Chapter 12-Darkness Incarnate

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(Amira) The next time I came to my forest..I came up with a plan..I was going to finally speak with this man and figure out who he is or why he was here. As soon as I walked down the trail, I could sense he was there...maybe it was because this was my dream, or maybe I just had a certain pull to him. But I followed that invisible string that seemed to bind us and quietly snuck up behind him. Taking my time, I examined him once more..admiring that long ink-black hair that went down to his lower back. Today he wore leather armor and had some type of sword on his side. The piece had an elegant swirling black handle that made a soft gasp escape me... It was beautiful. This man made me feel as if he was somehow created by the darkness itself.. His skin was smooth and white, reminiscent of the moonlight Looking at his profile, he was devastatingly handsome with a sharp jawline and his lips were full but sat in a straight line as if he had never smiled a day in his life. He looked to be in his early twenties from what I could tell but that was only a guess. I hid behind a tree, before inhaling deeply and shouting at him. "Please, don't turn around." I pleaded..not wanting to wake up just yet..I wanted to hear him know there truly was another soul here with me. There wasn't a single sound as I waited on bated breath and for a moment I thought he had left. I was about to peek around the tree when his deep velvety voice startled me. "Why do you keep summoning me here?" He asked coldly as if it had been a nuisance for him to be here. "I didn't realize I was." I spoke quietly, making a long sigh leave him. "Well it's annoying, I haven't been able to sleep peacefully in months." He muttered, making my eyes widen in shock. Months..did..did he say months? Has it really been that long since Theia had taken over? I was quiet for a while, letting what he had just told me sink in. "What's your name, tree girl." He asked, making me frown from the nickname he had just given me. "Why should I tell you." I spat, feeling angry for all of these months I had been locked away. I knew it wasn't this man's fault but he was the only one I could take it out on. "Someone's got a temper." He said with amusement lacing his voice as I swear I knew he had to have a smile pulling at those full lips.. Curiosity got the best of me as I peeked around the tree and sure enough, a hint of a smile pulled at his lips causing my heart to flutter. Then darkness surrounded me once again..but honestly..seeing that smile had been worth it. After that encounter..I began measuring my time by when I would sleep. It had been five sleeps until I would see him again. This time I was quick to hide behind the same tree as before the moment I entered the forest and felt my stomach flip the moment I heard him speak to me first. "Where have you been?" He asked curiously, and for a second I thought just maybe he has been wanting to see me just as much as I did him. "How many days has it been?" I questioned softly, feeling my heart begin to race as I bit my lip anxiously. Suddenly I could hear him begin to walk around and then something was thrown towards me and bounded off the soft dirt. Looking down I saw a small golden pocket watch, making my brow furrow as I bent down to pick it up. Placing the watch in my hand, I felt the heavy gold brush across my palm, cooling my skin. I couldn't help but admire the intricate details and swirling designs that were etched around the looked like a beautiful antique. "It has been a whole month." He informed me, making my head snap back up as a rush of air escaped me. Time really meant nothing in this darkness... I held the pocket watch in my hand gently, tracing the details beneath my fingertips as I felt my emotions begin to rise. "Thank you." I whispered..feeling moved by this gift he had brought me. Just then, I felt that urge to peek around the tree rise up once more.. I wanted to see study his face and commit it to memory.. to see what new expression he might have and relish the company of another after being alone for so damn long.. But I fought it, not sure when I would see him next and not wanting to waste our time together. "What is your name?" He asked abruptly, throwing me off guard by his gentle tone. I stood there for a minute, pondering his question as it didn't seem to make sense for some was as if I had forgotten what it was... "Amira." I shouted eagerly the moment it came to me. The sounds that came from my throat left a weird taste in my mouth as if the name sounded so foreign to me. "What is your name?" I asked looking down at the watch, as I felt curious to know his name too. Suddenly without warning his head peaked around the tree, our eyes meeting for a brief moment before the darkness surrounded me once more, making me curse to myself. But then my eyes widened in realization as I sat up in the darkness, feeling my chest rise and fall heavily as I opened my mouth to speak. "Kamaris." I whispered..his name echoing around me as the image of his blue eyes burned into my mind. They were even more incredible than I imagined closed up..a deep blue that seemed to flow like the ocean. Glancing down at my balled fist, I slowly opened it, realizing the pocket watch had stayed with me. Hugging it to my chest, I closed my eyes and felt warm tears sliding down my cheeks and knew I would use this watch to count the days until I would see him again. Four more days had gone by and I walked through those trees once again, feeling that invisible string guiding me. Before I could make it to my tree, his voice shouted towards me, causing me to chuckle as I realized he was the one hiding behind a tree now. "What is this place." He asked curiously. "It is not anywhere from Alysian." He added, making me smile to myself. So he was from Alysian, he must know the place well to realize this place wasn't from here. "It isn't, it's from my old home." I informed him, causing a thick silence to come between us. "You definitely don't appear to be Athuney." He stated, and I didn't know if I should be offended by that or not. "How do I appear then?" I teased, wondering what he would say. "Considering you change appearance every time we guess is some type of forest witch luring me here to steal my soul." His voice filled with humor, as he teased me right back. It took everything in me not to march over there and punch him in the arm..a forest witch?! What the hell.. "No, I am not a forest witch, I am human." I scoffed and heard footsteps quickly approaching, prompting me to cover my face quickly, and dodge behind the closest tree I could find. "Human..what the hell are you doing here in Alysian?" He asked hastily like he had never heard of such a thing. I thought about the question long and hard..and for some reason, I couldn't come up with an answer..what was I doing here? My mind began to spin..trying to process his question as I soon realized I didn't remember.. I couldn't remember why I was even here or how I had gotten here to begin with. "I..I don't know." I admitted, feeling just as confused as he was. "You don't know? You can't be serious.." He scoffed. His tone made me feel embarrassed because I really couldn't remember. "I..I don't remember." I whispered, causing Kamaris to grow quiet for a moment, and then I pulled my hands from my face. What stood before me made a gasp escape my lips as I realized he had been in front of me the whole time, watching me. Once our eyes met, he was gone once again..soon replaced by that darkness I had learned to accept. I sighed heavily and looked at the pocket watch in my hand. I tried to remember why I was here, and what led me to this place. I remembered I once had a family, but I wasn't sure why I left..maybe I had died and this is where I ended up. After that..I returned to the woods nine more times, meeting with Kamaris and spending as much time with him as I could before one of us gave in and revealed ourselves to the other.. He would try to ask me questions but my memories began to leave me even more as time went on. I couldn't even remember my father's name or how old I was anymore. Something felt wrong..very very wrong...what was happening?
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