Chapter 65-Dead Forest

1934 Words
(Amira) I leaned back into Kamaris, his mouth kissing me on the head as we continued to ride through Marudeva. I couldn't help but glance behind us, seeing Alden not too far away. His expression was serious and I could tell he was very angry... He must be upset about Dante more than anyone..guilt filled me as I turned my head back around. The shield was getting closer, I could see the mirrored dome shimmering before us as we charged right through it. Then that cool magic passed through me as we were now in the cold desert, the temperatures freezing as I shivered against Kamaris. His magic seeped out, swirling between us and taking us somewhere new once again..somewhere I had never been. Kamaris took us away, teleporting us into a large forest that was surrounded by huge grey trees. He nodded toward Alden, giving a silent command to continue forward as the horses slowed their pace. Darkness surrounded us as we walked through the trees silently. The horses barely made a sound as I tried to see what was in front of us but it was eyes struggled to adjust. A chill ran through me as I realized everything before us was dead. The trees are hollow and the earth below us seemed to be rotten. Shadows danced in the corner of my eyes as we continued to creep through this desolate place... A musty smell filled my nostrils as the earth below squished beneath the horse's hooves. I dared not speak as fear filled me..if Kamaris wasn't holding onto me, I would probably curl up in a ball and hide. Suddenly Kamaris stiffened, his arm holding me closer as he whispered into me. "Don't look them in the eyes." He whispered so quietly that it felt as if the words had just appeared in my mind. Then I saw it ahead of us, a black humanoid creature. It was as if they were made of the rotting earth below us. Their skin was black and gray, moss grew around them and some even had mushrooms sprouting from their flesh. Their movements were fast and erratic as they slipped between the trees. Their eyes glowed a bright yellow but I dared not to look. Their mouths were wide as sharp teeth protruded out, their noses sniffing the air as we passed by. I turned my head into Kamaris's chest, my eyes shut tight as I heard these creatures groan and wail as we passed by. Kamaris sat steadily, I hadn't realized but his magic must have been shielding us considering the creatures acted as if we weren't even there. The horses walked through bravely as we continued through the forest. The sun eventually began to rise as these creatures began disappearing along with the shadows they seemed to come out of. I opened my eyes and I could see the forest before us was now empty and filled with silence once more. "We should be safe now." Kamaris spoke softly, causing a sigh of relief to leave me as I shifted on the horse. "What were those things?" I asked quietly, afraid if one might still be near. "They are called Bakkia, born from the black magic that fills this dirt." He explained, his arm holding me firmly as Alden rode up next to us. His gaze continued to survey the land, making sure we were safe. "How did it get there?" I asked curiously, my eyes drifting across the rotting forest around us. "This forest was once a place of war." He whispered against me. My eyes widened looking around the forest. "War? From Theia?" I asked, remembering hearing about how she turned the kingdoms against each other. "No, this was Long ago, before I was born and after the original Athuney first disappeared. The different regions fought to claim lands. There was an Emery by the name of Drakis, he was full of hatred and greed. He wanted to claim these woods that once belonged to the Seveca. So he came and slaughtered their people. Wiping out their families and homes with Black magic." He spoke solemnly, his words making goosebumps rise on my skin. Drakis..the name alone sounded scary. "Some think the Bakkia are the dead Seveca roaming the lands. Others think the Black magic created them itself." I looked at the dead trees and rotting earth, wondering for a moment what the forest once looked like before this horrible tragedy occurred. "There are also some Athuney who dabble with black magic and are lost forever, the magic transforming them into the monsters they became. Let us hope we never run into the Beldam. That is one creature you can never unsee." Kamaris said with a smirk and I swear I saw a shiver run through Alden just from the mention of it. I nodded my head, looking up at Kamaris as he smiled down at me. His lips lowered as he pressed them against me, kissing me gently. "We will be out of the forest soon." He reassured me against my lips as I nodded my head softly. We continued through the woods and soon passed by an old leaning wooden cottage. I looked at it curiously. The door was broken off and the stone chimney crumbled across the roof. Just then I swear I saw something move inside. I turned to Kamaris wondering if he saw the same thing as me but his eyes were focused up ahead of us. "That cottage.." I began. Kamaris looked over, nodding his head as he whispered into my hair. "We don't want to know what lives in there." He stated firmly and we passed by it. That's when two red glowing eyes peered at me as we continued on our way..I couldn't help but glance back every