Chapter 39-Breaking Down

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(Amira) I glanced over at Kamaris, the way he was behaving was definitely odd to say the least... I swear I heard him grumbling to himself as we walked away from the way..has to be my new favorite person. Just from the way he can get under Kamaris's skin so easily puts a smile on my face...and he doesn't seem to be afraid of him..I actually got the vibe that they might be...dare I say..friends.. Who knew the lord of Darkness would actually have a friend?! I have been shaken to the core by this realization. I felt Kamaris's arm tight around my waist as I bit my lip nervously. Was he seriously going to make me stay in the same room as him? I can't think too much into this..he will probably just make me do everything for him so the people here don't realize how much of a slob he is..yeah, that has to be it. The Dark Lord must be very insecure indeed. I noticed Kamaris staring down at me as we finally stopped in front of two large metal doors. Of course his room would be the most extravagant, he probably made Cinead give him his bedroom while we were here. I wouldn't put it past the dark lord. The doors opened and what was inside made my eyes widen. The room had a humongous bed right in the middle with a large stone fireplace in one corner and a red couch in front of it. Everything was decorated in reds and oranges. It was huge...the room also had a beautiful painting of women in flowing sheer fabrics on one of the walls..the women appeared to be lying on a grassy field with a stream running behind them. I stared at it for a few moments, admiring the art before walking over to another side of the room, noticing there was an open doorway. This room had a deep square bath built into the ground and a large sink and toilet on the side. Glancing back, my heart dropped as realization suddenly set in..there was only one bed. Looking at the couch, I quickly decided I would be sleeping there. I noticed Alden was still hovering by the front door as I turned my head towards him just as Kamaris was walking over. "That will be all." He snapped quickly, still seeming to be in this weird mood. "Yes, My Lord." Alden spoke just as the metal doors slammed shut in his face. Kamaris darted his dark gaze towards me..eyeing me up and down as I swallowed hard. I quickly turned my attention to the couch..realizing we were now alone. Yeah..we were alone a lot of times..but right now..something felt different..the look in his eyes made my stomach flip as I tried to avoid it at all costs. On my way over to the couch, I noticed a basket with a few pillows and blankets inside and I swiftly grabbed one of each before placing them on the couch. "You aren't sleeping there." Kamaris barked quickly, causing me to take a deep breath, trying not to get angry. "Fine." I quipped with a fake smile before grabbing the pillow and blanket and stepping towards the fireplace, laying them on a plush rug. At least this was better than the cell.. "What are you, an animal?" He scoffed, walking over and grabbing the pillow and blanket off of the floor before throwing them back in the basket. "You are sleeping in the bed with me." Kamaris stated cooly causing my jaw to drop before whipping my head towards him, frustration filling me. "My lord, wouldn't you prefer if I slept on the couch..or perhaps the floor." I asked sweetly, forcing a smile and giving him either option. Something about sleeping in the bed with him scared me..that was too close.. "No." He answered quickly and walked towards the bathroom. "I would like a bath too." He glanced back at me over his shoulder smirking, his long black hair cascading behind him as the image of Kamaris in the bath flooded my mind. No Amira..don't do this to yourself.. I nodded stiffly and walked straight into the bathroom. I was trying not to grumble under my breath as I kneeled before plugging the tub and turning the faucet on. Suddenly Kamaris was right behind me, his hand touching my back gently as I froze in place. His fingertips were oddly warm as I held my breath, trying not to react. "You are practically skin and bones." He whispered, dragging his fingers up my spine, causing a shiver to run through me. I fought the reaction my body was trying to have as I locked my emotions away once more. I wonder why that is..I didn't say a word as I shrugged him off of me and went to look for a towel. What was his deal? I still hadn't gained much weight back since he locked me away for those seven days. I guess because I definitely don't eat enough. Annoyance filled me as I realized his mood was changing yet again. He had to be bi-polar or something I swear..sometimes it's like he is cold and unfeeling, other times he is like a damn child throwing a tantrum. I walked to the closest and opened it quickly seeing the towels high above me on the top shelf as I lifted on my tiptoes to reach them. That's when I felt Kamaris behind me...his body pressed against me as he reached over my head, grabbing the towel easily. His milky white hand slowly lowered with the towel in his grasp, pressing it against my chest as he wrapped his arms around me. I froze..feeling my breathing hitch as my heart practically beat out of my chest as his cool ocean scent surrounded me. "Did it hurt? When you realized I wasn't that same person you met in the dream world?" He asked me with a serious tone, his words burning into me as my heart dropped. Kamaris's