Chapter 40-Is This A Trick?

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(Amira) I stretched my arms out, my body feeling sluggish as I tried to remember where I was, that's when everything rushed back to me..making my eyes snap open as I realized I was naked and lying in to Kamaris. His eyes swirled with black and blue as he peered down at me, the hint of a smirk pulling at his lips. "Do you know you make little noises in your sleep?" He asked, making my cheeks burn red as I went to cover myself with my hands. "Does that make you shy?" He asked curiously as my gaze drifted down his body..he was just wearing a black silk robe, and the top had come loose, revealing his milky smooth chest..his firm muscles distracting me as I tried so damn hard to look away. That's when Kamaris pounced on me, his fingers wrapped around my wrists before pulling my arms out straight, revealing my breasts. "Don't hide from me Amira.." He growled, his mouth inching down towards me as I opened my mouth to speak, but all that came out was a tiny squeak. "I'm not holding back any gave yourself to me..and I vow to take you whenever I please." He stated cooly, making me swallow hard as I blinked up at him. "But..I..I thought you hated me." I blurted, making him laugh. "I hated how you made me feel Amira." He confessed before bending down and dragging his lips across my collarbone, making me let out a shuddering breath. "And how do I make you feel?" I asked bravely, feeling goosebumps prickle across my skin as he slipped his tongue out, making his way to my full breast. "Mad, annoyed, frustrated." He said slowly, stopping his exploration after each word and placing a soft kiss against my skin. Suddenly annoyance flashed through me as I turned my head and scoffed. "Well, that just proves my point..if you feel all of that..then you must dislike me a lot." I muttered, causing Kamaris's mouth to stretch into a smile as he hovered right above my hard n****e, distracting me yet again. "I feel those things because of what you do to drives me take up every space of my are all I have thought about since the moment I met you in those woods..and I hate it..I hate that you make me feel..I'm not supposed to feel." He explained, making my brow furrow as I was about to speak, but before I could, he wrapped his lips around my n****e and began sucking, causing me to groan out as my body exploded with excitement. "W..What..what do you mean..that you.." I tried to speak, feeling like I was going insane just by his touch alone as my words became scrambled in my brain. Suddenly Kamaris let go of my n****e with a pop before switching sides, giving that one just as much attention. "K..Kamaris..please!" I shouted, feeling my back arch as I pressed deeper into his mouth just as he bit down and groaned. His eyes peered up at me, revealing those ocean blues as I felt my stomach flip uncontrollably. "Come on Amira dear, use your words." Kamaris finally spoke, letting my n****e free before flicking it with his tongue. "What do you mean you didn't feel?!" I practically yelled, rushing out my words before he distracted me again. Suddenly he sat up, his legs straddling my waist as he let go of my hands and began trailing his fingers up, tracing the curves of my body. "It's my punishment for killing Theia. They took away my emotions and gave me the title of Dark Lord." He stated like that was supposed to answer everything. I blinked my eyes up at him, trying to figure it all out as his eyes wandered my body greedily. "So don't have emotions?" I asked, that would explain why he was so cold sometimes. "I didn't..until you came around and f****d it all up." He said before smirking playfully as his hands wandered down to my hips. "I don't know how the hell I have been able to stay away from you for so long.." He muttered and just as I was about to say something else, he bent down and crashed his lips to mine. I was shocked by the sudden confession as his mouth dragged across me as he kissed and nipped at my flesh before he finally pulled away. "Come, we have to get ready for dinner." He stated before biting my breast and then my lips, leaving a mark on both. I guess some things stayed the same.. "Amira..I want you to be on your best behavior tonight." He whispered deeply as his hand lifted before he brushed my golden brown hair to the side. The touch of his fingertips grazing my skin caused my heart to race as I peered up at him. " this real? This isn't some type of trick is it?" I suddenly blurted, my eyes searching his blue orbs as they seemed to soften even more. Before I knew it, Kamaris placed his forehead against mine while peering into me. "It is not a trick..I promise..and I will explain more later okay? But at this dinner, I will be keeping my distance. There might be a few guests there who can't know about this." He explained, making me feel even more confused as I just nodded my head and watched as Kamaris went to stand. I went to hop up and retrieve his clothes but Kamaris suddenly reached out, circling his fingers around my wrist. "Come here for a moment." He whispered, making my stomach flip as I slowly walked over towards him. "No matter what, you do only as I you understand me?" He stated before reaching out and cupping my chin. "Yes, my lord." I quipped, making a frown twitch in the corner of his lips as he searched my gaze. "Say my name Amira." He breathed, causing me to blink up at him rapidly. "Kamaris." I whispered his name, causing his eyes to shut briefly before he took a shuddering breath. "Good kiss me." He ordered, making me rise onto my tiptoes as I kissed him gently which apparently wasn't good enough because before I knew it, Kamaris had his tongue down my throat. After seeming satisfied, he pulled back but not before biting my lip and leaving his usual mark...oddly enough..this time I didn't mind it. That's when I felt my skin begin to tingle as I looked down at my body. I was wearing a dark blue dress with a wide v-cut that revealed my bind and had slits on either side showing off my legs. Kamaris wore a matching silk top and black pants. I couldn't help but blush as the top two buttons were undone on his shirt, making me swallow hard as I gazed at the moon-white skin of his chest. "Come here." He commanded roughly, making me step to his side as he wrapped his arm around my waist and then I felt that familiar weight in my ears, knowing he made those earrings magically appear once again. "And Amira, we will go to see the Sybil in two days. Then we will learn more about your soul..whether you share a part of Theia or not." Kamaris informed me, his eyes turning black once more as he seemed to become the lord of darkness right before my eyes. I went to step forward, feeling him grip my waist tightly before stopping me abruptly. "Fuck..just one more kiss..then we will go." And with that, he smashed his lips to mine..showing me that things really have changed because the way he kissed me was even more passionate than the last..could he really have feelings for me? Because if not..then I'm screwed and made the biggest mistake of my heart is all in on this..and that might be bad, very very bad.
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