Chapter 30-Sit

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(Amira) I stepped into Kamaris's room, not even looking up as I went straight to the tray, knowing what I would find in bed...well, who I would find to be exact. I could see her fiery red hair from the corner of my eye. I quickly poured Kamaris a cup of tea, my hand shaking as I lifted the heavy pot, having to use both hands to steady myself. I was so weak that this one simple task was already exhausting me... After grabbing the tray of food, I opened the top and began preparing everything for Kamaris. The smell of the food alone was enough to practically knock me back and made my head spin as the mouthwatering scent slammed into me. After I was done I slowly lowered myself and kneeled by the door, facing his bed. I heard Kamaris get up and walk towards me but this time Esmerelda was right by his side, walking over to the couch with him. I could feel Kamaris's eyes burning into me and I kept my gaze glued to the floor, not even feeling the urge to meet his gaze one little bit. I was giving him exactly what he wanted right? My goal was to get out of here and go eat without any issues whatsoever..could I be so lucky? The smell of Kamaris's food practically slapped me in the face as I fought the urge to look at it. That's when I heard him clear his throat, prompting me to raise my head and finally meet his gaze. "Amira Dear, you have forgotten Esmerelda's cup." He said, his eyes burning into me as those black orbs seemed to be filled with anticipation. I bobbed my head up and down before slowly rising to my feet..for a moment I didn't think I could do it as my knees began to wobble. After taking a minute, I walked over as fast as I could and lifted the teapot, shaking uncontrollably as I held it tightly, trying to steady my arms. I heard Esmerelda scoff as she sat naked on the couch, my eyes being drawn to Kamaris's hand that now rested on her thigh as he stroked it gently. "Such a simple task and she can barely even do that much." Esmerelda laughed before muttering under her breath, causing Kamaris to stiffen. "Did I say you could speak?" He snapped coldly, keeping his eyes on me as Esmerelda looked down and shook her head no..not seeming so smug now. I didn't care, she could say whatever she wanted, at least I wasn't the one that had to pleasure the dark lord..she could have him. I poured her tea and went back towards the door, kneeling once more. I was waiting for what felt like hours..internally begging for him to let me go as I just needed to get out of here. Kamaris began eating, leaving me in the room to hear every chew and scrape of his fork, making my jaw clench as I fought the urge to run over there and steal a bite of food off of his plate. Of course he knew I hadn't eaten yet, that's why he wanted me to stay and watch him eat. What a freaking asshole... I cursed at him in my mind as I noticed Esmerelda sipping her tea while smirking at me arrogantly, enjoying this almost as much as he was. After swallowing his last bite, Kamaris cleared his throat before speaking to me as he stood. "I hope you learned a valuable lesson, Amira." He began while walking up to me, his long finger finding my chin as he tilted my head back, forcing me to meet his gaze. Today he wore a pair of green silk pajama bottoms, almost matching my dress way that was a coincidence was it? "Your life means nothing to me, you are here to serve me and only me. That doesn't mean I care, it just means I am obligated to make sure you are fulfilling your purpose." He spoke coldly, but his words didn't hurt me, I was done being hurt by him. "Yes, My lord." I responded in a monotone voice my eyes dull and my body stiff. Kamaris stood in front of me for a moment, the words I spoke not being the ones he wanted to hear as his mouth twitched into a frown. That confirmed my suspicions all along. He didn't like when I obeyed and did what he asked, he liked it when I fought back, that way he could punish me. Kamaris looked me up and down and spoke loudly, startling me. "Esmerelda, you may leave." He snapped, the huge grin on her face suddenly disappearing as her eyes widened in shock. Confusion filled me, why was he sending her away? Esmerelda looked just as baffled as me as she walked over and grabbed her clothes off of the floor before slipping them on quickly and left the room in a hurry. Kamaris walked over to the coffee table, sat down and put the lid back on his tray before glancing up towards me once again. "Sit." He ordered firmly, making me almost glance over my shoulder to make sure he wasn't speaking to someone else. I hesitated for a moment, not sure what to do and then slowly rose. I walked over to the couch, looking at the seat next to him as he patted the cushion leisurely...I had never seen him like was..scary. I sat down all the way on the other end of the couch, putting as much space between us as possible. Kamaris sighed while reaching over and wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me towards him quickly. He was able to move my small frame easily as if I weighed nothing at all. He lifted the lid on his tray, revealing his now full plate while the hot food billowed with steam. I blinked rapidly, as he pushed it over to me, grabbing my hand and placing a fork into my now-closed fist. I was dumbfounded, what the hell was happening? Had I collapsed on the floor and this was some type of hallucination? "Eat." He ordered before grabbing his tea and taking a sip. I just stared up at him like an idiot.. feeling unsure of what to do. " this a test?" I asked point blank. I didn't know what was happening and I was too light-headed to try to think clearly about it. Kamaris scoffed, yanking the fork out of my hand and stabbing an egg with it. He suddenly brought it to my mouth, trying to feed me. I looked at the egg questionably, was it poison? He brought it closer and I opened my mouth, biting it as he fed me. My eyes instantly fluttered closed, the taste was so freaking heavenly that it made my mouth water. I chewed slowly, savoring every bite as I could feel the food sliding down and landing in my empty stomach. After swallowing he had another bite waiting as he continued to feed me until I couldn't eat another bite. Kamaris put the fork down and shut the lid. "Go get me my clothes." He commanded..I had never done that..I thought he used magic to get dressed. I nodded, standing slowly while feeling a small amount of my strength already returning as I went to his dresser. There had to be fifty black shirts inside and they all