hands began to wander down, touching me gently before settling his large palms on my hips. I just nodded my head, the words he said cutting me deep as I felt ashamed by my answer. "I hated f*****g much..the mere thought that you were a piece of her..that you might have her you love him, Amira? Do you think about him every night and wish that you were with him?" He asked me desperately, making confusion rush through me as I tried to turn but was held firmly in place. "Answer me!" He yelled, causing me to jump as I let out a startled gasp. Could he have found out that I fell in love with the Kamaris from my dreams? That I still think about him every night... "I..I do..I mean..I did..but, I was a weren't the same person.." I rushed out, feeling those unshed tears I had tried so hard to keep from spilling over now trickle down my cheeks. "Wait..what did you say?" He suddenly asked, making me freeze as I blinked my eyes and tried to think back to what he asked..could he have been talking about someone else? But who? "N..nothing.." I squeaked, making him turn me around before gripping my arms roughly as his gaze bore down into me. "Who were you just talking about Amira..tell me right now." He spat, his words were rough and filled with desperation. "Why? You will just use it against obviously despise tricked me and lied to me and I don't know why I feel this way..I don't know why I hold onto that small sliver of hope that this was all some type of nightmare..that I will wake up in those woods and be with him again. I would rather have died in that darkness than live this cold pathetic life with this version of you!" I yelled, my hands slamming on his chest as all that pent-up rage and sadness came rushing out. Kamaris just stood there, his eyes burning into me as the next words that slipped from his mouth shocked me. "I wish we could go back too..but we can't and I'm done fighting this." And that's when his lips crashed to mine, his mouth gliding across my skin as he kissed me with such raw passion that it took my breath away. I felt his hands lift me up, those shadows I have grown so used to swirling around us as their touch heightened all of my senses, making me groan out in pleasure. Every inch of Kamaris consumed me..his kiss was like fire brushing across my flesh, igniting this spark that I have hidden for so long and letting it engulf me. That's when I felt my back hit something soft, the lights around us dimming as only shadows filled my vision..shadows and those blue eyes I remembered so clearly. He was Kamaris was back. I threw myself at him, my lips smashing to his greedily as I let his hands wander my body, stripping me bare until I was naked before him. Kamaris sat back, his eyes wandering up and down my flesh while dragged his palms down to the curves of my breasts, letting his shadows circle my now hard n*****s as I threw my head back and moaned. Every inch of me was being touched and explored, my body tingling with desire as neither of us said a word. Our heavy breaths were the only thing between us as his silky hair fell over his shoulder before dragging across my stomach, tickling my skin. "Open for me." He commanded, making me bite my lip before spreading my legs as my mind struggled to focus. "You belong to me one else will ever have you." He declared, his eyes darting to my bind mark as I swear it began to glow. "Say it..say you are mine and I will give you everything you desire." He commanded, his shadows continuing to circle my breasts and throat as I let out a gasp. "I'm..I'm yours Kamaris. I have always been yours." I confessed, stripping myself bare as I spread my legs, letting him see all of me. That's when I felt him at my core, his tongue slipping out and swiping up my p***y, making me jolt as his shadows tightened around me. The inky tendrils slipped down my arms and wrapped around my wrists before locking them above my head. Next, they made their way to my ankles, spreading me wide as I tried to force my thighs together instinctively. "Your body is mine.." Kamaris growled before burying his face deeper against my p***y, causing me to cry out as he lapped and feasted on my core. It felt like I was being taken to a place I never knew existed like my body truly was his, and every nip and suck made me fall deeper and deeper into his grasp. "f*****g perfection." I swear I heard him mumble with dozens of other amazing things that I have only dreamed of. I felt my stomach tighten, the feel of his teeth nipping at my clit made my body jerk as the shadows tightened around my neck, causing my head to grow lighter before I couldn't take it anymore.. I moaned, my body being thrown over an invisible ledge as I twitched and cried out in pure ecstasy. The pleasure was so blinding that I lost all sense of awareness until I felt him above me, his mouth kissing my breasts as he too seemed to climax from the use of his hand, spilling himself across my stomach before rubbing it in slowly. I was left gasping for air as the shadows slowly slipped away, freeing my limbs as Kamaris crawled behind me, his hands circling my waist before pulling me flush against his chest. "Sleep now." He whispered, making my body obey his every command as I felt my eyes growing heavy. I was left wondering..what the hell just happened and why did it feel like I was finally a missing part of me I had lost for so long has finally been returned..he returned to me..
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