Chapter 35-Blood Oath

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(Kamaris) I let my shadows swirl around me, feeling the dark smokey wisps thin me to my room where I knew Alden would be waiting. "Did you station the guards where they need to be?" I asked him firmly as I walked towards the hidden office that was attached to my room. "Yes My lord, she will be monitored at all times." He stated sharply before sliding his hands behind his back. "Did she..say anything?" I tried to sound unbothered but by the look on Alden's face, I could tell it didn't come across that way. "She did try to return the earrings, but I told her they were a gift and you wanted her to keep them." He explained, watching me carefully as I stepped over to my desk. Those earrings..I knew it would cause an uproar with Dalia, but I expected that. Why I gave them to her, I have no f*****g clue. It all started the other night when they appeared to me in a dream. My father kept the earrings hidden before he died, taking them from my mother after a big fight they had about joining Aeron's alliance. Those earrings weren't just the symbol of Vardis..they were found by my great-great grandfather, the first Dark Lord to ever exist, Caliban. He too disappeared with all of the original Athuney..we still don't know what happened to them.. But the story goes that Caliban dove into the depths of the deepest ocean right outside of Vardis, proving his love to his mirror soul Marina. She feared the dark lord, seeing him only as a monster and he asked her how he could prove to her that he was worthy of her love. She told him that only if he reached the bottom of the ocean, bringing her back a handful of the purest sands would she then believe him. Thinking this task would result in his death or perhaps him being captured by the sirens who dwell there that she would be free from the dark lords grasp. But when he returned with that sand, the dark blue and white grains slipping from his fingers she finally saw the truth, that Caliban would do anything for his love, he would go to the ends of the world for her no matter what. He eventually had those grains of sand turned into earrings to remind Marina of his undying love. They seemed to hold a certain magic to them and my mother grew obsessed with the earrings..claiming them as her own and wanting to be the sole owner, trying to prove to everyone that my father, Kalis, saw her as his one and only..even though I was a clear contradiction to that. So why I dreamed of Amira with those earrings on, I had no clue and then I found them sitting on my desk this morning. I didn't even question where they came from..I learned not to anymore when it comes to magic. Perhaps it's a way to break Dalia, to reveal her cracks, and give me an opportunity to start chipping away at them slowly. But I know Amira now has a target on her that I'm not sure how to feel about. I glanced over at the envelope on my desk, the official Aeron golden seal unbroken as I reached down to open it. That's when I saw Terik's handwriting, the document we agreed to sign and marked with his blood. All I had to do was add my own..then the magic would bind our agreement. If one of us broke it, the other would place a bind on the traitor, essentially gaining their life. Just like the oath Amira made to me control of her life willingly. That is another way to get around killing an Athuney if they agree to dedicate their every being to you. I thought about doing this with Theia..but no Athuney would be that stupid. I got lucky that Amira knew nothing about our ways, making it easy to gain control. If I signed this agreement, I would be signing my life over. It states that I shall hand over Amira untouched and that Theia will be given in exchange. From my sources and the spies we have placed in Aeron, Theia is more than willing..she believes we would he married and rule Alysian together. Terik has tried to talk her out of it, but all of this has been proven pointless..the only thing he has left, is the part of Theia’s soul in Amira. He hopes to find his mirror soul in her and make Amira the Lady of Light. The mere thought enrages me..something inside of me thinks of Amira as mine..that he can't have her and that the only way he will, is if she dies in his arms. She can't have anyone..not if she will be taken from me..I would rather her die. Anger started to engulf me..the emotion I seem to be experiencing the most. The moment I sign this..then it is all over. I will trade Amira for Theia and the bind will kill her within a day. Nothing can lift that bind but darkness running in her veins and surrounds her heart and mind. She is all mine..and her very last breath will be mine too as my shadows consume her from the inside out. Suddenly darkness rushed around me, splintering my desk in hand and making everything around me explode into millions of pieces. Luckily my shadows shielded Alden, because if they hadn't, his blood would he spattered across my walls. "Kamaris!" He rushed out, making me ball my hands into fists before closing my eyes. "Leave." I hissed, as I could feel Amira's heart beating in my chest..the steady rhythm filled my senses as I tried to control my shadows. What has gotten into me?! "I don't want to be disturbed for the rest of the day." I added one last thing before Alden hesitated at the door and finally left. I glanced around the room, seeing the gold shimmering paper of our contract in the corner of the room as I stepped towards it. If I sign this..then I am finally getting the revenge I have wanted for the past 500 years..but then I am also signing away Amira's life. I will wait until I know this isn't a trap on Terik's part..I will wait to sign it in Marudeva. I waved my hand, fixing every broken piece of furniture as I thinned myself to the only place I felt like I could breathe..the shores of Vardis..the place my father was left to rest. Maybe I need to meet with the sybil sooner than later, perhaps she can tell me what is going on..could the curse somehow be wearing off? Or is this all because of that woman..what the f**k is wrong with me?
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