Chapter 13-Falling For You

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(Amira) "Keep your eyes closed Mir, promise me you won't open them this time." Kamaris whispered, making a warm smile pull at my lips as I heard his footsteps coming closer to me. "Well don't laugh like that next time.. every time you do something new it makes me want to look." I grumbled before placing my palms over my eyes and listening intently. That's when I felt his hand rest on my back, causing me to let out a gasp as the feel of his skin brushing against mine made a fire light deep inside of me. He had never touched me like that before..maybe a tap on the shoulder or playful nudge. "Come, follow me." He commanded as the warmth of his breath fanned across my cheek, making goosebumps pebble across my flesh. "W..Where are we going?" I asked while hesitantly stepping forward, letting him guide me blindly through our forest.. Yes..this was our place now..not just mine. "It's a surprise." He teased making me pout as a warm chuckle rumbled from his chest. "You have to be the most impatient person I have ever met..are all humans this way?" He asked, the playful tone of his voice causing my heart flutter. "Well, considering we only live a fraction of what you do..we tend to spend our time not wanting to waste it." I retorted, causing his hand to slide lower and making me almost stumble forward from the direction his hand had gone. "For f***s sake..walk carefully Amira." Kamaris rushed out before gripping my waist with his long fingers and steadying me in place. I giggled to myself, trying so hard not to peek at his face, wondering what he looked like right now as he continued walking me forward. "Okay, now sit peeking!!" He shouted, making me nod my head before lowering to the ground and sitting on the soft grass. I was about to ask what he was doing, when I suddenly felt something pressing against my back..the warmth of his body caused my heart to leap into my throat as I bit my lip nervously. He was now sitting behind me..very closely I might add. I had never met anyone like Kamaris in my life..well, I think so at least..I can't remember anything before this..but his presence alone was so strong and powerful..and he started out being such a big grump..but over time..I saw those sparks of warmth and playfulness come out. I wondered if he was like that with anyone else..the mere thought caused a feeling of jealousy to rise up. "Okay, you can open your eyes now." He whispered, his words swirling around me as I fluttered my eyes open and couldn't help but gasp. We were now in some type of field..I hadn't seen this place yet..and just as I began to look around, a small flicker of light caught my eye..and then another and another. "Fireflies.." I breathed, my eyes growing wide as I saw the beautiful bugs dancing in the air, lighting their path in this darkness as the lights swayed in the wind that now blew past us. "'s beautiful." I felt emotion swelling up inside of me as a milky white hand reached around me, gripping my own now. "Don't turn around..let's just stay like this for a moment." He instructed before pulling me into his lap and wrapping his long arms around my body. I didn't know what I looked like today, but I could see my hair was a light red color. Kamaris never seemed to mind my changing least he never spoke about it. "I know it's hard for you to remember..but Amira..if you want to get out of here, you have to have to tell me where you are." He said adamantly, making me dart my gaze down as he reached up and brushed a strand of hair away from my face. "What if I don't want to get out? What if I like being here..with you." I whispered, causing Kamaris to stiffen as I could tell what I said upset him. But it was the truth..I had a feeling that whatever my life was like before..being with Kamaris was the first time I had ever truly been happy. I don't know why I felt like was just a feeling deep in the pit of my stomach. " can't think that way. You can't stay here..if you just tell me where you are, then you can be with me in Alysian. I will find you and we can be togerher." He stated firmly, making my eyes snap up as I looked across the field once more. Realizing now that those Fireflies were gone and all that was left was darkness. " want me to be with you in Alysian?" I asked, feeling my stomach tie into knots as I waited for his answers. Suddenly he reached his hands up before covering my eyes and turning my head to the side. "Of course I want to be with you in Alysian..but you have to remember Amira..that is the only way. Tell me where you need to remember!" Kamaris began to get angry, his grip tightening as I felt his desperation and frustration. "I..I'm sorry...I'm trying, I promise I'm trying." I broke down, tears falling from my eyes as I really was trying but it was as if a thick fog filled my head. I even forget my name every time I come here now..I wouldn't know what it was if it wasn't for Kamaris speaking it. "'s okay..I know..I'm sorry. I just can't do this without your help. You are hidden away from me." He said more calmly before loosening his grip and turning me in his lap, not looking down at me. He quickly placed my head against his chest and wrapped me in a hug..we stayed like that for a while..not speaking and just holding one another. Maybe I had known Kamaris before all of this? Maybe he knew me and that was why he felt so desperate to find me..all I knew is that I felt safe in his arms..I felt like no matter what happened, as long as he was with me I would be okay. "I have to go Amira..I'm sorry." He suddenly stated, and without thinking I snapped my head back and met his gaze..prompting that Darkness to come back once more.. "No.." I croaked, angry with myself for being so reckless..I didn't even get to say goodbye. Why did my heart ache? why did everytime I left him become more and more unbearable? Had I...fallen in love with him? Then the realization hit me hard..I loved Kamaris..I really did. Eight days had passed since I saw him last and I hadn't returned to the woods since. I laid in the soft darkness, feeling it's smoky tendrils caressing my skin as I turned the golden pocket watch back and forth in my hands, studying the designs I had memorized by heart. Suddenly a voice spoke in front of me...causing me to jump as I sat up abruptly. It sounded so familiar..the name of the person speaking hanging on the tip of my tongue as it slowly came back to...Terik...yeah, that was his name..I remember..that's when the image of him appeared before me. I was seeing outside again! Then I began to remember... Theia, her voice echoed around me, but she wasn't speaking to me, she was speaking to Terik, unaware that I could hear her. "This is the only way, it has to be done tonight, my love." She reached her hand out, caressing his cheek. Terik closed his eyes and let out a long sigh, making his brow furrow in the process. "And you are 100% sure she was formed into you completely?" He asked hesitantly... He had to be talking about me right? I began to yell and scream, banging against that invisible wall as panic flooded through me. "I'm here!! Im still in here! Please help me Terik, please!" I shouted, the words falling flat as they didn't seem to penetrare this prison I had been locked in. Nothing, there was nothing I could do..the realization caused me to sink to my knees. A horrible feeling of impending doom came over me..something was going to happen tonight. I stood and began to pace back and forth in the darkness. Balling my hands into a fist as I felt the pocket watch Kamaris gave me beneath my grasp...I needed to go to him. He was my only that I remember I could finally tell him. I laid down and prayed to whatever gods would hear me as I shut my eyes tightly. "Please let me see him, please..just one more time."I begged and pleaded. I didn't want to die like this..I knew this was the end and maybe there was some way he could help. If anything, just seeing him one last time to say goodbye would be more than enough. My memories flooded back now after seeing Terik, there was a reason I saw that, maybe my own body wanted to fight for me...maybe it wanted to give me one more chance. I relaxed my breathing and closed my eyes, slowly willing myself to sleep as I felt that darkness wrapping around me one last time..
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