Chapter 31-A Gift

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(Amira) I put my hand up to my neck, wiping the blood away as a frustrated groan left me..I needed to get control of myself... My breathing was still deep and my body felt tense as I tried so hard to stop my racing heart. Isn't it enough he had the binding mark, why did he have to treat me like some type of object..I belonged only to him..what a psycho! I scoffed before walking to the bed and flopped down face first. What a any man who shows me any type of attention at all will just get their hands broken or be sent away. Why did it even matter? I sat up quickly, realizing something..he hadn't forced me to do anything s****l really..I mean, realistically the kissing was pretty tame compared to what he could make me do... Maybe it was part of the bargain with Terik, for me to return untouched that way, because why does he care if men look or touch me unless he was told I couldn't be harmed? I see how the women here are treated here, they aren't exactly in charge...well, besides Dalia.. But most of the women don't seem to mind that they are bound least that's how they portray it. You wonder how they really feel though, if they are forced to do things they don't want to. I bit my lip anxiously, feeling gross at the mere thought. Kamaris has even threatened to have me passed around that one time. The girls seemed shocked by the idea of it, so it must not be a common thing.. I hope at least... So far I have only noticed that Kamaris seems to favor one woman the most, Esmerelda. Her name alone made frustration rise up inside of me, the way she laughed and snickered whenever I was around. She sure didn't like getting kicked out of the room though... I couldn't help but smile at the memory. I thought about the Athuney and how all of them were given a mirror soul..but I hadn't seen a single one around here, that I know of. Maybe I could ask Alden, he is the only one I feel like I could speak to and might actually give me some answers. Wait..c..could Esmerelda be Kamaris's mirror soul?! I sat up straight, my eyes widening as the thought pierced through me..making my stomach ache. He seemed to favor her, the girls all said she was his favorite lover. Could that be why? My heart ached for a moment, surprising me as I laid back down and covered my face with the pillow. Remember Amira, he isn't that Kamaris.. My fingers went up to my lips instinctively, touching them gently as I thought about that kiss. It almost felt you are being ridiculous, if anything he is tricking me again, trying to confuse me. How is it my plans always seem to backfire with him? That's when I finally registered what he told me, making me sit up quickly. I..I am going somewhere with him? I wondered where we were going and why he was bringing me of all people... Maybe because of the bind? He probably had dungeons all over Alysian just to stick me in while he travels..I wouldn't put it past him honestly. Then the explanation of the bind threw me off too. I was bound to him.. So I could never be far away from him or I would die a slow death, he seemed to make that part very clear. I reached over to the cup on my nightstand and took a drink, realizing I had to keep hydrating myself, even though I felt so much better after eating. I laid back, thinking of everything he said, how he even fed me. Today had truly been bizarre and it was still the morning. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep, kamaris didn't ask me to help the rest of the day which surprised me, and Alden brought my meals to my room, checking in on me every few hours, even when I was just sleeping. We had a week until we would be leaving and excitement filled me, I would finally get to leave this place. I fell asleep smiling that night, wondering what the new place we were going to would be like and how far away it was. This might be my chance to get away from here, too bad the reason why I want to get away will be coming with me. When I awoke, Alden was in my room, already reaching into the dresser as he spoke. "Time to get up." He stated cheerfully while looking back at me and pulling out a blue dress. I groaned, rolling over in bed and covering my head with the pillow..wishing for once that I could sleep in. I heard Alden give me a rare chuckle as he walked up to me. "Why are you so tired, you slept all day yesterday.." He said playfully before pulling the pillow off of my head, and throwing it on the other side of the bed. "Now get dressed before you get us both in trouble." He grumbled, yanking the comforter off of me and making me yelp. I sat up slowly and frowned. "Alden, when was the last time you had a day off?" I asked in a serious tone..he seemed to be on at all times. Alden glanced over at me, his eyebrow raising as he spoke. "Remember..when you were in the cell?" He responded playfully, pointing to the blue dress on the bed before giving me a pointed look. It was another mesh one..of