Chapter 29-Thank You

1786 Words
(Amira) Before I knew it, another two days had passed, maybe he really had forgotten about me.... I officially couldn't stand, my legs cramping from the dehydration causing me to wake up every half hour. I was done with this.. When I heard that beautiful sound of the door opening, I could barely turn my head to see who was there. Alden rushed in, a cup of water gripped in his hand as he lifted me up. He placed it against my lips, tilting it upwards. "Take it slow, if you drink too fast you might get sick." He whispered before searching my eyes hastily. Alden reached his hand up, brushing my tangled hair out of my face as he slowly nursed me the water. Moisture finally returned to my mouth, prompting me to clear my throat while looking up at Alden before trying to speak. "At least you got a few days off." I croaked jokingly, my voice barely a whisper as Alden frowned before tilting the glass back up to my lips. "How can you find humor in a time like this Amira." He stated solemnly, his eyes filling with an emotion I couldn't quite read. I actually liked Alden, he had been the only one who was truly respectful and decent to me. He never once was rude or said anything malicious, he just did his job and didn't have any ulterior motives..that I knew of anyway. "I thought you guys had forgotten about me." I admitted softly, feeling some energy beginning to return as I drank the water slowly until the cup was empty. "I have thought about you since the moment you were locked in here." He confessed stoically..his words surprising me as I blinked up at him. "Thank you..for saying that..e..even if you are just being nice..thank you." I breathed, feeling grateful that someone actually seemed to care. He nodded my head softly before helping me sit up more. I took a deep breath, mustering all the energy I could to stand, and promptly fell back back down on my ass. Alden looked at me as his expression became more serious. "I don't think you can walk yet." He stated quietly. I nodded, looking down at the empty cup as I knew there was no way I could get out of here right now. "I think if I keep drinking water tonight then I might be able to build my strength for tomorrow." I whispered before lying back on the mattress, my body still weak from the seven days of starvation. If I were human, there wasn't a doubt in my mind that I would be dead by now, especially without water. Suddenly Alden reached down and lifted me up into his arms, startling me with the surprising gesture. "I'm not leaving you down here for one more minute." He stated quickly, walking towards the door and letting it swing open slowly. Gratitude filled me as the light from the torches lit up the halls, causing me to close my eyes and turn my head into his chest. We passed by the usual guard and he looked at me, it seemed as if relief touched his eyes as he saw me still alive. Alden carried me up the stairs and marched me through the halls. It must have been the middle of the night because no one but guards were around and they dared not comment on what they saw. He walked up the long stairs and brought me to my room, the door opening quickly. I still wore the black dress I was sent to the dungeon in and soon realized it was covered in dirt and filth. Alden set me on the bed and walked to the dresser quickly, pulling out a light blue silk nightgown before coming back to me. "Is it okay..if.." he trailed off awkwardly, looking over at the wall. I honestly didn't care at this point..I could've been naked for all I knew this whole time, my embarrassment was nowhere to be found. He helped me stand, my legs struggled as I held onto his arm for support. He quickly pulled my dress off, his eyes staying glued to the wall as he slipped the nightgown over my head and helped me pull it down. To my surprise he lifted me once more, moving the blankets and placing me in the bed. I hadn't realized how cold I had been as my body started to shiver once more, now that my senses were coming back to me. Alden pulled the blankets up higher over me and reached for a cup on the side of my table, offering me more water. "You need to take small sips throughout the night. It's the only way to gain your strength back. Then tomorrow you can eat something." He explained quietly as I looked at him, the way he was helping me, actually showing some sort of kindness and caring for me. "Thank you.." I breathed, feeling tears fill my eyes as I truly meant it. "Thank you for treating me like a person..and not just like her." I added before looking down now..that's all Kamaris saw me as it seems.. I felt like everyone saw me only as an extension of Theia, other than Gideon..Alden has actually shown me real kindness. Alden nodded, bringing the water up to me again so I could take another drink. After the cup was empty I laid down, my stomach feeling full as it sloshed around and my eyes grew heavy once more. Alden refilled the water and placed it next to the bed then he was gone. We didn't speak the rest of the night but he would come in and give me water then leave. He must have done it four times throughout the night and I hoped one day I could repay the favor. If Alden hadn't come and gotten me who knows how long I would've been left down there. I know for a fact Kamaris wouldn't have come. That's when a small part of me felt a sliver of hope, and I found it in Alden. That night I slept peacefully as the shadows wrapped around me, coaxing me into a deep sleep..sometimes I swear I can feel them moving and caressing my skin..but then again..the darkness has become my friend and I am no longer afraid of it. I opened my eyes and it was now morning, my body feeling so much better and the water bringing back my energy. Also, my Athuney blood must've made me recover even faster than I ever could as a human. My room didn't have a window but Alden's light was lit dimly, signaling it was time to wake up as I slowly opened my eyes. I moved my legs, not feeling as stiff as last night, and placed my feet flat against the floor. I stood, my head feeling dizzy for a moment as I stopped and took my first step. There was a small bathroom connected to my room and I decided to make that my first goal. I went in, looked in the mirror, and gasped. I looked face was thinner and my skin a lot paler..even my ribs were visible underneath the silk fabric. I guess I didn't eat much to begin with so my body didn't have much to survive off of. Peering over my shoulder, I realized there was now a bath in the middle of the room..before it was just a toilet and sink. I decided to take a quick bath, turning it on as the hot water rushed out filling the tub quickly. I slipped in, the steam rising around me as I finally relaxed. My muscles were so sore from all of the cramping and finally began to release as they soaked in the hot water. I reached over, grabbed a sponge and washed every inch of my body. The dirt and grime from the cell floor turning the clear water murky as I lathered my hair, rinsing it quickly. Just then I heard the door open, my eyes widened as I climbed out slowly, grabbed a towel, and headed towards the other room, realizing it was Alden. He was reaching into the dresser, pulling out a green sheer dress before he placed it on the bed, and glanced at me. "Good morning." I spoke softly, making him turn around and glance at me quickly. "My lord is ready for his breakfast." He said seriously, making me frown slightly. I guess I should've realized Kamaris would have wanted me to get back to work right away. I blinked as the dizziness returned for a moment, steadying myself with the bedpost. Alden approached me, concern filling him as he placed his hands on my waist to steady me. "Just take it slow." He spoke much more softly this time, leading me over to sit down as he helped me take another sip of water. Afterward, he grabbed the clothes and helped me slip them on. The sheer dress was loose on me, my breasts still full but not like before, and my hip bones jutting out. I wore lace undies beneath and this dress was very similar to the first one I ever wore here but green. I wondered if Kamaris was trying to send me a message. I either chose to give up my life or live the way he wanted me to. Alden handed me the hairbrush and watched me intently..I could see the worry etched on his face. I brushed my thick wavy hair slowly, unable to lift my arm all the way up before they fell to my side. "Here, let me help you." His gentle words were barely a whisper as he took the brush. His strokes were soft and delicate as he met my gaze in the mirror. "After this, you will be able to eat, then that will help." He explained softly and placed the brush down. Afterward, he reached his hand out, offering it to help me stand as I nodded my head in agreement and gripped his arm to steady myself. I felt a lot better considering all of the water I drank but I definitely felt lightheaded and weak. Alden was acting differently too... His eyes were constantly looking at me, making sure I wasn't going to fall or trip as we made our way across the hall. I swear he hesitated as well as if he were fighting with himself about letting me go through with those doors.. "I will be right out here, okay?" He whispered as he let go and I opened the door. Here we go..
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