Chapter 17-What Will You Give Me?

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(Amira) "Come." Kamaris's voice boomed loudly, causing me to jump. I stayed kneeling for a moment, not sure who he was speaking to until the man next to me turned his head towards me. I glanced up, forgetting I wasn't supposed to look Kamaris in the eyes, and met his gaze. Blackness filled those once blue orbs..even the whites of his eyes were pure black. Kamaris smirked, his finger beckoning me to come to him as I slowly rose..feeling my legs shake uncontrollably as I walked past the man in red who was still kneeling. I ascended the steps and crept up the stairs slowly, my heart pounded so loudly in my chest that the sound was deafening in my ears. I slowly walked forward, keeping my gaze glued to the floor below me out of fear. "Alden, that will be all." The Lord of Darkness ordered as he spoke loudly to the man who escorted me here. I quickly noted his name as I inched closer to the thrones. The man on the most terrifying throne kept his gaze glued to me. His eyes burned my skin as they wandered my body, willing me to look at him, causing the air to grow thick around us. As soon as I reached Kamaris, he pointed to the ground, signaling me to kneel once again. My heart began racing as I lowered to the floor slowly, my knees pressing into the red carpet and my body tensing as I kept my gaze below me. "Good girl." Kamaris whispered, his voice coming out low as it rumbled through me, causing my stomach to twist into knots. I had to fight the reaction my body wanted to have..the feeling of fear was still in the back of my mind as I swallowed hard. Suddenly Kamaris walked over to me, his leather boots filled my vision as I shifted on my knees slightly. His arm reached out before gripping my chin roughly. My body tensed from his cold touch, his hand forcing my head back, making my eyes meet his own before he spoke. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now." He said cruelly, causing my heart to drop. Kill me?! I blinked my eyes, the feeling of dread filling my body. The sad part was I couldn't even think of a single reason..why shouldn't he kill me? Because of our time in the dream world? Because I thought he cared for me..because I cared for him?..maybe because of Terik? My father? Why..why should I live, what reason did I have? Before I could even speak, the man on the left spoke for me. "Brother, let's not be too hasty..there is still use for her." He said with amusement in his voice, his body on the other hand looked tense as he sat at the edge of his throne, watching us intently. Suddenly I felt it, I hadn't realized Kamaris was pressing his long sharp blade against my throat, the metal so cold it felt as if my flesh were burning. He was serious, I was mere seconds away from dying. I closed my eyes, feeling that blade, wondering if this was how Theia had felt..if she too fell for the man that I met in my dreams. Had he tricked her as well? Was I destined to repeat her past? Kamaris laughed viciously, retracting his blade as he spoke. "How pathetic, you won't even fight to save your own life. Considering Theia took you over so really are weak-minded." He spat at me, causing me to flinch as he turned towards the crowd. "Bring her in." He shouted firmly. That's when I heard footsteps approaching as a female voice cried out, a woman had been thrown to the ground next to me, making my eyes widen in horror as I glanced over at her.. Elora..the girl from my time in Aeron. "Girl, tell everyone what you told us." The woman in the red dress now spoke, her words seeming to be filled with amusement. I watched as her snake slithered into her lap, its pink tongue flicking out as it seemed to be watching us just as much as everyone else was. Elora glanced at me, her eyes full of fear as her hands were tied behind her back, dropping her head as she opened her mouth to speak. "My Lady, I witnessed it with my own eyes...the lord of light's head had been turned, for the girl that sits before you." She stammered out, my chest tightening from the words she spoke, this can't be true. Kamaris went to stand in front of Elora, bending down and gripping her face roughly. "And how the f**k do you know this?" He asked harshly, staring into her with his cold black gaze before letting her go, causing her to fall to the floor as he now hovered above her. Elora began crying as she spoke, her eyes glancing at me briefly as guilt seemed to fill them. "My Lord, since returning to the crystal palace three days ago, he has met with the sibyl. Questioning if this girl now possesses half of Theia’s soul." She said between sobs, trying to stop herself from crying as she lay on the floor, her hands still bound behind her. My heart dropped, seeing Elora like this, why was she did they get to her? And the things she spoke made absolutely no sense...Terik thinks I have half of Theia’s soul..How is that possible? The woman in red leaned forward as her eyes flashed with excitement. "Yes..what