Chapter 64-In the Mind of Cinead

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(Cinead) I paced back and forth in my study, the news we just heard making the fire inside of me boil unlike ever the f**k was Kamaris acting so calm? Did he not hear the same s**t I just did? "Cinead, you need to calm down. This isn't going to help anything." He stated, making me glance down at my hands as I now realized they were engulfed in flames. "Everyone is going to be after her can you be so calm?!" I shouted, noticing his eyes darken before he pushed off the wall and strode towards me. "You don't think I realize this? And what was that earlier? With the fire thing.." He asked suspiciously, making me swallow hard before darting my eyes away. Shit..I was hoping he would forget about that..not like I didn't want to talk about it..I just didn't want to sound f*****g insane. "Well..I just felt something.." I mumbled, making Kamaris's shadows creep toward me. "What did you feel Cinead.." He stated cooly, causing me to hold my hands up in surrender. I knew that tone of voice, and it never ended well whenever he used neck can verify for that. The urge to reach up and hold it filled me we I kept my hands by my side..I can't give him any ideas.. "Nothing like that. It was something else..something inside of her..I have heard of the old Athuney being able to manipulate fire like that..making their flames come to life.." I trailed off, those butterflies etched in my mind as I could still see them so clearly. Amira was something incredible..something beyond the Athuney in Alysian.. "Do you think she might possess fire magic?" I asked Kamaris, wondering if she was meant to belong in the fire region. "I have seen something else in her..a light.. that is why I thought she was a part of the light don't think she can wield more than one ability?" Kamaris suddenly asked, making me place my hand on my chin as I pondered his question. That has never happened before..only the original Athuney could possess such power..unless.. "What?" Kamaris asked, obviously reading my facial expressions. "What if her soul is something new..something we haven't seen in thousands of years?" I began, making Kamaris stare at me intently. "Mabel will know. She would be able to see what Amira possesses inside of her. We have to get her there as soon as possible." Kamaris declared as I nodded in agreement. Whatever Amira is..I know deep down that she has to be protected at all magic felt it..I felt it..I think everyone in that room could feel it except Dante..who might be an issue. "What will you do about your guard? Alden seems to have concerns." I added while going to the small bar I had in my study and pouring a drink..I definitely f*****g needed it. "Alden is monitoring him now..but I plan on leaving him here..if that is okay with you." Kamaris stated, and I knew he wasn't asking for permission even if it sounded that way. "That's fine." I agreed. From what I know, Dante's past wasn't easy. His whole family was enslaved and slaughtered by Athuney..and I know becoming immortal is tempting to even the strongest of men..but to gain the strength and power to seek revenge..that is something worth killing some at least. "I will have Alden get the horses ready..Cinead..I wanted to thank you." Kamaris suddenly stated, making me freeze as his hand rose hesitantly before placing it on my shoulder. "You have always been a good friend to me..and stuck by my side. So thank you.." He added, making my mouth open and close like a f*****g i***t as I stared at my longtime friend in shock. He has never spoken like this.. "She really has changed you.." I mumbled, not meaning it in a bad way. Kamaris was always cold and serious, even before becoming the Dark Lord and losing his emotions didnt help. I knew deep down that he truly was a good person, but he never revealed that side of himself, not even to me..well, willingly at least..I would find out from things he had done or how he treated those who were suffering around him. I know he had to stay guarded because of Dalia, but when he did let his guard down, I saw how great of a ruler he really is. I know the gods chose him for a reason..his own father, the previous dark lord, even looked at him with pride and adoration. Maybe he secretly knew too.. "Don't go spreading that around..half my image is from the stories told about me." He grumbled playfully, making me actually laugh as I smiled brightly. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.." I added, making him nod once before removing his hand and stepping back. "Kamaris, perhaps after meeting with the sybil, maybe Terik will come to his senses." I know it was wishful thinking..but Terik wasn't a bad man..he was manipulated and used by Theia. Now I think he saw a sliver of hope and ran with I pray to the gods that he opens his f*****g eyes because the path he is feels very similar to the one Theia took all those years ago..and now the Seveca will be paying for our stupidity yet many lives will be lost this time? "Perhaps.." Kamaris stated in a cold tone..and I knew it wouldn't be that easy..Terik has threatened Kamaris's possible mirror soul..he won't let anyone get away with that. But once they get to safety..we have to start worrying about the true threats to Alysian..Black Magic and those who wield it. Dalia, Theia, f*****g Gideon..they have become too strong. Just then, I saw Kamaris's eyes snap up before turning his head towards the door slightly. "She is awake. I better go.." Kamaris stared. I nodded my head before stepping forward and quickly wrapped my arms around Kamaris tightly..I know he hated it..but he has to deal with it now. "Stay safe my friend..and watch over our girl.." I said, earning a growl from Kamaris. "Contact me as soon as you get there..and if you need anything know I will be there in a heartbeat." I breathed, feeling f*****g emotional for some reason..I wanted to go with them.. I wanted to protect her and make sure she was safe..I wanted to protect him.. "I will, but you need to be here and watch over your people..don't let your guard down..we will come together once again and defeat this evil once and for all." He said deeply, making my emotions rise as I nodded my head in agreement..and then he was gone. I knew that Amira had to be the answer to this somehow..that she was sent to Alysian and made an Athuney for a reason... She might be the key..and the moment we find out what Amira really is..she might be in more danger than ever..because if Amira is as important as I feel she is..everyone will want her..and there are some Athuney out there that are even worse than Dalia.. Stay safe Kamaris, and protect your mirror soul with your life.
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