Chapter 33-Apologize

1350 Words
(Amira) The tension in the room was becoming unbearable as Dalia's cold gaze burned into me, making me step closer to Kamaris instinctively. "So you choose a w***e to wear them? Your father would be disgusted..such a disgrace." Dalia spat at Kamaris, her chest heaving as the anger reached an all-time high. "Take them off right this instant you wretched girl! Filth like you doesn't even deserve to gaze upon those jewels." She began spouting as spit flew from her mouth. She was like a feral animal..her pet snake seemed more well-mannered at this point.. Without even realizing it, Kamaris disappeared from my side, his magic swirling around him as he appeared right before his mother. His hand snapped forward, finding her throat as he towered above her, giving her a deathly glare. Dalia reached her hands out, gripping Kamaris's arm desperately while digging her nails into his flesh...his tightening grip made her eyes widen with fear as she gasped for air. "How dare you speak those disgusting words out of your wicked mouth, apologize right now.." Kamaris gritted through clenched teeth, whispering harshly next to her ear. I looked on in shock as those shadows swirled out of him, making some type of barrier around them as the inky tendrils swirled through the air. Then I glanced down, seeing a few swirling around me as well..I examined the beautiful shadows carefully while reaching my hand down and sliding my fingers through the cool whisps. "Kamaris!" Axton yelled, catching my attention as he shot out of his chair. Axton's eyes were wide and full of shock as Valen stood in front of him, protecting him from whatever backlash this might cause. That's when the doors burst open as Donavan and Alden came rushing in and began assessing the situation hastily. "I will only say this one more time...apologize." Kamaris said cooly before loosening his grip on his mother's throat, allowing her to speak. "I'm..sorry." Dalia choked out, her eyes looking towards Donavan as he drew his sword. Alden was quick to step right in front of him, warning the intimidating man not to approach or things would end very badly. "Not to me.." Kamaris said before smirking wildly. "To her.." He stated, turning his body so Dalia could see me..wait..what did he just say?! My heart dropped, he was making his mother apologize Valen looked over at me, a smirk of his own forming as if this was the best thing he had ever heard in his life..I'm glad someone was having a good time because I didn't find it as amusing. Dalia's eyes widened even more, shock filling her as she glanced toward me, making me shrink back even further.. Kamaris tightened his grip, causing her to wriggle beneath him before kicking her feet out. "Okay..okay.." She croaked. Kamaris loosened his fingers before turning towards me as he waited for his own mother to apologize to me. I had never been truly scared of Kamaris until this very moment...Seeing how he treated his mother and the fear she so clearly felt..what could he be capable of doing to me then..The woman he seemed to despise so greatly.. "I'm..sorry.." Her words were as cold as ice, making a chill shudder through me as I swear the whole room dropped ten degrees. I knew without a doubt that she would make me pay for this later... I could see it, the horrible thoughts she was thinking, all of the ways she wished to kill me right at this moment.. Kamaris let her go and her body landed on the floor with a thud before she slumped down. Manasa slithered over to her as Dalia's hands flew up to her neck...she let out a groan and began rubbing where Kamaris's fingerprints were clearly visible, her eyes not leaving mine once. I had to look away, I couldn't see the rage she now held for me. "Amira, go to your room." Kamaris commanded firmly...Not even sparing me a glance as he continued to stare down at his mother angrily. Alden walked up to me, his arm gripping mine tightly, and swiftly pulled me out of the room. I was in shock, what the hell had just happened? Had Kamaris used me to get to his mother somehow? I knew these earrings had some hidden purpose... It's never that easy with Kamaris, there is always some type of game he is playing and I seem to be in the middle of it. I was pissed, frustration filling me as Alden dragged me down the hallway. Once we went into the room he tugged me inside and closed the door behind us. I whirled around, looking at him desperately, trying to understand what the hell just happened. "He would treat his own mother like that?" I asked a little too loudly, causing Alden to push me further into the room as he spoke much more quietly than I had. "If you could call her that, Dalia is like no mother I had ever known." He spoke firmly, making me realize there was so much I didn't understand or realize... I sighed, putting my hands up to my face as I tried to calm down. Could Dalia be just as horrible to her children as she has been to everyone else? Maybe Kamaris doesn't even see her as his mother. Alden quickly pulled me by the bed, speaking so quietly I almost struggled to even hear him. "You need to listen to me Amira, if Donavan or another guard ever approaches you, you do not go with them. Do you understand me?" He said in a serious tone while looking at me intently. I nodded my head, swallowing down the fear that was rising as I took a deep shuddering breath. "Dalia has it out for you now. You can only trust me and Dante okay?" He instructed and I couldn't even speak at this point.. "You should never be alone without me, but if you are, just run immediately back to your room." His eyes flashed with worry as he glanced towards the door. Fear was clearly pulsing off of me as he suddenly reached forward, pulling me into an embrace. The action surprised me as the feel of another person comforting me almost made my walls come crashing had been so long.. "It will be okay." He whispered softly, my head nodding as I fought back the tears that threatened to spill over. It made me realize just how scared I truly was..I knew what Dalia was capable of..I had seen the hanging bodies.. Actually..what Donavan was capable of. I quickly reached up, feeling the earrings dangling from my ears, and slowly took them out. "Here." I said hastily, hoping to get these things as far away from me as soon as possible. Alden shook his head no, his eyes staring into mine. "My lord wants you to have them." He informed me..his voice serious and leaving no room for argument. So..Kamaris really wanted me to have these? "Why?" I asked quietly, really baffled by this one. Alden shrugged as if he had no clue why either. I closed my palm, feeling the heavy stones pressing against my skin as I turned to the vanity, placing them inside a tiny empty drawer. The least I could do was keep them somewhere safe, it didn't mean I had to wear them... I sighed, that frustration filling me once more as I furrowed my brow before walking to the bed and collapsing on it. Why couldn't I just have one normal Dalia has it out for me... That's exactly what I needed, more people to torture me. Alden left me in my room and I stayed there the rest of the day..replaying Kamaris's words over and over again in my mind..he seemed so angry.. In fact..whenever anyone talked to me rudely Kamaris didn't seem to like it.. Wait..was I..was I getting to Kamaris? Could he be starting to see me as a real person now? I guess I will just have to see..
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