did they say?" She asked curiously, hungry for the information. Elora cleared her throat and tried to sit back up, prompting Kamaris to kick her back down to the ground. "My Lady, It is possible that if the soul did in fact split, then they said the girl could possess the mirror soul..He seems to believe it's true." Elora explained shakily, hoping her answer would satisfy the other woman. "Interesting.." The woman spoke to herself, thinking through everything Elora had said as she lazily stroked the yellow snake in her lap. Kamaris walked back to his throne, looking towards the woman next to him and then turning back towards us as he spoke brutally. "Kill her." He ordered nonchalantly as if he didn't give a care in the world. My eyes widened as Elora gasped, the guards approaching her as she yelled out. "My Lady, you said me and my family could go free, you promised me!" She cried out, her words echoing through the hall. I turned to her, panic filling my chest as she looked towards me with fear. I couldn't just sit here and let this her be killed just because the lord of Darkness said so? "" I spoke up for the first time, my own voice surprising me as it was firm and clear. Kamaris turned his head to look at me, smirking widely as his hand rose, halting the guards immediately. "So you speak to save another, but not even for your own life." He scoffed before a wicked grin pulled at his face as he stood and walked towards me slowly. I watched as his leather boots now appeared right in front of me before he squatted down, making himself closer to my eye level. "What will you give me spare this girl's life?" He asked curiously, his voice laced with humor, knowing I had nothing to give... I looked over at Elora, feeling my heart ache because I knew she had a family...she had people she loved and who loved her back. Her life was worth so much more than my own...that's when I knew what I had to give. I turned to Kamaris, meeting his gaze as that wide grin stayed on his face like he already knew what I was about to say. "I will give you my life for hers." I blurted quickly, keeping my head raised and refusing to let this jerk intimidate me...this man was nothing like the one I knew..not like the one who I hoped would save me. At least if I were to die right here, I know I did it to save another. All of this would've been worth something. Kamaris stood up as his sword appeared once more out of a dark shadow that swirled out of him, causing the man on the left to stand abruptly. "Kamaris..we need her, this is our only chance to get Theia." The man spoke quickly, making the woman in the red dress snap at him. "Son, we have other ways to get Theia, if this is what your brother wants then we can not refuse." She said almost too she couldn't wait to see my blood spilling on the floor. That's when I realized what she had just said..she was their mother. She looked the same age as them..if anything I thought of her to be their sister. Kamaris walked up to me, gripping the top of my hair as he pulled my head back roughly, baring my throat. "Gideon probably just wants to add her to his collection." The other man muttered in a snarky tone, his dagger now gripped in his hand as he smiled wickedly. "Axton, do not speak." Their mother hissed at him causing the snake to suddenly turn towards the young man and quickly follow him a clear warning as he sat back in his chair. Kamaris looked down at me, his eyes full of darkness, the black almost seeming to swirl as his smirk grew even wider and his breathing became ragged. "You give me your life? Is that what you wish to offer?" He asked darkly, his voice sharp like his blade that was about to slit my throat. I nodded, swallowing hard as I waited for my impending death. "Then your life I shall have." He agreed excitedly as if he were enjoying every moment of this. I slammed my eyes shut...anticipating the feeling of that cool steel against me once more as I suddenly a burning sensation rising from my chest..right above my heart where my scar once resided on my old body..where Theia had been pierced by the same sword. I felt as if my blood were boiling within..darkness pumping through my veins as I collapsed to the floor. That pain coursing through me and causing me to cry out in agony while I clenched my chest...had I been stabbed? Is this what dying feels like? Kamaris leaned above me, my vision fading as he whispered into my ear. "Your eternal life belongs to me." He stated cruelly as the pain overtook me, causing me to succumb to that darkness I knew all too well.. The sound of Kamaris's voice was the last thing I heard as it echoed through me, making my heart ache with a sadness I never knew possible..I wish I had never told Kamaris where I was..I wish I would've died in those woods, believing he truly cared for me..then at least I would've died blissfully unaware of the cruelty he could possess..yeah, that would've been much better than all of this...
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