looked exactly the same..I saw one with feathers etched into it and grabbed that one quickly, my headache now gone and the fog clearing. Next, I grabbed the matching leather pants and brought them over to him, standing before him as he was now naked. I let out a gasp as I turned swiftly..feeling my cheeks burning red as embarrassment filled me..what the hell?! He couldn't warn me or something.. "You act like you have never seen a naked man before." He scoffed with a teasing tone. It's because I haven't..not this close anyway. I wasn't going to let him know that though. I turned slowly, keeping my gaze eye level and extended my arms, letting him take the pants first. He looked at me smirking, sliding them on slowly as he grabbed the shirt next. "Shoes." He tated next prompting me to peek behind him as I located his boots by the door before goong to grab them. I walked back over, carrying them in my hands as he watched me with amusement filling those black eyes before looking down at his feet expectantly. It took everything in me not to roll my eyes as I clenched my jaw and kneeled down. I helped him slip each large foot into his boots and tied then a little extra tight..wishing the straps were around his neck instead.. "Chest harness." He ordered next and I wasnt sure what that was but followed his gaze and found it laying on the floor next to the couch. Why was he so messy...he just threw his stuff wherever he wanted or what? I grabbed the leather piece and headed back over to him as he extended his arms, motioning for me to put it on him. I let out a soft sigh, looping one arm in and going around his back, letting him find the other hole. His long black hair was trapped beneath the leather so I reached forward, grabbing it gently as I freed it, the silky strands soft against my palms. I went back to his front, looking at the buckles and trying to figure out what one goes to where as frustration soon filled me..why were there so many straps? The lord of darkness stared down at me, his face full of amusement as I continued to connect the claps, feeling annoyance bubble.up inside of me as this task became harder than it should be... He stood there unmoving, for a moment I felt like he would yell at me for taking so long but to my surprise he didn't say a word... I finally figured it out, stepping back and admiring my work as I almost forgot who was in front of me before I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Do you need anything else my lord?" I asked, avoiding his gaze as I spoke. Kamaris stepped forward, his hand finding my neck as he pressed his fingers against my skin gently, turning my body more towards him. "Did you think I had forgotten? When you were down in the dungeon, did you think I was going to leave you there?" His question surprised me almost more than my answer as I stood there nodding my head yes..It was the truth...I really did think he forgot. "I thought about it, how easy it would be to leave you there, being an Athuney you would survive for months without food or water, your body imoble but your heart still beating." His voice was a whisper, his harsh words not matching his tone as his hands roamed down my neck, pulling down the sheer fabric and revealing the bind mark. "Do you know why yours is different?" He asked me while tracing the outline of the raven, causing my stomach to flip from his touch as goosebumps pebbled my skin. I shook my head no, unsure if I could even speak right now. "Because the others are bound to Dolus, bound to this castle only and need special privilege to leave. But you.." His head inched closer to me, his mouth right next to my ear. "You are bound to me, you can never be a certain distance away, and if you are.." His hand slid back up to my throat, causing me to swallow hard. "If you are, you will die a slow and painful death, worse than starving." My heart stopped and he suddenly pressed his lips against mine. Kamaris kissed me deeply as his tongue gently caressed mine..this wasn't like the others, it was more tender, more gentle. It was as if he had actually missed me, as if he had been craving my touch all this time. I closed my eyes, thinking that this was my chance to try and sway him to see me as a real person as I rose my hand slowly... I purposefully rested my palm on his chest as I kissed him back, opening up for him as I met him halfway. My tongue twisted against his, coaxing a growl to rumble deep inside of him as I pressed my body flush against his chest. Our mouths fused together, each sound, taste, and touch causing me to get further pulled under by his movements. My mind grew dizzy as I felt something hard against my stomach beneath those leather pants. I didn't know what I was doing, I just let my body take control as I rubbed myself against him slowly. The need to touch him filling me as something inside of me fluttered, my heart began to race and my breathing faltered as millions of butterflies burst inside of me, making realitly slammed into me. Shit! I pulled away quickly as i turned towards the door, feeling my body tingle all over. What the hell was I thinking? Before I could reach for the handle Kamaris grabbed my wrist, holding me tightly so I couldn't turn around.. I was grateful because I'm pretty sure if he saw shocked expression would've give me away for how much that affected me. "We are going to be leaving soon, I have to travel to meet with an ally. We leave in a week." He whispered as the most gentle tone I have heard yet left his lips..those lips I still felt humming against my own. "Also, those two extra can thank my brother for that. I sent him away, maybe now he can learn to not want what isn't his." He barked turning me around quickly as he leaned forward, rubbing his straight nose against my throat and inhaled deeply before taking my soft skin in-between his teeth, biting me hard causing a whimper to escape me. He left his mark once again as I felt my throat throbbing with much for butterflies.. "You belong to me and only me..remember that Amira." He said cruelly, the lord of darkness back just as quickly as he left. He kissed me again, this time much more roughly as I tasted my blood against his tongue. I pulled myself away, frustration filling me from the whiplash he was giving me. "Yes My lord." I responded coldly as he let go. I opened the door walking across the hall quickly as Alden stared at me, his eyes glancing at my neck. I didn't even say a word...I went into my room before slamming the door..what the hell was that?!
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