course it was. "Now get dressed." He walked over to the vanity, rifling through the drawers for something as I quickly slipped on my thin dress for the day. I looked at him curiously, wondering why he was in such a good mood when he suddenly came over. He extended his hand, making me glance down as a pair of deep blue earrings sat in his palm. The stone glistened underneath the room's dull light. They were made of some type of stone that reminded me of the ocean. For a moment I wondered how brightly they would shine from the actual sunlight. I looked up at Alden, surprise filling me as he extended his hand out, offering then to me. "He wants you to wear these today." He stated softly, his eyes meeting mine. "Why?" I asked quickly, wondering what motive he had for me wearing these. Kamaris hasn't exactly done things just to be nice. Yesterday was the first time he ever showed any sort of kindness towards me...and that kiss we shared ran through my mind as my cheeks began to warm. He had never been that gentle.. I cleared my throat and just grabbed the earrings...not even letting Alden respond to my question as I noticed a smirk pulling at his lips. He studdied me curiously as I slipped the earrinfs on before walking to the vanity and looking in the mirror. They were absolutely stunning..something about them seemed so familiar..and then it hit me..these were the same colors as Kamaris's eyes in the dream world. I grabbed my hairbrush, trying to distract myself from these thoughts as I stood up straight before looking back at Alden. His eyes met mine for a brief moment, as warmth filled them. "Do I look okay?" I whispered, feeling self-conscious for a moment as if these earrings were too beautiful for me to felt like I could never do them justice. He nodded his head with a soft smile and walked to the door, opening it for me. I walked over, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Why was I so nervous? I was about to walk into Kamaris's room when Alden spoke behind me. "My lord would like his breakfast in the dining room today." He spoke quickly, walking past me as I stood there in confusion. I guess he wouldn't always be eating in his room. I nodded my head and followed behind Alden swiftly. Those we passed glanced at me as they whispered amongst themselves, knowing full well that they were probably sharing some kind of rumor about me. I just looked ahead, not knowing what to expect when I saw Kamaris. Yesterday really threw me for a loop but I had to try and stick to my plan, I needed to win him over. Even though it failed miserably the first time..I am more prepared now. I just have to remind myself that he still looks like the old Kamaris but he is nothing like him. He locked me in a cell for seven days straight..he starved me... He is not my friend, he is not someone I can trust. How many times has he tricked me? doesn't hurt that he looks so just sucks he is such an asshole. I sighed to myself as we walked towards the dining room. To my surprise there were two guards already waiting outside. Dante and the white-haired man named Donavan who was Dalia's personal guard. His armor was a forest green with gold today, and his looks were more elegant than most guards, even surpassing Alden as he seemed to have a better-than-you attitude. He always reminded me of the winter for some reason, and that wasn't just because of his chilling appearance..his personality was quite cold as well. Donovan glanced over, looking towards me intently, his stare so overpowering I couldn't even hold his gaze for more than a few seconds. I had heard rumors about him...that those men who were chained to the walls of the dungeon were put there by him.. It is said that he handled all of Dalia's affairs. A chill ran through me as I glanced at Alden who quickly straightened his back, his presence just as powerful if not more. Alden didn't scare me though, because he was the one I knew the most in this castle...he was the one I trusted the most. Dante glanced at Alden, giving him some type of warning as Alden leaned closer to me. "It seems that you will be serving more than one person today." He stated flatly, warning me of my impending doom pretty much... My eyes widened..I wanted to turn and run right back to my way in hell! Alden gave me a knowing look and shook his head slightly, causing me to bite my lip anxiously. How was I supposed to serve Dalia? What was I going to do? Every inch we got closer to the dining room the thicker the air became. My nerves rising to an all-time high. I glanced at Alden, wishing he would be coming in with me but all he did was give me a sympathetic look and open the doors, his eyes moving to Donavan as he stared him down. Donavan didn't do a thing, his expression still cold and his stance unwavering. The doors slowly opened and Dante whispered to me quietly. "Good luck." His voice was so low only I could hear...yeah, I was going to need it.
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