of my so-called mother. She had been cold to me since the day I was born..there is a reason she and I don't look alike..a reason why she wanted me dead the moment my father was murdered right before my very own eyes. My father and Dalia were mirror souls..they were married after he met her on a trip to Anthea and took her to Vardis soon after. My mother always hated was cold and close to the roaring sea..the castle sat atop a rock looking across the ocean and she always looked out at those deep blue waters with disgust. Dalia was bitter and born for darkness since her very first breath..the Sybil saw it..that pull to black magic inside of her..they warned my father that her soul was capable of evil things..but he stuck by her. He helped feed her hunger for power as he ignored her addiction to black magic. Then he strayed...after the mirror soul bond began to decay, he met my mother..a simple maid. I always believed Dalia was..but I soon found out that my birth mother was actually the woman hired to be my caretaker. She raised me and looked after me...I felt that bond but I never thought more of it..since I was the spitting image of my father, I never questioned Dalia as my mother. Not until the day I learned the truth. I was only seven years old..I was sparring with my older brother Gideon and my mother was watching from her throne gleefully. She loved it when we fought..and I always lost..every time my brother would win. Well, this time I wouldn't let it happen. I swiped my blade across Gideon's arm, making him fall to the ground as blood dripped down his fingertips before splattering to the stone floor. "Get up Gideon." Dalia yelled before standing. "Do you want that pathetic child to make you look weak?" She screamed..and I felt hurt..I thought she would be proud of me..I thought she would look at me with triumph for once. "But mother.." I began. "Don't call me that you little bastard." Her words made me shut my mouth tight. She only called me that when my father was gone. I began to cry, causing Dalia to scoff before Gideon kicked me to the ground, his foot slamming into my ribs over and over until Dalia jumped to her feet before clapping her hands gleefully. "Clean yourself up. Your father will be back later tonight." She hissed before stepping over me. That's when my nanny Bernadette ran up to me, her hands cradling my face before she wiped my tears. " will be okay sweet boy, we will get you all cleaned up." She whispered, making me sniffle as I gazed up at her. "I wish you were my mom." I stated coldly, causing Bernadette's eyes to widen as tears seemed to fill them. "Don't say will get in trouble Kamaris." Bernadette rushed out before brushing my long hair back and helping me sit up. That was the last time I saw Bernadette alive..the next time she was hanging on the wall with her eyes gouged out and her tongue lying at her feet. Dalia had overheard my conversation. She had punished me for speaking against her... "Too bad your wish had already been true." Dalia hissed into my ear like the snake she was and I fell to my knees..the image of my dead mother forever burned into my mind. I knew Dalia wanted me dead..and I wasn't supposed to be the dark mother wasn't even when I was born as an immortal it was a rare case. Most Athuney who mate with the mortals can't produce offspring considering only your mirror soul will produce an heir..the mortals in our realm do not have mirror souls. They are the people we rule and take care of for eternity..their lives are much longer than other mortals like on Earth and in the human realm but they eventually will die. I have seen many generations come through my 1000 years of life and I will see many more if everything goes correctly.. But now something is changing..something inside of me is waking and it all stems around that woman..the woman who fills my mind endlessly..those dreams that still leave me gasping for air.. But the decision I have to make is one that has been weighing heavily on my mind.. Could I really sacrifice all that we know for one woman? A woman who is becoming a weakness inside of that is causing my head to fill with nonsense and useless feelings and frustrations. Terik has agreed to trade..he has agreed to hand off Theia in exchange for Amira..and then, I will kill Theia once and for all..but not only will this secure Theia’s death but it will also cause Amira's..the bind will take her newly given life and stop her heart. But I won't pay any consequences because it isn't me killing is the distance between us..the magic that binds us together. For Theia though..I have planned this out for five hundred years..a way to bring death to her doors that the ancient Athuney left to punish the immortals who have committed crimes...she will suffer the cruelest death possible. Now I just need to stick to the plan..I need to push these emotions aside and do what is right.. But why does my heart ache at that thought? Why am I feeling something I never have even before everything..
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