few minutes, hoping whatever was in that cottage was not following us.. Suddenly the earth below us began to show life. The trees were brown and the forest now changing..we must be through that horrible place. I would be happy to never have to return there ever again.. Kamaris relaxed behind me as Alden seemed to let out a breath he must've been holding for a long time. "We are still a few hours out." Kamaris informed me while brushing my hair to the side and placing a small kiss on my neck. "Did you even get any sleep last night?" I asked curiously, glancing up at him with my eyebrow raised. "I don't need sleep, just you." He teased with an arrogant smile, his hand now slipping down my waist. I reached over, stopping his hand as I glared up at him, and quickly glanced over at Alden. Alden didn't even seem to notice as he looked straight ahead, ignoring us completely. Kamaris leaned into my neck, kissing me tenderly as I tried to stifle a moan. His hand now going in the other direction and reaching for my chest. I stopped him again before sitting up and speaking quickly. "Alden, have you been through here before?" I asked, trying to distract myself as Kamaris continued to kiss and bite my neck gently. Alden just nodded..not even saying a word as I frowned. Why was he being so quiet? "What other types of creatures are there in Alysian?" I blurted, trying not to gasp as I spoke. I felt Kamaris bite my neck as he whispered against my skin. "Your distractions aren't working." He mumbled playfully before licking my throat. I went into panic mode as his hand slid up to my breast. "What about unicorns or mermaids?" I asked desperately, and Alden suddenly laughed. "Those are human myths. To be honest, we might have been a part of those." He said with a sly grin. I sat up a little, causing Kamaris to bite me and make me lay against him once more. "What do you mean?" I asked, trying not to yelp out. "Some Athuney would manifest as different creatures and visit your world, we do have things similar here but not like you think in your world." He said with humor in his voice. I really began to pay attention now, causing Kamaris to growl. " you are telling me all of those myths started because an Athuney transformed as those creatures while visiting the human realm?" I asked, shocked.. so Bigfoot, mermaids, unicorns..those were all just Athuney in different forms visiting my old world? I couldn't believe it. Alden nodded, a wry smile pulling at his lips. "Well, your mermaids are called sirens here. Not exactly the most friendly creatures. But horses with horns on their heads..yeah that's fake." He said with a laugh. It's not like I fully believed in all those things but to know now that they were just Athuney tricking humans..that was kind of annoying. Kamaris laughed against my skin, his hands lowering back to my waist as he joined the conversation. "Are you bothered by that?" He asked curiously. I crossed my arms looking away from them. "I just don't know why you have to trick humans like that." I muttered, not hiding my annoyance. Kamaris grabbed me, his eyes wide with surprise. "Are you really upset about this my love?" He asked me, and I just stuck my nose in the air, unsure why I was upset exactly..but all I knew is that I was.. "We can always strap a stick on Ash's head if it makes you feel better." Kamaris teased, prompting me to reach back and elbow him in the ribs as he burst into laughter. "You're so funny.." I drawled sarcastically. Kamaris reached forward, letting go of Ash's reigns as he hugged me while still laughing. "Don't forget charming, witty, and undeniably handsome." He whispered into me as I reached back, elbowing him once more. "You forgot arrogant and childish. " I said wryly and Alden burst out laughing, trying to cover it with a cough as Kamaris glared at him once more. "That's a punishment for you. Making the lord of darkness look bad in front of others." He said wrapping his arms around me and biting me on the shoulder. I laughed, leaning back into him as I gripped his arms tightly. "Just wait until I get you alone later." He whispered into my ear, causing my breathing to hitch as he held me firmly. I looked up into his eyes as he smiled broadly, his hair cascading down and draping around his face. "You are handsome, I will give you that." I mumbled as he leaned down, kissing me tenderly. "Good girl." He whispered against me. Just then a branch broke from somewhere nearby, causing Alden and Kamaris to stop the horses immediately. The air was silent and looking through the trees I thought I saw someone peek from behind a large stump, making my eyes widen. It almost looked like a child.. I turned to Kamaris, and I realized he must've seen the same thing as he looked at Alden, nodding slightly. They nudged the horses once more, causing them to begin walking again. Kamaris kept his gaze straight ahead, whispering into my ear. "We are in Charaka territory." He informed me, his words barely a whisper as he spoke. "They are a seveca people who live in these woods. There are more just ahead." He spoke quietly, his voice firm as I saw movement ahead of us as well. Just then I heard a loud voice speak, causing the horses to halt. "Dark Lord, it wasn't wise of you to come this way."
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